Samuel Crusader

My unban request

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Server you got banned from: WG SCP-RP

Your name in-game: Samuel Crusader

Your SteamID:   STEAM_0:0:580783064

Admins' name that banned you: Plague Asomodeus 

Admin's steamID: un able to obtain

Why did you get banned?: NH2RP 


Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: Over the past few months I've had a serious think about my actions on this server. I think I deserve to be unbanned because I've changed over the duration of these few months and I think that due to my consideration of my actions on this server i should be unbanned and whilst I'm here I also sincerely apologise to anyone who I harmed during my time in this server it was wrong and I should have been more careful of what I did during my time in this server.

Anything else?: I am very sorry for what i did...

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1 hour ago, Samuel Crusader said:

Over the past few months

Has been little over a month only, you got banned around like 23/5/2021 or smthn

Scprp is bad, run while you can!!
Good Night GIFDog Morning GIF
seal GIF 

  • SCP-RP Current Ranks: PlatVIPSCP-RP Administrator, Junior Developer, MTF Nu-7 NCO, Head Of Manufacturing Department (Owner), Head of External Affairs, Site Director, The Serpents Hand (Vice-Manager)
  • SCP-RP Past Ranks:   Organization for the Reclamation of Islamic Artifacts, Sarkic Cultist, Marshall Carter N' Dark Salesman, Ethics Committee Member, Epsilon-11 Commander, Unusual Incidents Unit Special Agent in Charge (Vice-Manager), GRU-P, Head Researcher, Internal Security Department, SCP-096
  • HLRP Past Ranks:  Civil Industrial Union Journeyman, Civil Medical Union Nurse
  • CW-RP  Past Ranks: PlatVIP, Combat Engineer COL, Adv Medic
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I'm rather apalled that you have the audacity to make an unban request only slightly after a month & say that you've changed for the better after being a nuisance for everyone, including SMT.

The fact that you were so combat orientated jobs that are generally meant for PassiveRP (e.g. Mayor with Samuel going to war with Foundation every other day) shows that all you wanted to do was shoot people and piss people off.

Once you were rightfully told to stop going to war with Foundation as Mayor, you stopped playing Mayor, which tells me that you played it to CombatRP specifically. The fact that you went SCP-035, the one SCP that can get guns is just hilarious, as it showed that you just want to play jobs that have access to guns and nothing else.

One thing I find funny is that you said "I'm gonna get blacklisted off of all CombatRP jobs so I'm forced to go for PassiveRP". It's hilarious.

I enjoy how you attempted to defend yourself when you tossed an actual good RP opportunity into the gutter by saying "I would have left had Moltke not shot me" when you clearly went straight for him.

It would be a huge mistake for SMT to even allow you close to the server, so do everyone a favour & stay banned.

In other words: You escaped Tarkov, stop trying to get back in.

just punch through his fucking head

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Kevin said it all really. You would do everything in your power to start combatRP and ruin the roleplay of others. Enjoy touching grass.

Head of External Affairs - Ewan Miles

Unusual Incidents Unit - Special Agent Prophet


Adytum's Gate Sarkic Cultist - Volutaar Ewan Miles


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16 hours ago, Fricky Hecks said:


I'm rather apalled that you have the audacity to make an unban request only slightly after a month & say that you've changed for the better after being a nuisance for everyone, including SMT.

The fact that you were so combat orientated jobs that are generally meant for PassiveRP (e.g. Mayor with Samuel going to war with Foundation every other day) shows that all you wanted to do was shoot people and piss people off.

Once you were rightfully told to stop going to war with Foundation as Mayor, you stopped playing Mayor, which tells me that you played it to CombatRP specifically. The fact that you went SCP-035, the one SCP that can get guns is just hilarious, as it showed that you just want to play jobs that have access to guns and nothing else.

One thing I find funny is that you said "I'm gonna get blacklisted off of all CombatRP jobs so I'm forced to go for PassiveRP". It's hilarious.

I enjoy how you attempted to defend yourself when you tossed an actual good RP opportunity into the gutter by saying "I would have left had Moltke not shot me" when you clearly went straight for him.

It would be a huge mistake for SMT to even allow you close to the server, so do everyone a favour & stay banned.

In other words: You escaped Tarkov, stop trying to get back in.



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