Jos Brech

Unban Appeal

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Server you got banned from:  #1 SCP-RP

Your name in-game: Jos Brech

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:95630988
Admins' name that banned you: No clue, it never specified any admin.

Admin's steamID: there is none.

Why did you get banned?: No reason was stated.

Evidence(Un-necessary): 20210621115312_1.thumb.jpg.251f3ee59c5c545c180d671fd68b83fe.jpg

Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: The fact that I had no reason why I was banned and by whom. I never got any warnings or never had an admin sit or bad experience with anyone that day already shows that this ban is unjustified. I nor got banned while I was on the server, I got banned when I was off the server. Not only that, but I have been Permanently banned without me receiving any warnings or even me doing anything major or even minor for this ban being justified. The only reason why I was frowned upon is that I killed a bunch of class D's when they were in the airlock and refusing to leave it I counted to 10 seconds gave them multiple warnings nor was I being a minge.

Anything else?: I hope that this Unban Appeal gives enough information to why I think I was unfairly banned I can't remember when I got banned the last time, but it must have been possibly 5 or 6 years ago.

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Gonna wait for staff to give reason for warn.

28 minutes ago, Jos Brech said:

I nor got banned while I was on the server, I got banned when I was off the server


28 minutes ago, Jos Brech said:

never had an admin sit

The reason you never had an admin sit is because you weren't on the server when you got banned....if you broke a rule, and LTARP'd, they're not gonna wait for you to join back to put you in a sit.

Edited by Joe Conner

Scprp is bad, run while you can!!
Good Night GIFDog Morning GIF
seal GIF 

  • SCP-RP Current Ranks: PlatVIPSCP-RP Administrator, Junior Developer, MTF Nu-7 NCO, Head Of Manufacturing Department (Owner), Head of External Affairs, Site Director, The Serpents Hand (Vice-Manager)
  • SCP-RP Past Ranks:   Organization for the Reclamation of Islamic Artifacts, Sarkic Cultist, Marshall Carter N' Dark Salesman, Ethics Committee Member, Epsilon-11 Commander, Unusual Incidents Unit Special Agent in Charge (Vice-Manager), GRU-P, Head Researcher, Internal Security Department, SCP-096
  • HLRP Past Ranks:  Civil Industrial Union Journeyman, Civil Medical Union Nurse
  • CW-RP  Past Ranks: PlatVIP, Combat Engineer COL, Adv Medic
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I understand that this Unban Appeal is sincerer than others and less apologetic, but I really have no clue for what I was even banned for, nor did I break any rules. If it comes off as a little bitchy, sorry, but I'm a little salty for a permanent ban without a proper reason. Thank you for reading my Appeal.

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5 minutes ago, Joe Conner said:

Gonna wait for staff to give reason for warn.


The reason you never had an admin sit is because you weren't on the server when you got banned....if you broke a rule, and LTARP'd, they're not gonna wait for you to join back to put you in a sit.

This is a valid point, but I never had any warnings or broke any rules. And even if I did, there were more than a dozen or so admins online so even if I did, I would have probably been put into a sit or an admin would have told me since I was longer on the server than for +5 hours.

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Yes, I was originally pulled into some sit from an Admin, but It was voided for a lack of evidence for me doing actual MRDM I killed all of them in the air lock and I also showed this in my Appeal. Like I said, I gave them multiple warnings and I also gave them 10 seconds. Please read my entire Appeal, thank you.

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Yes, I was originally pulled into some sit from an Admin, but It was voided for a lack of evidence for me doing actual MRDM I killed all of them in the air lock and I also showed this in my Appeal. Like I said, I gave them multiple warnings and I also gave them 10 seconds. Please read my entire Appeal, thank you.


I would also like to say multiple guards were with me that also did it, they never got banned nor pulled into a sit. Still despite that I never got any warnings before and if you did see me in the air lock and if you were watching me before then it would have made sense that I was pulled into a sit or then banned for it while being on the server. It makes no sense for me at all to get banned for that sit that got voided or for me to be banned after leaving the server, so that no sit for me had to be done. Or for my voided sit then to have a mind change, so it would count as a MRDM and then result in a permanent ban.

Edited by Jos Brech
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Hello there, Jos Brech!

I am here to clarify, I am the person that banned you. 

Seeing the logs with your name all over them with you killing the Class D's and multiple witnesses I was certain you needed to be banned.
I might've had a sit with you before, I think I did, sadly I can't quite remember the reason, though It might've been something minor or the same subject. (MRDM).

As Cal Reece mentioned You were banned for MassRDM and LTAP, I banned you because you killed all the Class D's and just left shortly after.

Because you left I was unable to pull you in a sit and ask you why you killed all of those Class D's. But After seeing your unban request, and seeing that you (at least tried.) giving the Class D's countdowns and continuining to open their door, because that has to be done aswell of course, you are being professional about this, I'd be more than happy to give people second chances!

Thank you and good day.

Edited by Kaneki Frost


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Okay so I need to say a few things about this:

A: This just isn't LTAP.
LTAP is as I need to remind alot of people "Leaving to avoid punishment" - This means the player left with the reason he tried to avoid the punishenment he would have gotten. The consquence of this is that a Player can only be punished for LTAP if the Staff can say that the Player knew they broke the rule, which clearly is not the case here, and is hard proof since there is litterally 0 evidence supporting this( as you know, killing alot of people, does not automaticly mean they mass rdm'd - and Staff should never assume so).

B: There is also no Evidence for MRDM either, the only thing qouted here is "witnesses".
Witnesses are not evidence in any form, and every Staff Member learns that in their Trial ( so its not some hidden/ not writtten down rule, its offical)

The Punishments should be given out on the basis of  “Guilty beyond a reasonable doubt”, I do not see how you can be sure that he MRDM'd, if you have no have not talked to him nor seen video evidence of anything, unless the assumption is that it is tottally impossible that 10+ D Class are actively refusing orders.


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