Brad Geiser

Brad Geiser - Staff Application

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Name: Since I assume this refers to my real name, that can be given but I do not feel entirely comfortable putting it here.

What country are you from?: Romania

How well do you speak and understand English?: Been exposed to English since kindergarten. Can speak it fluently and understand it well.


In-Game name(s): Brad Geiser


Play Time. Must be atleast 3 days. No exceptions(SCP-RP): 6 weeks 6 days

Are you a VIP/GoldVIP?: Platinum VIP

Do you have a microphone?: Yeah, I do have one. While it can get messed up occasionally it does work well.

Do you have TeamSpeak ( Required )?: Yeah, I also have TS.

Why should we pick you? (250 word minimum):

I've been an active member of the community pretty much since I first started playing, and while I enjoy goofing off and am not always roleplaying seriously, I am conscious enough to recognize the line between goofy and rule-breaking. I do admit there were a couple times when this wasn't the case however, but I have acknowledged my mistakes and actively avoided stepping over any boundaries since then. I have been part of the community more than long enough to be familiarized with the rules, and even when one has been unclear, I have contacted staff to clarify any misunderstandings to ensure I wasn't doing anything wrong. I have also helped staff in the past by reporting exploitable bugs, abusable props to be blacklisted, and rulebreakers. I've helped plenty of new people get acquainted with the rules and a position as a moderator on the server would only help with my desire to keep the server clean and fun for people.  From having interacted with a ton of staff during my time on the server, I have also been able to learn pretty much most of the useful commands necessary for moderating the server. I will be listing those and my understanding of them further down. 

As a final note and a TL;DR, I have been, am, and most likely will continue to be an active member of the community who has learned from his past mistakes, and who wants to see the server continue to be enjoyable for everyone, and that's what motivated me to apply for a moderator position.

How long will you be able to play per day?:

I usually average about 4 hours when I play, though that can go higher during the weekends.

Any past experience as staff?:

The only kind of staff powers that I've had on a game server was when I was admin on an Israeli TF2 surf server. A friend started it and just kind of gave me admin powers for it. And then he deleted the server a week later. Though I have seen how staff act and function on the server numerous times and honestly I don't think I'll have a problem learning anything I'm not already familiar with.

Any previous warns/bans? If so why? (maximum of 15 warns, exceptions can be made.):

5 total. 3 warns from when I was still very new on the server. Simple things like bodyblocking, rdm and breaking fearrp. 1 recent warn was because I put on a suit as a 016 anomaly, which honestly I admit I don't know what I was expecting. And one 1 week ban for setting fire to the subway when vfire first got added. For this one I really have nothing to say apart that my record has been absolutely clean since then, and I have definitely learned my lesson. Every warn is expired. 

Do you know the basic ULX commands Yes/No: 

Yes, and I can give a few examples of these

!ban / !banid / !xban - All versions of the ban command however !xban is the most useful by opening up a menu that fills in some details automatically like STEAMID if a name is given. !banid would be used for banning a user that has left the server before being banned by utilizing their STEAMID.

!kick - Kicks a player off the server but does not prevent them from joining back.

!tp - Used for teleporting to players / staff room.

!bring - Brings mentioned user to you.

!return - Returns mentioned user to their location prior to being teleported.

!slap - Slapping people as a warning with no damage.

!slay - Kills a player (!sslay to kill someone without them making a noise).

!hp and !armor - Editing hp and armor values of players.

!spectate - To spectate a player.

!cloak and !uncloak - To go invisible and vice versa.

!noclip - Noclip.

!jail - Puts people in an unescapable cell (!tpjail is a version of this where the person gets teleported first before being put into the cell).

Do you know what SCP-RP is about? (not just job descriptions):

The SCP-RP gamemode is about putting players into the shoes of SCP Foundation employees, Groups and Persons of Interest that regularly interact with The Foundation and allowing them play out dynamic, player-driven interactions and scenarios. The gamemode is focused upon one facility filled with anomalous creatures, objects, and phenomena, The Foundation's efforts to study and safely contain these anomalies from the public, and various groups and individuals aware of their existence who are more or less aligned with The Foundation's mission. It allows for a respectable variety of playstyles, from more combat focused jobs like different Mobile Task Forces, Security Units, and members of The Chaos Insurgency (One of the most popular Groups of Interest seen on SCP-RP servers), to more passive rp focused jobs, like site administration and researchers. There is also often a civilian population involved, from which The Foundation is trying to hide their anomalies and questionable ethics, while GOIs and POIs might try to break that veil of secrecy.

Do you understand the rules of SCP-RP(1 word is not an answer).:

Sir yes sir, I do. I would not have gotten this far if I wasn't aware about the rules.

A few examples of the most important and broken rules are:

RDM - Random Deathmatch. Killing someone for no valid reason.

FearRP - People are forced to fear for their lives if they are being threatened with means capable of claiming their lives. (with minimal exceptions). Means they must follow orders if they are cuffed, and have the option to do the same if otherwise.

Metagaming - Using information that has not been gathered through in-character means in an in-character situation.

FailRP - Anything that could not be realistically achieved through normal means in an RP scenario, or breaking job-related rules and expected behavior.

NH2RP - Means the player has no intention of actually roleplaying on the server. Identified by mingy behavior and constant rule breaking.

NLR - Or "New Life Rule" means once the player has died, they forget all in-character information gathered during their previous life and are prohibited from returning to the area they died in unless they are required to go through it to reach a different area.


