
Pewp's Unban Request

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Wow, I do not know what to say, This guy has helped me so much in my life. He has been there at my lowest to get me back up on my feet. He motivates me to do better and whenever I feel like giving up he always lends a helping hand. Pewp may have been a sinner before but Allah forgives and he deserves a second chance. Please unban my brother #stayhard

former black soldier with sniper for grand army of republic on werwolf gaming starwars rp

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17 hours ago, Lewis said:


- You haven't put much effort into the unban request seems as its permanent. At least right something meaningful.
- Even though you may have not edited the channel, you still made a laugh about it and joked about someone being dead.
- When you were on the server, you were just toxic. That is the only way to put it. I do believe that people can change and you have been on TeamSpeak once or twice and I have been able to actually have a conversation with you.
- I don't think bringing Benji, Recap and Ewan to your unban request so it looks like positive feedback is the best way to getting yourself banned as it does reflect negatively in my opinion.


Lewis says it all, I wasnt here when it happened but even so you dont seem to think you did anything wrong and you havent put much effort into the unban request. 

Having your friends respond to your unban request isnt the best look instead you can message them on discord and tell them to stop because it just makes it worst. 

Making fun of someone´s who died due to his mental health will never be okay and I dont understand how you could have even done it in the first place. I dont even know how someone can do that and then ask for an unban request, in my opinion you should stay banned because that is never acceptable in any circumstances. Even laughing at that message isnt excusable. Someone died by suicide and you actually went on and laughed when somone made a joke about it. Even making that message in the TS channel is awful and you didnt even apologise for it in your unban request. I just dont think anyone who are able to do that should be let back onto the server.

Edited by Nesta

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33 minutes ago, Nesta said:


Making fun of someone´s who died due to his mental health will never be okay and I dont understand how you could have even done it in the first place. I dont even know how someone can do that and then ask for an unban request, in my opinion you should stay banned because that is never acceptable in any circumstances. Even laughing at that message isnt excusable. Someone died by suicide and you actually went on and laughed when somone made a joke about it. Even making that message in the TS channel is awful and you didnt even apologise for it in your unban request. I just dont think anyone who are able to do that should be let back onto the server.

Please go look a Theo's reply, I literally had NOTHING to do with it yet you are here writing a whole paragraph about it.

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53 minutes ago, Nesta said:

Having your friends respond to your unban request isnt the best look instead you can message them on discord and tell them to stop because it just makes it worst. 

why does it make it worse it's not like we're random people, we were there when it happened and we were all involved with it unlike half the people replying to this thread

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1 hour ago, Nesta said:


Lewis says it all, I wasnt here when it happened but even so you dont seem to think you did anything wrong and you havent put much effort into the unban request. 

Having your friends respond to your unban request isnt the best look instead you can message them on discord and tell them to stop because it just makes it worst. 

Making fun of someone´s who died due to his mental health will never be okay and I dont understand how you could have even done it in the first place. I dont even know how someone can do that and then ask for an unban request, in my opinion you should stay banned because that is never acceptable in any circumstances. Even laughing at that message isnt excusable. Someone died by suicide and you actually went on and laughed when somone made a joke about it. Even making that message in the TS channel is awful and you didnt even apologise for it in your unban request. I just dont think anyone who are able to do that should be let back onto the server.

are you ill? i can tell u havent put any effort in reading the comments and acutally understanding the situation. even though we are friends with pewp and theo it doesnt mean we have no right to justify this situation for pewp. i also think that pewp understands that laughing about someone who commited suicide is not ok.

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If those people that were there on that day/month are saying truth that you made fun of a guy that killed him self then you can fuck off and forget about this unban request. And keep being toxic in comments im sure you will get him unbanned.

Edited by Hazard

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2 hours ago, Recap said:

even though we are friends with pewp and theo it doesnt mean we have no right to justify this situation for pewp.

It's not the fact you are friends with Pewp, it's the way you are acting. You are making hashtags and acting like minges. This isn't a good look for any of you.

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Don't think I've ever seen a more polarizing thread before, this one's for the history books.

As for the actual unban appeal, I know you much better than the vast majority commenting on here and can say that you've acknowledged your mishaps and learnt from them. That being said, you weren't even banned because of that in the first place. People had their own agendas which lead to your ban, even if you weren't at fault whatsoever. I would've understood the backlash you got on this appeal had you actually been banned for the fuckup literally everyone is raving about, but you weren't.

At the end of the day I feel like both of us know the result of this appeal doesn't really matter as reputations will stick for better or worse and it'll be quite hard to once again engage with the community on a certain expected level, I suppose. That being said, I think they could give you another shot and I believe you are more than capable of proving yourself, if you can escape the shadow of the controversy. 

- love, jan 

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-1 auster Schumacher holds my children in a basement

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From what I and other current senior staff members remember of you is your toxicity, whether or not you did the TS channel thing or joked about it you're still an extrememly toxic person that the majority don't want back on the server.

We decided to let the senior staff team vote on it.


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