
Johnstone's Head of External Affairs Application

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In-Game Name: Henry Johnstone

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:61022909

In-Game Time (must be more than 5 days, proof required.): 10w, 1d.



Discord ID: 723061997695926313 / Torch#2738

Describe the different bureaus of the department of external affairs and explain what they do (go into as much detail as needed):

There are a total of four different bureaus within the department of external affairs, all with their objectives and goals. They go as follows:

The Administrative & Operations Bureau:

- The Administrative & Operations Bureau handles internal things within the Department of External Affairs. Such as handing down orders to the External Affairs Agents/Field Agents, Maintaining clear communication with other members of Site Administration currently situated in the site, Giving orders to Mobile Task Forces if they are handling/working with anything external, such as raids, the capture of anomalous objects/entities, etc.

The Disinformation Bureau:

- Amongst the many other objectives the department of external affairs has, keeping secrecy and preventing words from spilling into the public is one of them, The disinformation bureau handles things such as spreading lies & fake news to the public to prevent a breach of secrecy, planting misinformation, making up lies and feeding them to groups of interest for the better of the foundation & so on, basically anything to make sure any information within the site, will REMAIN, within the site.

The Intelligence Bureau:

- The Intelligence Bureau handles things such as tracking & capturing, be it groups/persons of interest or anomalous objects/entities yet to be captured, While you, the Head of External Affairs won’t do this yourself, your field agents will. They will report all possible relevant information back to you, such as information regarding hostile groups/persons of interest, anomalous objects they may run into while operating on the surface, etc. It is fully your responsibility to make sure that the field agents aren’t neglecting their duty and are doing their tasks accordingly.
The Recruitment Bureau:

- The Recruitment Bureau will handle all that is related to the enlistment of foundation staff. Ranging from D-Class, To people affiliated with hostile groups of interest, which you may recruit into Mobile Task Force Sigma-66 (“Sixteen Tons”), And even anomalous humanoid entities which you may choose to recruit into Mobile Task Force Omega-12 (“Achilles Heels”). There are certain actions that these Mobile Task Forces are able to perform (S-66 To be specific), Which is manufacturing Grenades (Percussion, Mustard, Healing grenades.), Although, this needs CL5 approval to be performed. 

Show your understanding of the job rules:

I have a good understanding of the job’s rules and I know that breaking any of these could lead to a tier, and possibly removal from the job entirely.

- Rushing someone with your Nanite Recruitment SWEP to convert them falls under “Combat Converting”, which is prohibited, the person should instead be in cuffs, and not simply walking around during the recruitment process.

- You may only have a maximum of 2 Omega-12 units on-site at one time, and a maximum of 3 Sigma-66 units on-site at one time, If you wish to get rid of any of them, preferably do it quietly & one by one, pressing the detonation button will just kill all of them.

- Despite you reporting directly to the O5 Council, The Site Director still has full authority over you, therefore, his word is final, although, if you feel like a site director’s decision is unjust, you may go ahead and contact an Ethics Committee Member or an O5 Council Member, you may even try and reason with him if you wish to.

- You do not have the power to order any on-site units unless in external matters, such as planning raids & operations. You should make sure to inform the Site Director first about any upcoming plans & operations, instead of just going ahead and taking command of the Mobile Task Force units. You can also choose to get the council’s approval if it’s urgently necessary.

- Head of External Affairs is NOT a combat job. When it comes to battle tactics, give it up to the Task Forces to handle, do not simply go on the surface just to observe how the raid is going, It’s stupid and it may put your life at risk.

- Do not go to the surface unless necessary. Don’t forget, despite handling external matters, you are still clearance 4 and a part of site administration, you are an important person and putting your life at risk for unnecessary reasons.
- When you have an anomalous humanoid detained, forward it to the Research department first so they can get more information on it before proceeding to recruit it into MTF Omega-12.

One of the Nu7 units has brought in a civilian who was loitering at GA for an extended amount of time and has been confirmed as possibly hostile he's now in EZ cells, explain your course of action (go into as much detail as needed): 

- I will simply start by getting the civilian’s ID, I will try to gain as much information on who the person is/who they work for before continuing the interrogation. After all of this has been cleared. I will move on to try and gain as much information on what their intentions are & why they were loitering around for so long. 

Depending on who they turn out to be, I will either continue the interrogation & take the right course of action. (If it does turn out to be a disguised member from a hostile group of interest), or I will simply amnesticate & release the said person. (If they turn out to be some demented civilian). If the person was completely uncooperative during the situation, I will try to use any possible techniques to get as much information out of them (within the codex’s boundaries).

The police department has raided a base of the Chaos Insurgency and have seized multiple anomalous items and a Chaos insurgency Operative has been detained. The PD interrogated the Operative who leaked information about the foundation and the anomalous world, what is your course of action (go into as much detail as needed):

- I would first off start by getting a commanding officer from E-11 or Nu-7 to organize their units and move out to the surface, Informing them of the situation and what is going on with PD & CI. I will send E-11 off to deal with tracking & capturing the anomalous objects to be brought back into the site. I will then have Nu-7 deal with the capture & amnestication of the PD w/backup from field agents & any other friendly units that may be able to assist. 

All the while I & Other External Affairs Agents would try our best to spread misinformation about the whole situation to try and divert the public eye away from the situation.

If possible I would also use this situation as an opportunity to get a bit of information about the Chaos Insurgency’s upcoming plans from the PD who interrogated their operatives before simply amnesticating them.

