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kenopsia last won the day on May 26 2021

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About kenopsia

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  1. this guy seems sincere, i think he deserves to be unbanned.
  2. its so scary i also cant play the game sometimes because of it +1
  3. I don't understand why he'd get banned for trespassing, it's an IC thing unless he did it repeatedly in which case he might've got banned for NH2RP. I'll wait for staff to clarify why he got banned
  4. +1 More than capable of being a staff, already a super helpful individual and can be trusted. Good luck
  5. Most unique application for SD I've seen so far. It's Avery +1
  6. +1 Definitely one of the best RPers in the server. Would be an interesting and great O5.
  7. Neutral I am not 100% sure if you have a clear understanding of what MC&D is in lore But the app itself is detailed enough and you seem like a good guy who can RP.