
LFS Vehicle Terminal

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What your suggestion is: I suggest adding this Vehicle terminal to the server cause right now we spawn ships on our heads and they spawn in the ground so this addon should change that.

Scriptfodder/workshop link: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2116479027

Any additional information: the addon's video explains how it works pretty decently id say and it has very low file size so shouldnt be an issue i think.

the hanger prop probably will have to be above the ground for all of our TIE fighters to spawn properly not sure about this myself. and multiple hangers could be made so there wont be a holdup in ship spawn if someone would  want to take of with like 3+ ppl

Edited by Hazard

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I would love this, This would stop people spawning ships in the Middle of Nowhere.
It also creates more immersion.

Could cause some issues if more than 1 Person wants to take off unless every LP has its own terminal.

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+1 seen this used on other servers
works great if multiple are used in a  hangar allowing many spawnpoints for vehicles.
Can spawn and "store" vehicles at certain points ending the need for f4 menu spawns outside the base. Also staff wont need to remove vehicles. 
I believe this addon also has whitelists for vehicles, say a commander could spawn a gunship and any other vehicle from his regiment, however a SyCo could spawn TIE's, Shuttles etc

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Deleting vehicles is the only thing that prevents staff from not getting subpar/bad, please no

Edited by Mort


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