If all goes well and the PD gets amnesticated & all information they gained on the Chaos Insurgency prior is lost, I will try and get Nu-7 to cover E-11 while they try their best to bring the anomalous objects to the site.
Although in case PD resists & begins to act hostile (shooting, tazing, attempting to cuff friendly units), I will not hesitate to have Nu-7 simply shoot the hostile officers while capturing any other who didn’t resist to do what needed to be done.

An anomalous person has been spotted on the surface being far more physically capable than humanly possible (super speed and super jumping) what is your course of action (go into as much detail as needed):

- I would inform any active field agents on the surface to try and talk their way into gaining the anomaly's trust, if this succeeds, I will try my best to get the field agent to lure the anomaly into a secluded place (preferably anyway near the subway entrance), where he could then tac-cuff said anomaly & attempt to put it into elastic restraints, to be brought back into site for further research on its anomalous properties, how they got them, the source, etc. & possible recruitment into MTF Omega-12.

If the plan of trying to become friends with said anomaly fails, I will let the field agent do what they think is the best course of action regarding the capture of said anomaly.

If the anomaly begins to fight back & attack the field agent, (E.g; punch or use any harmful SWEPs on the field agent) I would instruct the field agent to either first give a few warnings or simply shoot the anomaly, depending on the severity of how much damage & harm their anomalous properties can do.
Hope this wasn’t under-detailed, thanks for reading. :’)

Edited by Torch
Minor fixes to grammar in some sections.

valdis romeo

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Right, before I get crucified for +1ing this. Henry knows when to RP, and when he does it he's quite well at it. I've seen him play Foundation Administration sometimes, especially yesterday for a long fucking time. People quite underestimate henry for being a combat freak, but he isn't fully one. If you want to see him play passively, it's more on his civilian characters. 

Besides, he's a really fucking good CSB as well.

I think Henry Johnstone deserves  a chance in HoEA.


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Romanian that is CL 4 can mean no good...



Current Ranks: 

MTF A-1 Agent | CI Reserve Manager | MTF E-11 Agent | HoEA | SCP Staff

Past Ranks:

SCP Moderator | MTF E-11 Commander | UIU Agent | CI Delta | HoEA  | MC&D Salesman |  Nu-7 SGT | GM SOF Colonel | Medic  x2  | 501st SOF Colonel


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Ok I'm just gonna go ahead and say this, you in the eyes of O5, are the perfect HoEA due to the fact that you are disrespectful, rude, and talk a lot of shit (perfect for making each and every single GOI/POI hostile against Foundation which is the goal of the O5 council). But in terms of HoEA standards, you're uhh...meh

Scprp is bad, run while you can!!
Good Night GIFDog Morning GIF
seal GIF 

  • SCP-RP Current Ranks: PlatVIPSCP-RP Administrator, Junior Developer, MTF Nu-7 NCO, Head Of Manufacturing Department (Owner), Head of External Affairs, Site Director, The Serpents Hand (Vice-Manager)
  • SCP-RP Past Ranks:   Organization for the Reclamation of Islamic Artifacts, Sarkic Cultist, Marshall Carter N' Dark Salesman, Ethics Committee Member, Epsilon-11 Commander, Unusual Incidents Unit Special Agent in Charge (Vice-Manager), GRU-P, Head Researcher, Internal Security Department, SCP-096
  • HLRP Past Ranks:  Civil Industrial Union Journeyman, Civil Medical Union Nurse
  • CW-RP  Past Ranks: PlatVIP, Combat Engineer COL, Adv Medic
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While you, and a lot of other people mostly see me as this due to their past experiences with me:

8 hours ago, Joe Conner said:

 you are disrespectful, rude, and talk a lot of shit

I can assure you that I have my limits.

and such incidents will not occur:

8 hours ago, Joe Conner said:

 making each and every single GOI/POI hostile against Foundation 

But thanks for your feedback anyways.

Edited by Torch

valdis romeo

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7 minutes ago, Forton Greenman said:

Forton Greenman: Site status?

Valdis Romeo: kill yourself?


+1 you literally only do combat also “will you call an admin sit if i kill you in rp”


good player


valdis romeo

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On 2/26/2022 at 4:00 AM, Joe Conner said:

Ok I'm just gonna go ahead and say this, you in the eyes of O5, are the perfect HoEA due to the fact that you are disrespectful, rude, and talk a lot of shit (perfect for making each and every single GOI/POI hostile against Foundation which is the goal of the O5 council). But in terms of HoEA standards, you're uhh...meh

you're braindead btw

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On 2/26/2022 at 3:00 AM, Joe Conner said:

Ok I'm just gonna go ahead and say this, you in the eyes of O5, are the perfect HoEA due to the fact that you are disrespectful, rude, and talk a lot of shit (perfect for making each and every single GOI/POI hostile against Foundation which is the goal of the O5 council). But in terms of HoEA standards, you're uhh...meh

Emily Blunt Oh Snap GIF by The Animal Crackers Movie

do not violate scp rp rule 1.19.1

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On 2/26/2022 at 4:00 AM, Joe Conner said:

Ok I'm just gonna go ahead and say this, you in the eyes of O5, are the perfect HoEA due to the fact that you are disrespectful, rude, and talk a lot of shit (perfect for making each and every single GOI/POI hostile against Foundation which is the goal of the O5 council). But in terms of HoEA standards, you're uhh...meh

*zero idea of how O5 works on the server*

Makes the most braindead statement known to man :classic_cool:





Accepted. you'll be put under a little bit more of a watch.

Had a bunch of WL but the cool ones are that I currently have.

Marshall, Carter and Dark Salesmen (Current manager)

Alpha-1 Commander

O5-8 "The Gangster"

Director of the Department of External Affairs

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