
Evilgejf's unban request

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5 hours ago, Nesta said:

-1 Neutral

The one thing that is making me say neutral is because it took him 3 years to get these 30 warnings but it is still 30 warns which is quite difficult to achieve. He got 30 chances to improve and he knew when he was reaching the late 20 warns that he was close to getting permabanned. He knew exactly what was going to happen. 

I´m someone who has to see and hear what he says and how he acts and I still think he is the same. He is an old time player but he has still been very toxic towards a lot of people in-game. If he is to be unbanned he should definitely be on a one warning basis but in my opinion his attitude would still need improvment (I know its not only his attitude against me but also people he speak to over other games).

You gave him 30 chances and how many more should he get and how soon after his unban? A lot of other people have had to wait for a longer time to get their chance to be unbanned and has been less toxic especially after he was given so many warnings and he was told off in GM for being toxic. He never really improved and it ended up with him getting a blacklist in GM due to the fact that he didnt want to improve his toxcitity.

Lost to your sister @Evilgejf
OMEGALUL | LUL in 2021 | Tattoos for guys, Reaction pictures, Know your meme

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Even after that much time playing, getting permanently banned and you're still interested in the server shows the dedication you have for the server.
He knows most of the server's playerbase and at this point it's just a meme with his whole punishments situation.



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Ok, a lot of opinions are being thrown around about this ban so instead of SMT deciding on the result, we brought it to Senior Staff. The results were very one sided as there were 0 +1s. Reaching the warn limit of 30 is a very difficult task to complete and basically having 30 chances to realise that you are doing something wrong and still carrying on is unacceptable. 
You may argue that a couple of the warns may be a bit strict or biased, that may be true but you still had 25+ chances to improve. As mentioned from a couple people who +1, you have shown dedication to get back onto the server and even since you got banned, you have always tried to come back and we are seeing that. Unfortunately, your resilience to come back doesn't outweigh the reason you got banned.

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