
The Administrator

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The Administrator


Duties: Governing the distribution of data and Administration of Duties. 'The Administrator' is more of an editor and not a writer. In fact, SCP Command has barred him from authoring any work, stating that 'favoritism' and 'conflicts of interest' were the reason his duties must be remain strictly administrative. It is rumored that he documents SCPs under a pen name, though no one knows as who.

Biography: Though never being labeled as an SCP himself. 'The Administrator' has been known to exist for much longer than the typical span of a human life. He shows no signs of aging, the oldest SCP personnel stating that when they joined the organization long ago, the oldest personnel at that time stated that 'The Administrator' had not aged since they had joined the organization, and in reality, the oldest personnel at that time had stated the same, and so on.

'The Administrator' has a penchant for suits, fine liquors and loose women, resulting in his acquaintances typically being people of power in government. He has been friendly with people of many political stances and is generally well liked if not respected. When he does become angered, even heads of state are quick to appease him and commonly offer sincere apologies.

It has been noted that he has a habit of keeping his hands together, never bringing them more than a few inches apart, even when reaching for things. Though he is seen as slow and even at times sluggish in nature, he has displayed amazing feats of strength when needed on several occasions.




The Administrator is an enigmatic being that is theorized to have been the founder of the Foundation. There has been no concrete evidence as to their continued existence, as it has widely been accepted by the anomalous community that members of the O5 Council founded the organization themselves. Though, some fringe members and even a few Foundation employees believe that they exist or existed at one point

Eventually, the Serpent's Hand discovered several Administrators that have existed throughout the history of the prime universe and its offshoots, documenting the information in the Wanderer's Library.



Keycard Level 5

Elastic restrainment cuffs


Face scanner


Stun Stick

Suicide pills




Never show youre ID only the O5 council know that you are Existing


Stay in EZ or HCZ   you can go on the Surface but need to watch out for CI or Sarkic 


If there is a Breach or a Raid go to the safest spot you are the importanst person of the foundation


Let the other Site Administration make their job just give orders to the O5 council


If you get caught take suicid pills the foundation security stand over youre live 



Managment (if you wanna get one of the managment read this and DM me on Discord)


Owner-Andre Wolf

Manager-John killvel

over guys need to write me on discord and i choose guys Mux#9544



 In-game Name:

Steam ID:

Discord name and Tag:


Warnings (10 Max):

How Old are you:

any Past experince in the Site Administration:

Why should we pick you as The Administrator?(200 words min):

what is the purpose of the Administrator:

what is the O5 council:

How did the Serpents Hand get information about The Administrator:

Do you Understand the Rules of SCP;Rp (one word is not a answer):

Do you understand the Rules of the Administraitor (one word is not a answer):




The Administraitors outfit is the same as the Ethics commitee 

Extra Information


The Admistraitor get 8000$ sallary 

Only 10 pepole can get whitelisted for the Job

All what there is standing copied from web this is all informations what the SCP wiki and the SCP database got


Edited by Andre Wolf
New Manager

I try my best that somebody like me

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Current Ranks: ICRP Senior Administrator

Previous Ranks: 201st Sergeant, Heavy Weapons Leader, 41st 2nd LT, Senior Assassin, Sith Sub-Path Leader, Battalion Lieutenant Colonel, 501st Vice-Commander/Lieutenant Commander, DarkRP Admin, Deathrun Admin, CG Colonel, SCP RP Super Admin. SCP-096, The Serpants Hand, CI Delta, IJAMEA, O5-3. Site Director, GOC, Echo-14, MC&D Salesman, Anderdon Robotics Robot, Sarkic Karcist/Vice-Manager, SCP-1048 (When WL), Head Researcher, MTF E-11 Commander, Ethics Committee, Church of the broken God Maxwellism/Orthodox, Harrow-23 Manager And NU-7


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10 minutes ago, Bread said:

I think that this is a poor job idea that won't give any benefits to the server and will act as a job that already exists on the server

so when we have O5s why not The Administrator too

I try my best that somebody like me

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1 minute ago, Sammy said:

Honestly I think it would be an intreating thing to have, in my eyes personally it would act as a watchful eye over the foundation for the O5 council

this is good right?



