
Unban request

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Server you got banned from: SCPRP

Your name in-game: William Frost

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:62448448

Admins' name that banned you: Cal Reece.

Admin's steamID: Don't know.

Why did you get banned?: RDM.

Evidence(Un-necessary): Testimony from the other guy if you need to.

Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: I killed one of my colleagues I was messing around with after he continued to spawn radios that plays anime music. Afterwards he came back to jokingly cuff me to a wall after dying. Thing is, we both didn't have issues with it. The issues only arose once some uninvolved guy came screaming "FailRP" into their mic to just randomly get us both into trouble. I do not see the purpose behind mine or the other guy's ban. None of us were offended by each other and there was no net gain by having an admin involve themselves in our situation.

Anything else?: I believe it should be made standard policy for staff to not involve themselves when not needed, e.g. two players messing around not affecting anybody else. A player esentially calling for an admin on behalf of somebody who doesn't want it is just incredibly cringe.

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You RDM'd someone. Case and point. Someone had an issue with it, and I resolved said issue.
It was also a 1 day ban, by the time this gets reviewed you would have been unbanned already.

43 minutes ago, Primalis said:

Anything else?: I believe it should be made standard policy for staff to not involve themselves when not needed, e.g. two players messing around not affecting anybody else. A player esentially calling for an admin on behalf of somebody who doesn't want it is just incredibly cringe.

It will never be standard policy to allow FailRP


Edited by Oswald Bruner
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5 minutes ago, Oswald Bruner said:

You RDM'd someone. Case and point. Someone had an issue with it, and I resolved said issue.

You missed my point. Yes, you can argue "A rule got broken, so I banned him." But that way you ban for the sake of enforcing rules and not for the sake of the players. A random dude shouldn't get to claim issues with something between two other players. I don't think the way you handled the sit was good either, you !brought me, asked me why I killed him, got an answer you can ban me over, stopped listening and !returned me.

10 minutes ago, Oswald Bruner said:

It was also a 1 day ban, by the time this gets reviewed you would have been unbanned already.

Main reason for this appeal is to get the reason behind the ban reviewed. Maybe policy gets changed or not, either way, I tried.

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-1 no evidence and you will be unbanned by the time this is replied to. 

1 hour ago, Primalis said:

I believe it should be made standard policy for staff to not involve themselves when not needed, e.g. two players messing around not affecting anybody else. A player esentially calling for an admin on behalf of somebody who doesn't want it is just incredibly cringe.

if you break rules, expect to be punished. Don’t think because someone else is agreeing to it, it’s ok. 

Edited by Erich Von Wiegland
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1 hour ago, Primalis said:

You missed my point. Yes, you can argue "A rule got broken, so I banned him." But that way you ban for the sake of enforcing rules and not for the sake of the players. A random dude shouldn't get to claim issues with something between two other players. I don't think the way you handled the sit was good either, you !brought me, asked me why I killed him, got an answer you can ban me over, stopped listening and !returned me.

Main reason for this appeal is to get the reason behind the ban reviewed. Maybe policy gets changed or not, either way, I tried.


New player is defined as being over level 15, you were playing as combat medic, a level 20 min job
You have a previous 1 day ban for RDM
You admitted to it in sit, as seen by the clip below and the highlighted part of what you said earlier quoted above
It was a 1 day ban, the reason behind it was valid. Wait it out.




Edited by Oswald Bruner
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"A random dude shouldn't get to claim issues with something between two other players." So, by your logic (ik this example is extremally out of proportions) if I were to see 2 people fighting each other with knives, I'm not supposed to report them to the police since I'm not involved in the altercation.

Current Ranks: 

MTF A-1 Agent | CI Reserve Manager | MTF E-11 Agent | HoEA | SCP Staff

Past Ranks:

SCP Moderator | MTF E-11 Commander | UIU Agent | CI Delta | HoEA  | MC&D Salesman |  Nu-7 SGT | GM SOF Colonel | Medic  x2  | 501st SOF Colonel


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