
improved unban request

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I forgot to say i am not asking for a unban I am asking for 1 month ban 


STEAMID: STEAM_0:0:508986058

Steam Name: Boris

What is the reason for your ban: Player pulling.

How long were you banned for: Perma banned.

Name of the staff member who banned you: Razor

Why do I believe that I should be unbanned: I believe I should'nt be fully unbanned but at least not perma banned, I know now that what I've done
was bad and I apologise for that, but at the time I didn't know that speaking to someone outside of the game about a different server was against the rules
as it isnt even stated in the rules that its not allowed, If I got a second chance I would like to prove to everyone that what I did I am very sorry for,
I will still take a punishment as I know I have done something wrong, but I think I deserve a second chance to prove people wrong that I can do good on this server.

Evidence: N/A


I know I made 2 other once but I made them when I was angry if I read them now I don't even know what I am saying, And he asked for infromation


Edited by Gijs
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Personally, through what I've seen regarding the Server Pulling issue, there are things that do need to put out there when considering the appeal of Boris here as well as I shall be putting forward my opinion on how this ban should be corrected as a timed ban instead of a permanent one.

The screenshots (In which I have permission off the source to attach to this comment) shows what he did for his ban.

So basically, Boris obviously has a long history of being a clown on the server. If anything, he enjoys it if he believes people genuinely have any sense of humour in it. Of course, he's clearly mistaken on that part since most of the server genuinely finds him to be either very annoying, cringe or all of the above. But regarding the situation of the Server Pulling ban, it genuinely isn't perma ban worthy. Regarding as to what happened in those DM's, the person who was talking to Boris obviously got the mention of another server Boris was playing on by Boris himself. In which he could've simply told Boris not to talk about the situation, however he persisted to know more about it. In which got Boris to dig his grave in that conversation. He spoke about the server and how it has similarities compared to WG, however the person Boris was talking to wanted to know more. Which continued Boris' stream of replies thinking he was just helping a guy out and talking to one of his friends. However in the following texts after Boris' perma ban, the person admitted to betraying Boris' trust purely because of what he believed felt right for Boris. Which proves his intentions to bait Boris into explaining more about the server to count that as a viable ban for server pulling.

I am only going off by what I see and currently believe as to what happened, however it is a strong opinion to go on. Regarding as to what I saw within this conversation, I don't believe this was permanent ban worthy. However, I do strongly believe this deserves at least 3 weeks to a month long ban which will give him plenty enough time to think about what he did and why it happened. However I do like to point out that the person Boris spoke to must also receive punishment if what was said in Picture 9 (where admittance was made) is in fact true which I believe to be.










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I dont know about the situation that happened but its clearly against the rules to player pull / advertise other servers, yes you might be sorry now and understand what you did is wrong but its too too early to appeal it at this time, it legit hasnt been a day, I say if you truly want to be unbanned at some point actually WAIT and rethink what you did. After that appeal again.

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My Third eye has been open by Toast. Certainly doesn't deserve a ban for talking about other servers in DMs. If Boris though he was talking to someone that he considered a friend why should he be punished for talking about another server, it's fucking gmod their's 1000s of other communities.

Edited by Geovani
Change my mind.

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+1          Boris did get lured into saying details about this other server by vlad and also by the message that boris said after it seems boris did not know that advertising a server was a bad thing to do. It also was in discord dms from someone that boris thought was his friend  Its stupid


Edited by Kodi

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First of all you have a history of minging and have many arrests and are blacklisted from many regiments and have shown no sign of improvement after all these. After you got kicked from DU you pestered DU Hierarchy and other members to get back in which resulted in you getting blacklisted and many have stated their disapproval of you because of your behavior

In the messages you were having a conversation when you started talking about how you played on a different server after which he said not to talk about it as its against server rules you still went and told him in detail about the server and told him if he got bored of werewolf to join that. The excuse saying "you didn't know" is wrong as you were told and acknowledged that you knew.

I recommend that you wait a while until appealing again as you were only banned yesterday and i dont believe you should be unbanned as of now 

Adding to do this because people are apparently blaming Vlad for this situation saying that he "Baited" Boris into saying this which I untrue as Boris started talking about it which Vlad responded saying that's its against server rules which it is, I no way did Vlad bait Boris too actually talk about the server as Boris willingly started explaining it which Vlad responded to with "Thats neat" which was after he had explained "how it has no minges" and "it has cool regiments" which he wasnt "baited" into saying, I will agree however after that point that Vlad did start saying stuff like "I might play" or stuff like that was fairly bad but 1st of all Vlad didnt join the server and 2nd of all he had this reported to SMT as it is in fact "Player Pulling" even if it happened on Discord or anywhere else that is considered OOC, willingly telling someone who plays on WG to join another server if "they got bored of WG" is bannable 

Its a known fact that many dislike Boris and as do I but if this ban was genuinely unjustified I would have no problem with having unbanned or his punishment reduced however since he did actually try to get Vlad to join the server and many other people have been banned on the server for doing the same thing I do not believe Boris should be unbanned baited or not baited it his responsibility to not tell people to join another server and in no way is Vlad responsible for what Boris told him so I will keep -1 until genuine evidence that Vlad manipulated him into saying these things so he could get him banned is actually presented 


Edited by Jim
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Allthought you might be sorry, what happened happened.  I also believe in what Jim stated that you weren't really "baited" into giving out the other server info, as the guy stated when you started talking about the server that "talking about other servers can get you banned for advertising" and yet you went on telling him more info about the server, so there isn't much that can be done, just wait some time to think this trought before making another appeal.

