Mucky Mcfucky

Joris Bohsnons unban request

Recommended Posts I was banned for "Asking to be perma banned" I actually asked the admin to hurry up and ban me (he gave no apparent reason) He just saw someone with a similar name yesterday online who did rdm people (I didnt). He used something someone else did to ban me 

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Erm, I banned you, and I'd like to say somethings.

- No, I did not just ban you cause I saw someone with a similar name yesterday. I said that you had RDM'ed someone yesterday as I went through your warns to see what kinda history you had as I recognized you from yesterday as begin a minge.

- You said "Hurry up and perma me already" or something along those lines and that was not the reason I banned you for.

- "He used something someone else did to ban me" No I did not, are you serious? I brought you into a sit because someone had complained about you minging with text screens as you decided to spam a bunch all over SCP-049 CC like "Brown skin cute?" then after talking to you, looking through your warns, I decided to give you a 5 day cooldown as you've clearly had no intention of RPing and had managed to get three warns already within two days. Before I banned you I wanted to atleast explain the rules to you so that you understood why you were begin banned, you then decided  to say things like "Oh I bet you're lonely" and other stuff similar, which I didn't do anything about as I still wanted to explain the rules, then you decided that you were bored and said "Hurry up and perma me already" and opened fired on the person who had called the sit, luckily I just gave him 1000 hp so that you couldn't kill him and banned you permanently as you clearly aren't wanted here.

(Next time, atleast give the full story before making a BS Story)




Edited by Johnwickisblak



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No Template, Banning Admin Literally Provided Evidence to Show you are in the Wrong, Lying in Thread. 

Tut tut tut. 

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