Pvt. Dimitri

Dimitri's MCnD Salesman application

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Common Roleplay Name: Dimitri Petrenkov

Steam Name: Vlad the Ladd

SteamID: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198809374814/

Your Current Playtime(3 days minimum): Last i checked it was 1 week and 3 days

Your Current Warns (10 warn limit, take a screenshot. Exceptions may be made.): Im not online rn so i had to get a screenshot from a staff sit from one of the latest recordings i have but i havent gotten in trouble or anything between now and that video i made 5 days ago Nimetu.png

Why do you want to join MC&D?: I want to make money and sell guns and drugs to civilians and guns to CI and who knows maybe one day ill go up to BD or GA and offer the guards inside to come out of the foundation so i can sell guns

What do you know about MC&D?(50 words minimum): They are a big group of people that are very rich and want to be more rich so they Secure Contain and Sell anything anomalous or just illegal for profit and they actually kinda resemble a mafia but SCP related if im gonna be honest here but yeah basically rich people that sell odd stuff in all shapes and sizes even if its phallic they will most likely sell it (That is 70 words)

Why is MC&D different to any other GOI?: MCnD are not allowed to raid unless the foundation provokes MCnD but a salesman (Aka hopefully future me) can give permission for the agents or bodyguards to become guns for hire and that is pretty much it

Someone has revealed that you are MC&D, what do you do and why?: I tell people that know that i am just a man part of a corporation named MCnD but we havent started advertising although we do sell all sorts of stuff and then offer to sell them guns (Of course it does depend on the situation and who im talking to as well so i might just improvise somethng such as not knowing what MCnD is or act like i didnt hear them)

Have you read the job rules (In the Rules thread) and the Code of Conduct/Permissions in this thread?(One word is not a valid answer): I have read everything there was in the application format thread but i did skim quite a bit of the detailed description and i didnt know there was a job rules section because who actually has read all the rules and remembered them all but this question did make me seek out what it is causing me to now know them


Boy o boy am i excited to see what the answer will be

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oh boy where do i start

41 minutes ago, Pvt. Dimitri said:

I want to make money and sell guns and drugs to civilians and guns to CI and who knows maybe one day ill go up to BD or GA and offer the guards inside to come out of the foundation so i can sell guns

You barely mention why more stating what you are going to do (which breaks server rules and the code of conduct proving you didnt read them)

42 minutes ago, Pvt. Dimitri said:

They are a big group of people that are very rich and want to be more rich so they Secure Contain and Sell anything anomalous or just illegal for profit and they actually kinda resemble a mafia but SCP related if im gonna be honest here but yeah basically rich people that sell odd stuff in all shapes and sizes even if its phallic they will most likely sell it (That is 70 words)

MCND is a small organization consisting of about a 100 people or so, not a large organisation. MCND is not even close to being a mafia(not even going to try and explain why)

43 minutes ago, Pvt. Dimitri said:

MCnD are not allowed to raid unless the foundation provokes MCnD but a salesman (Aka hopefully future me) can give permission for the agents or bodyguards to become guns for hire and that is pretty much it

Terrible answer like legit what the hell are you insane

1 hour ago, Pvt. Dimitri said:

I tell people that know that i am just a man part of a corporation named MCnD but we havent started advertising although we do sell all sorts of stuff and then offer to sell them guns (Of course it does depend on the situation and who im talking to as well so i might just improvise somethng such as not knowing what MCnD is or act like i didnt hear them)

Wrong just wrong

1 hour ago, Pvt. Dimitri said:

I have read everything there was in the application format thread but i did skim quite a bit of the detailed description and i didnt know there was a job rules section because who actually has read all the rules and remembered them all but this question did make me seek out what it is causing me to now know them

Admits to not reading the info bruh

1 hour ago, Pvt. Dimitri said:

Boy o boy am i excited to see what the answer will be

I think you know the answer




Had a bunch of WL but the cool ones are that I currently have.

Marshall, Carter and Dark Salesmen (Current manager)

Alpha-1 Commander

O5-8 "The Gangster"

Director of the Department of External Affairs

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