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+1 i like brad geiser


Obviously some very major flaws I see with your application which I will list; 

23 hours ago, Brad Geiser said:

I've been an active member of the community pretty much since I first started playing, and while I enjoy goofing off and am not always roleplaying seriously, I am conscious enough to recognize the line between goofy and rule-breaking. I do admit there were a couple times¹ when this wasn't the case however, but I have acknowledged my mistakes and actively avoided stepping over any boundaries since then. I have been part of the community more² than long enough to be familiarized with the rules, and even when one has been unclear, I have contacted staff to clarify any misunderstandings to ensure I wasn't doing anything wrong.

¹ : You need to add an "of" = "a couple of times"

² : You need to add a "for" = "community for more"


23 hours ago, Brad Geiser said:

5 total. 3 warns from when I was still very new on the server. Simple things like bodyblocking, rdm and breaking fearrp. 1 recent warn was because I put on a suit as a 016 anomaly, which honestly I admit I don't know what I was expecting. And one 1 week ban for setting fire to the subway when vfire first got added. For this one I really have nothing to say apart that my record has been absolutely clean since then, and I have definitely learned my lesson. Every warn is expired. 

Let me re-write this paragraph for you to make it look more adequate 


I have a total of 5 warnings. Three warnings were from when I was fresh to the server; simple things like body blocking, breaking FearRP, and RDM. One of my more recent warnings was issued because I equipped a suit while I was a SCP-016 anomaly, I genuinely did not know what I was expecting. Furthermore, when VFire was first implemented, I received a ban for setting fire to the subway. I did not know this was against the rules as it was not stated in the ruleset. I don't have anything to say about this one, my record has been immaculate since this incident. I have undoubtedly learned from my mistakes.

Currently, my response will be a +1/neutral until you fix these mistakes.

Edited by Royal
added feedback
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i think you hate me... but because i have this very cool gypsy boyfriend who is now in prison for expressing thoughtcrime on omegle i can say that i 100% sympathize with your kind. Romani people deserve more power so go get it


😂 imagine bothering to make a list of your very cool ranks 😂

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8 minutes ago, Wesker said:


i think you hate me... but because i have this very cool gypsy boyfriend who is now in prison for expressing thoughtcrime on omegle i can say that i 100% sympathize with your kind. Romani people deserve more power so go get it

Aren't you supposed to be like perma banned or something? Either way I don't really remember what made me hate you if I did. Thanks for the +1 though.


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2 minutes ago, Brad Geiser said:

Aren't you supposed to be like perma banned or something? Either way I don't really remember what made me hate you if I did. Thanks for the +1 though.

idk why i got my 3rd perma ban this time. However, considering that norra just recently got black(ed)listed for "banning players she/it did not like", i might have been unjustly banned although that is just a theory 🤷‍♂️


😂 imagine bothering to make a list of your very cool ranks 😂

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Wow. He actually did it. 




Current Ranks: 

MTF A-1 Agent | CI Reserve Manager | MTF E-11 Agent | HoEA | SCP Staff

Past Ranks:

SCP Moderator | MTF E-11 Commander | UIU Agent | CI Delta | HoEA  | MC&D Salesman |  Nu-7 SGT | GM SOF Colonel | Medic  x2  | 501st SOF Colonel


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You're a good fella and the application is detailed.
However, you have 5 warns, one of which being a 1 week ban for Vfire garbage.
In your "Why Should We Pick You" section, you mention your habit of mingery, and how you have crossed the line in certain cases. I respect you doing this, as I believe it would've been worse if you hadn't.

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I think you're one of the people that always say n word and fa**ot, etc all the time

15 hours ago, Brad Geiser said:

Israeli TF2 surf server



15 hours ago, Brad Geiser said:

The SCP-RP gamemode is about putting players into the shoes of SCP Foundation employees, Groups and Persons of Interest that regularly interact with The Foundation and allowing them play out dynamic, player-driven interactions and scenarios.

It's not only revolved around Foundation...

Edited by Joe Conner

Scprp is bad, run while you can!!
Good Night GIFDog Morning GIF
seal GIF 

  • SCP-RP Current Ranks: PlatVIPSCP-RP Administrator, Junior Developer, MTF Nu-7 NCO, Head Of Manufacturing Department (Owner), Head of External Affairs, Site Director, The Serpents Hand (Vice-Manager)
  • SCP-RP Past Ranks:   Organization for the Reclamation of Islamic Artifacts, Sarkic Cultist, Marshall Carter N' Dark Salesman, Ethics Committee Member, Epsilon-11 Commander, Unusual Incidents Unit Special Agent in Charge (Vice-Manager), GRU-P, Head Researcher, Internal Security Department, SCP-096
  • HLRP Past Ranks:  Civil Industrial Union Journeyman, Civil Medical Union Nurse
  • CW-RP  Past Ranks: PlatVIP, Combat Engineer COL, Adv Medic
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It's to be noted that Brad Geiser is a certified good boy ™ and he's earned this certification after finally admitting that being reasonable and accepting something is a part of one's development.

Here take these two videos of him having good boy™ moments.


I will mostly dock points for writing the entire application in red & green, like he thinks it's fucking christmas or something.

All in all this amounts to a Neutral

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16 minutes ago, Matthew Christophersson said:

It's to be noted that Brad Geiser is a certified good boy

come back to us 😞

Current Ranks: 

MTF A-1 Agent | CI Reserve Manager | MTF E-11 Agent | HoEA | SCP Staff

Past Ranks:

SCP Moderator | MTF E-11 Commander | UIU Agent | CI Delta | HoEA  | MC&D Salesman |  Nu-7 SGT | GM SOF Colonel | Medic  x2  | 501st SOF Colonel


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