Rex [W-G]

Rex's EP app

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Steam Name + Profile link: REX -

Roleplay Name (e.g. GM TRP Johan) 104th Vice Commander REX

Teamspeak Name:REX

Playtime on the Server:4 months, 2 days, 2 hours and 30 minutes 

SteamID ( STEAM_0:1:116494739

Any experience in staffing: yes staff before on different server

Current Age: 20


Do you have a working microphone and is it understandable?: yes

Event Plan:

Create an event plan, this is what we will use for your first training event. Make it easy to understand and original(Use the Template):

Map:  Vanqour

Clone Ecs:
B1 Heavies - 2k hp - x2

Commando Droids - 2.5k hp x6

Tank Droids - 1.5k hp x 2

Sniper droid - 3k hp x 1 (Depends on how many 41st are their)

Jedi Ec's

Sith Marauder  - 15k hp x 1 (starting guy)

Sith warrior - 50k hp x 2 

Sith Sorcerer (Powerful Force Lord)- 100k x 1

Republic's Execution:

Clone:  This is just a template of what could happen

Radio SOS call will come in from a crashing venator and will be asking for Battalion assistant. And will give location and radio comms will be lost.

The leading battalion will inform the clone that they will be leaving Base to assist the Venator on the planted that it has crashed on. When the clones arrive on the planet, hopefully then battalion will send 21st and 41st to Scout out and find the location of the Survivors which will be located at the bunker on the map which the crash survivors would leave a marker for them to see.

Once 21st and 41st have located the marker they are to radio in and let battalion know while keeping their eyes on the bunker entrance from a distance until order otherwise. Once Battalion know the location, they will Hopefully send the follow regiments CG, 501st and 104th to the bunker and push in with CG shields out in front just to be careful as there is a sign of struggle outside of the bunker.

While CG,501st104th   are to pushing into the bunker DUCTCE & 212th  will make their way to the FOB to make sure that it is secure as they arrive the gates open, and a black tank rolls out with 2 b1 heavies and attacks the regiments 212th will react fast and destroy the tank and DU will place down barricades for protection from the heavies. After the tank is destroyed DU & CE will set up barricades and mount the barricades alongside CT & the rest of 212th in case of an attack. Battalion will then order two members of 212th to enter tanks and patrol around for any more tanks which they will encounter another black tank and once that tank is destroyed, they will find another one in a random location.

When CG,501st104th & get to the last room and breach they will find a bunch of dead clones with a dead battalion member in the room and then the Commando Droids will pop out of clone behind them and attack. Then Battalion will hopefully sent 21st to leave their overview to assist at the bunker but as they ran toward the bunker, they will be sniped out by the Droid sniper which 41st will then locate and destroy the sniper droid and once that sniper is destroyed 41st will radio Jedi and say that they have found a Sith Looking Person standing outside a portal and then another Sniper Droid will start to shoot at 41stAs 21st move down the stairs, they will be greeted by a b1 heavy waiting for them. Once 21st kill the Heavy B1 the 3 b1 heavies will fire upon the FOB and the rest of 212th will be tasked with finding where the b1s are coming from. When 212th find that they are coming from the caves DU and CE will head over to the caves. DU will spawn barricades again for cover. Then DUCTCE & 212th will work together to destroy the B1 heavies coming out of the caves while CG,501st104th are under fire from the Commando Droid in the bunker still. 21st come in from behind and attack the Commando Droids. Once all the Commando droids in the bunker and destroyed the regiments in the bunker will then push towards the caved and meet up with DUCTCE & 212th. When arrived CGCE21st will hopefully order to sit on the barricades while 501st212th & 104th get ready to push passed the ray shield that Battalion will order CE to hack to remove it. At this time 41st will be encountering more sniper fire.

Once the Ray shield is down battalion will order the clones to push down with DU placing defences not knowing what is at the bottom of the caves. As they reach the bottom Commando droids and B1 heavies will attack to try and stop them from getting the Prisoner back that the republic didn’t know they had Once the all the droids are dead CE will then have to hack one more console to free the prisoner which is the Admiral of the Ship that crashed. Battalion will then get the clones to look around and find any more hostile while CE transport Regimental Medics and the Admiral back to the LZ so that Regimental Medics can give him a check-up. Then battalion will do debrief and swap maps.

Jedi:This is just a template of what could happen

Once GC have let Jedi know about the portal or if they have already found it at this point, they must try to figure out what the portal is for by taking to the man staying near the portal the man will not say much but will start to get angrier the more the Jedi try to speak to him. After some time of the Jedi trying to speak to the guy he will start to attack once he is dead a burst of energy from his body hits the portal and the Jedi are sucked into the portal that leads to a temple looking area where they encounter a dark robed guy siting in a chair being bowed down to by two other robed guys. When the Jedi speak try to speak to them the guy sitting down tells his fellow people to be silent while he speaks to the Jedi

The Guy sitting down tell the Jedi how he was once a powerful Jedi who now using the dark and light side of the force to become the most powerful force user in the universe. He will tell the Jedi that they are wrong and being powerful like he will be the way and he will see that Jedi and Sith will both be destroy and purposes that us as Jedi join him just like these two Sith just did and pledge your Allegiance to him. Once the Jedi refuse he tell his new followers to attack and prove their worth to him. Once both followers have fallen, he will say he has had enough and attack screaming I will prove you wrong and I am the most powerful being in the universe. Once the Jedi have defeated the guy the portal will activate and pull the Jedi back through to back to the start.