I try my best that somebody like me

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beside the fact that Howling rex the O5 manager is already the administrator.

this is a terrible idea just another fuck nugget whos going to overrule the SD for no fucking reason.

There is zero need for this job everything that needs to be done in terms of administration can be handled by the SD, ECM, HoEA or O5

All I see this job doing is sitting there and waiting for an O5 to say some retarded shit and then yelling at him.

I already think having an O5 on the site is a bit of a fucky thing since if the SD/HoEA/ECM is competent the O5 does basically nothing, so having another person above the O5 would just be a nothing job doing nothing.

Had a bunch of WL but the cool ones are that I currently have.

Marshall, Carter and Dark Salesmen (Current manager)

Alpha-1 Commander

O5-8 "The Gangster"

Director of the Department of External Affairs

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58 minutes ago, Andre Wolf said:

The Administrator is an enigmatic being that is theorized to have been the founder of the Foundation. There has been no concrete evidence as to their continued existence, as it has widely been accepted by the anomalous community that members of the O5 Council founded the organization themselves. Though, some fringe members and even a few Foundation employees believe that they exist or existed at one point

Eventually, the Serpent's Hand discovered several Administrators that have existed throughout the history of the prime universe and its offshoots, documenting the information in the Wanderer's Library.

this more or less lore says nothing about what you do

Had a bunch of WL but the cool ones are that I currently have.

Marshall, Carter and Dark Salesmen (Current manager)

Alpha-1 Commander

O5-8 "The Gangster"

Director of the Department of External Affairs

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I just wanted a new Site Administration the Administrator is easy to make for the server team because they all have allready the stuff they need and sometimes make O5 dumb moves in an RP and this is why the Administrator should be in

I try my best that somebody like me

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Just now, Andre Wolf said:

and idc if Howling is the O5 manager or owner this is Forum not RP we need such a guy in RP too

If an O5 is being retarded make a video and send it to howling 

Had a bunch of WL but the cool ones are that I currently have.

Marshall, Carter and Dark Salesmen (Current manager)

Alpha-1 Commander

O5-8 "The Gangster"

Director of the Department of External Affairs

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What would this add that the O5 Council does not already add? What if people powertrip on this job? Why does it need/have suicide pills if O5s don't? Why can there be 10 Administrators at one point when (iirc) there's only one at a time? Why would the highest ranking member in the entire Foundation be in a site where there are like, 20-ish SCPs, most of them being euclid or keter.

And the ultimate question: Why is this needed?

There are so many questions and not enough answers to the point where I believe that you made this thread so that on the (non-existent) chance it gets added, you'd have a job to powertrip on.

Going by the fact that Matthew recently blacklisted you from FA & DoEA for you not understanding the chain of command along with being toxic that even if on one night where Xunt or Norra were drunk out of their mind and decided to accept this, I highly doubt you of all people should have management, especially on a job that has that much power.



just punch through his fucking head

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I love the administrator 



I mean I wouldn't even trust you with SD WL do why would i trust you managing a group higher than O5?

1 hour ago, Andre Wolf said:


If you get caught take suicid pills the foundation security stand over youre live 

Wtf does this even mean


1 hour ago, Andre Wolf said:

Stun Stick



Overall this is just a bit of a mess.

Maybe It wouldn't be bad having an active administrator but I wouldn't trust anyone with it.



I am here to launder money

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1 minute ago, Andre Wolf said:

He will be the Overseer from the O5 council

Missed the entire question, I asked what will he do on the site, RP wise, and day to day things. 

This the issue, alot of people look at the O5 Council and don't realize that there isn't a straight goal, you have to be creative and make your own path. 

That being said, this job is necessary and already exists. 

3 minutes ago, Andre Wolf said:

 i can get better information and make a new application

Please don't make another one, just so people won't add onto this track wreck, but, read the lore, it's good. 



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