Also to add to this my only experience with you is you fucking around constantly durring the time I was collecting people for my SIM to the point where I had to warn you with laps just so you would stop disturbing other trainings around, so I don't really believe that you would change all that much even if this gets accepted.

Edited by Klavigar

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1+ Should be Unbanned But still deserves a warn 

Its in discord DM's and is just being asked about a server that he is playing on, and can see from the Messages that Vlad is asking him about the server and Boris is just saying what's in the server its not like he's going around to ever player in the server saying "join this server its so much better".

To me seems like he's been targeted and baited into this ngl. 

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just like toast said i dont think this should be unpunished but is not deserving of a perma ban since he wasnt going on the server saying join this server to loads of people he was just telling someone he knew about the server he was on after being asked. And as toast also said for the messages sent from what i can see it looks like to me hes being targeted just because some people on the server dislike him which i think is unfair. 

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A community ban is a bit much for something that was supposed to be in private, I think he shouldn't be unpunished. Personally, I think the length of the ban should be lowered. But all the evidence is there it's up to the admins, I don't have anything against Boris, so I think he should be unbanned.

Edited by Mrzim se
Spell checking
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You playerpulled and broke the rules and therefore deserves the ban. It should be shortened as he was kind of baited and told that he shouldnt tell anyone else because he can get banned. Vlad tried getting him into a false sense of security to tell more about the server but it should just be shorter or removed even though Boris can be very toxic and mingey at times.

Edited by Nesta

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Although I do not like Boris that much and he can be quite retarded at some times but I do not think this warrants a permaban. He wasn't necessarily trying to get Vlad to join the server only telling someone he thought he trusted about what he was doing at the time. In the dms its also clear that Boris had no prior knowledge that player pulling was a bannable offense. He kind of was baited into it by Vlad because even after telling Boris that he shouldn't tell anyone he continued to ask questions about the server and got him to say more. From the -1s he has received so far it is mainly people telling him that they don't like him and because of that he shouldn't be unbanned and those experiences that you have had with him in game shouldn't really have any weight when it comes to an ooc thing. Even if you don't like Boris you have to admit this situation is a little scuffed and he genuinely seems sorry,

I don't believe that their should be any punishment but if their is then it definitely shouldn't be permaban

Edited by Pending
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I think personally the fact it wasn’t directly on the server and he is sorry about what he did I think give him a time ban, I think perma ban is abit much for something that didn’t happen on the server and I did look also on the rules and didn’t see anything about not being allowed to talk about another server out of the server +1

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I've had some time to think about the whole ordeal after posting the initial comment that explained what had happened.

I firmly believe the ban should be changed from a permanent to a timed due to the scuffed up situation Boris was a victim of.

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I may not like boris because he is a gorilla sometime but there are some points here such as: It is in DMs with someone who he trusts, and also it seems as if vlad is baiting him out trying to get him to say more "OMG tell me more" and "I might join it ngl" and Vlad wasnt being like ayo dont talk about that but more of oh tell me more and it made it look like he wanted to get him into trouble and that was his only intention. Vlad never tried to tell him that its player pulling but instead was baiting him out to say more.

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3 hours ago, Paradox said:


I may not like boris because he is a gorilla sometime but there are some points here such as: It is in DMs with someone who he trusts, and also it seems as if vlad is baiting him out trying to get him to say more "OMG tell me more" and "I might join it ngl" and Vlad wasnt being like ayo dont talk about that but more of oh tell me more and it made it look like he wanted to get him into trouble and that was his only intention. Vlad never tried to tell him that its player pulling but instead was baiting him out to say more.

This is for everyone that said I did not tell him it was a bannable offense. I DID tell him you can get banned for it.

His answer to my statement? " I wasn't planning on telling anyone" >Proceeds to tell me that if I ever get tired I should help him. And true, the second half of the screenshots were fishy but by the time that conversation between me and Boris was ongoing his fate was already sealed.


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First off, the majority of the -1s on this aren't even related to the reason he was banned.

He clearly did not know that advertising/player pulling was an offence, asking "why" not even realising why this was an offence.


Even though Vlad did tell Boris this was a bannable offence, Vlad continued to encourage the conversation with questions like:

"What regs?", "how many players does (server) have", "So 128?", "Ssame maps?", "Like how are they much betterR?"

Some other notable quotes from Vlad include:

"Thats pretty neat", "Thats pretty cool", "Omg tell me more", "I am curious", "Tell me more once you are done"


I do not even believe this classes as advertising, he did not message this within the SWRP W-G discord, or in game.

Rules on advertising:

4. Do not advertise any other communities or discords, this is strictly a W-G discord for SWRP regimental and staff use.

2.3 - Advertising

2.3.1 - Using chat to advertise anything outside this community without permission from the server manager or CAT will result in a permanent ban from the server.

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Vlad encouraged into him into talking more about the regiment he didn't try pull him into a server. Player pulling is telling people of the community to leave this server and go over there, vlad was just asking questions and boris being the kid he is answered it.

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While this case is a little different to the normal unban requests, you were warned by Vlad in one of Frosticuffs' screenshots that you can be banned for advertising other servers; at which point you proceed to try and 'sell' this other server to Vlad, (even though Vlad did encourage this). As such, the ban is valid and will not be revoked at this time.





Credit to Loki for this.



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