Event Character Execution:


The  commando Droids will stay were they are until the right moment and when the clones are in the bunker they will pop out and attack. Once the Selected Regiments have made it to the room with a bunch of dead clones the Commando Droid will pop out of cloak and attack the Regiments that are there. One they die at that spawn a good few times they will be moved to above the bunker to shot down at the clones. 


The tanks and b2 heavies will prep for 212th and the rest of the regs at the base. Once 212th and the rest of the regs arrived the EC's will attack straight away and try to gun down all the clones.The Tank EC'S will be placed in random locations. After the tanks are destoryed twice the tank EC will be swap to b2 heavies. 

Once this is done all spawn will be set to the caves behind the ray shield ready for the final stage of the event and the droids will prep for the fight of their lives


The first guy is to just stand and make sure no one goes through the portal and to not answer any questions he is asked & properly will die give due to low health to progress the story. The Sith Sorcerer who will be sitting down his job will try to get the jedi to turn and join his side and destroy the rest of the jedi and sith alike. The two Sith Warriors jobs will be to protect the Sith Sorcerer on his command to attack. They can taunt jedi if they wish.


Event Information:


The Cis have damaged a Ventor causing it to crash into a near by planet and hear the open comms SOS call to the republic and have landed some troops to capture the Admiral of the ship and kill the rest of his troops which they do. The republic will arrived in search of the saviours and must focus finding and saving the Admiral of the ship. The Cis aim to catch the Republic off guard so best to be careful with every turn.


The Jedi are here coz they had a report of a Sith Gathering but turns out they aren't Sith any longer but now the Proud followers of THE Powerful Force Lord as he calls himself. And the powerful force lord will try his hardest to get the Jedi to join his cause against Jedi and sith alike but once he  fails he will get his followers to attack the  Jedi once the Jedi defeat his followers he will attack and sadly the Jedi will have to defeat him.

Have you ever Done an Event Before?:Nope

What was your event and was it successfully executed?:n/a

Do you understand the responsibilities a event-planner has? If so, what are they?: 

The responsibilities of an Ep are to make good, Fun and enjoyable events for both clone and jedi and also the people playing as Ec in your event.

 Also the ULX power of an EP matches that of an Senior Admin which is a quite high rank in staff. An EP shouldn't interfere with staff matters unless  their are 0 staff online and people need help.  Also just because you have ULX power doesn't mean you can do what u want and abuse it.

The main goal is to try and make sure every single player has fun in each event and want to come back to play another one of your events. 

Do you understand at the beginning of passing the application stage, you will have to undergo a training phase until completely trusted to create and host events?:
Yes i understand and agree with this

Anything else?: Good Luck to every one who going for WG Event planner job 

Also sorry if the formatting is off i am not very good at formatting. Star war clone wars ep best

Edited by Rex [W-G]



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Detailed Application
High Rank
Has Great Experience in the Server

Current Ranks
-= Jedi Umbra - Spearman =-

Past Ranks
-= Event Planner - Obi-Wan Kenobi - Jedi Force Master104th Executive Officer -  74th T SMO =- 
Senior Medic - 501st Captain DU 2nd LT - CT DCPL =- 

Animated GIF

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+1 cool guy







Current Ranks

DS Commando F91

CWRP Deputy Event Manager

Honour Guard

Past Ranks

CT 2459

CE PFT Medic Colonel

Battalion Colonel

GM LT Colonel

5x Regimental Medic

Jedi Ace

CWRP Senior Event Planner x2

Jedi Watcher

501st Colonel

Jedi Shadow

Jedi Beast Tamer

Jedi Warlock

Jedi Paladin

Jedi Lorekeeper

Jedi Phantom

CWRP Jedi Event Planner

501st Gamma ARC Colonel

Obi wan Kenobi

Plo Koon

Mace Windu

Grandmaster Yoda





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You made a very nice event plan. Detailed and you have a story which is set out, which I must say, I do enjoy to think about very much. I also believe you took inspiration from other EPs in this plan which is exactly what I like to see.

My only concern is I don't believe I know you well enough. You are the VC of 104th and I still have 0 clue who you are. I will grant that I don't speak to 104th a lot but even then I cant comment on your character or your abilities. Hence why I will stay neutral on this app.

Good luck Rex,


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Thought out app

High rank 

Don't see you on much but could change if you get accepted 

Current Rank:


Past Clone Wars / IRP Ranks In / Out Character:

CT ARC Colonel / Temp EXO | 41st ARC Colonel / Temp EXO | Battalion 1st Lieutenant/Major | CG ARC Colonel / Temp Vice Commander 442nd Major IE Commander DT SGT Event Planner 

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