
Geovani's 2nd Staff App

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As a member of SMT, I see Geovani as a superb applicant. Geovani has been committed to the Clone Trooper regiment ever since his return which clearly proves strength and competence in commitment.

Geovani also has experience in the use of ULX and Admin Permissions, although we have transitioned to SAM’s, ULX is very similar and shows that Geovani can be trusted with such ability.

The application itself is also great, and I believe having a Commander of such a tough regiment to control would be very beneficial to not only the regiment, but also the server as some admins may not be able to see or handle situations that Geovani sees every single day, Geovani is a great applicant.


former ct 2245 bong

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+1 Good Commander and i think ULX will help him improve trainings within CT 

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                                                                                                        41st SGT 


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Unfortunately you weren't chosen for Staff this time.

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