Forton Greenman

Ambrose Restaurants visits Ovis City!

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Out of Character Section
Your RP name: Forton Greenman

You in-game rank and level: platvip lv 50

Your steam ID: 
A general overview of the event: The CEO of Ambrose Restaurants along with his finest cooks visits Ovis suddenly. They set up a restaurant in the grassy corner near PD and start feeding the population. Quickly, the entire surface is either anomalous or has been exposed to the anomalous, which would invite every GOI to dine and research the newly formed anomalies. While Foundation, UIU, CI etc are busy with the anomalous, the CEO and his cooks would silently try to escape town. This is done with a truck near the Bank which will “drive” away as soon as they all get there. The goal of MTF, CI, GRUP etc is to catch the employees before they escape. If their truck gets destroyed before driving off, their “Task Force COOK” gets deployed (buncha of those hl2 laser eye guys) and the CEO and Cooks leave town quietly while MTF is busy fighting.


If CEO/cook gets caught:

They get interrogated before taking a “Special Delicacy” which will break them out of cuffs and make a smoke nade effect (can be done with an EP in noclip smoking EZ cells and breaking them out) after which they suddenly dissapear.

How long will you expect the event to last?: 1 hour, maybe less, as all it would be is anomaly overflow on surface which can be dealt with quickly if done right.

How many members of staff will need to be involved?: 2. 1 as the CEO and 1 overseeing it. The cooks can be players.

Will any SCP's need to be breached?: No.

What weapons, NPC's or abilities will be used?: Only abilities: Mcnd anomalous cocaine for the “food” which can get spawned by cook and CEO and if possible give the CEO ability to spawn the Orb to give civs permanent anomalous powers.

Step by step process describing what will happen at each stage of the event: 

Stage 1: CEO and 3 cooks set up shop in Oviscity and start serving customers.

Stage 2: Oviscity is overrun with anomalies, and GOIs catch wind of this. MTF deploy to surface and Ambrose Restaurants starts packing up as soon as MTF comes close to the restaurant.

Stage 3: Ambrose Restaurants makes a run for it while everyone’s distracted! They run to a truck near the Bank in an effort to escape Ovis!

Stage 4: A GOI plants explosives on the Trucks engine, and Ambrose is stuck! They make a final stand using Task Force COOK and make a run for it by taking to the roofs!

Stage 5: Ambrose is either gone or captured, and the event is over.

What RP groups (if any) will be used during the event?: All GOI, civs, PD etc.

Will any SWEPs such as C4 need to be used?: Only something for an explosion effect, and smoke coming from the engine after blowing up. Also a smoke grenade if CEO gets captured.


If something is bad/wrong, please give me feedback or correct me, i try to improve!

Edited by peep3384
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