Not a player |

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  1. No reasons stated, but anyway... Thanks for the feedback
  2. I talked with Joe and explained to him the situation all that I have copied from him is the crabs ideea and the general idea, every time I apply for something I look at the other applications and I liked Joe's what I did was a combination of the general idea of other apps and what I had in mind, I liked joe's the most and that's why they look similar, and I did stop minging since I applied for sd lol never again , anyways... Thanks for the feedback
  3. Please look on discord, I will explain what really happened here Edit: Thanks for understanding
  4. lol they really are similar, I read multiple apps tho , I copied from u tho the crabs ideea
  5. Common Roleplay Name: Alexander Robert Steam Name: Not a player | SteamID: STEAM_0:0:169737837 Your Current Playtime(3 days minimum): 1w 3d 13h as of today [proof] Your Current Warns (10 warn limit, take a screenshot. Exceptions may be made.): 8 [proof] Why do you want to join MC&D?: Well first of all, how a wise man once said... Besides that, I like how MC&D uses anomalies, they auction them and give them to the highest bidder, that's a hella good way to make money. Also I would really like to take part of their unique roleplay and experiences. And the last thing is that I would really like to be the MC&D Salesman and to be the boss (cause who doesn't like to be the boss) What do you know about MC&D?(50 words minimum): MC&D is a group composed of many wealthy people which goal is to collect anomalies and auctions them in order to make as much money as possible (that's what I like). They also have many locations around the globe, and originated from London. MC&D has many agents with a vast array of weapons to keep the cash flowing in. All of their members have determination, loyalty and discipline. They mainly rely on teamwork and good equipment. Why is MC&D different to any other GOI?: Well, mainly because they can sell weapons, drugs, drinks and other items to other people and groups like the Chaos Insurgency, Sarkic Cultists etc. don't. Also MC&D mainly focuses on making money and I love money. They also have unlimited resources, that they wont spend on anything that the foundation would like containment/termination of the anomalies, instead they resort to auctioning those anomalies, increasing those resources. Someone has revealed that you are MC&D, what do you do and why?: Well firstly I will send a agent to see what the person knows about MC&D, and if they know too much, ill send someone to silently take him out. If they don't know too much, I will just let them be. Have you read the job rules (In the Rules thread) and the Code of Conduct/Permissions in this thread?(One word is not a valid answer): Yes, and I will be trying my best to not break any of them.
  6. Nope, I could.. but nah. The feedback is very much appreciated
  7. 2 of those time, I know it will sound stupid my cousin was at my place and I let him play, I think he also used voice chat, whatever it was the worst decision ever and it will never happen again, thx anyway for the feedback
  8. In-Game Name: Usually Alexander Robert, I sometimes change it depending on the job I have. SteamID: STEAM_0:0:169737837 Age: 14 In-Game Time [Proof Required]: link Past Experience in leadership/high ranking positions: I was a nu-7 commander and I used to play a lot of SD when it wasn't whitelisted. Therefore I have some past experience in being a SD., I also play as Site Adviser and HoS when they are available. Why do you feel you'll be a good Site Director?: Well, I am a very calm man and I know all the laws and consequences and how to organize troops/people and how to give proper orders for the best of the site. I will also stay on-site a lot, further more in my 1 week and 2 days of playtime I have watched others SD's to not forget everything because I have past experience as a SD when it was non-whitelisted and I played as it a lot at least 3-4 of that playtime is as SD so I know what I will be dealing with and how it will all be like, also I can very quickly adapt to new circumstances, etc. I am also very good at giving proper punishments, if it was an accident ill give a smaller one if we don't have any evidence we wont give one but still I will give punishments according to the law of the Foundation. And one of the last reasons is that I learn very quickly from mistakes and I will never ever under any circumstances give any information about the O5 Council/The Foundation.. In conclusion I think I am fit for the job mostly because of my past experience and my patience/loyalty . What role does the Site Director have on the site? The SD has to manage the MTF teams, Security Personel, Internal Security Department, and a lot others and report it all to the O5 council. The SD is the highest ranking in the facility except the O5 Council. In general he has to make sure that the site is running safely and properly and has to try his best to avoid breaches of any kind and if anything bad happens he has to report it all to the O5 Council. What is the O5 Council?: The O5 Council is made of 12 of the highest ranking personnel within the entire foundation itself. They are the Overseers and control every single aspect of the foundation itself. They hold all of the documents classified/non classified. No one is above them and no one can order them anything. They manage internal/external problems. In the conclusion the O5 council are the Overseers of the foundation and control every aspect of it. Please let me know what I did wrong and how I can fix it next time ( I hope it will not be necessary)
  9. In Game Name: Alexander Robert Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:169737837 Play time, Rank and Level: 7d and 12h. Platinum VIP Level 40 Number of Warns: 4 Why do you want to join Beta-1?: Because I saw Beta-1 in game and looked very fun to be one of them and interrogate CI. Also I want to enforce the foundation law and deal with interrogations and detains of CI or other people. One of the last reason's is that they are very classified and high authority which makes them very cool to me. In general I want to join beta-1 because it is fun and it looks very interesting and it is very serious rp. What is Beta-1s purpose on the server?: Beta-1 acts like a military police on the server. The deal with punishing law breakers (Not rule breakers) and with interrogations of infiltrated enemies like CI. They are responsible of imprisoning criminals and always sticking to the Foundations rules or Site rules if implemented by the Administration. They have the authority to detain almost everyone working in the Facility with a valid reason or orders. They are allowed to give orders to almost anyone in the facility and help with almost anything in the facility if they want to.