Aiden Mertz

Platinum VIP
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  1. Thanks
    Aiden Mertz got a reaction from Wiegland in Erich Von Wiegland's Staff Application   
    from my encounters with erich he seems like a nice and competant guy, the app is really well written and your activity is also good, so good luck king.
  2. Haha
    Aiden Mertz reacted to Jamessssss in Ban Request - James Oberhauser   
    ok jew boy
  3. Like
    Aiden Mertz got a reaction from Weene in Admin Abuse   

    Your ban isnt 5 days unless i wrote in the wrong ban time then its my bad, your ban should only be 2 days.

    1st point being you were banned upon the basis of you having multiple FAILRP warnings and many other warns and bans. before warning you i even checked with  SMT member and showed him the exact same pic which i am showing in this reply, that SMT member then said that it is indeed counted as FAILRP, not only that but when informing him of your upcoming ban he said its fine.

    2nd point - The entire complex which you have built is clearly not appropriate for what its meant to be, no vaccination centre EVER looked like a btec military outpost with massive watch towers and swastika statues and houses which look like they have been taken straight out of a concentration camp.

    Ill look into the ban time as i might have indeed put in the wrong number and if so then i will change the ban time. meanwhile this will be all from me.

  4. Like
    Aiden Mertz got a reaction from Viktor in The Iron Front   

    this sounds like a pretty good idea considering their special ability has never been used on the server i think having it would be good as it would make it so there is 3 groups covering all 3 criminal fields of fake ID's from SJBO, drugs from Consortium and weapons from the Iron Front. 

    very good suggestion
  5. Like
    Aiden Mertz reacted to Josef Kraz in Gray Swift metagaming   
    Can you prove that Eccard had died maybe a show the console  and your evidence isn't really good tbh all I can hear is a group kids gambling their sheckles away then getting kidnapped. Then screaming like a bunch of special needs kids off their meds
  6. Thanks
    Aiden Mertz got a reaction from Goblins in Unban appel   

    The reason for the ban is completely stupid, most if not all 1.SS or anyone who guards anything goes AFK during guarding and nothing happens to them, i see no reason why you should be banned for going afk while not in an actual critical RP situation like being kidnapped or something you were just guarding.... so yea i think you should be unbanned
  7. Like
    Aiden Mertz got a reaction from Josef Kraz in I overdosed and got what I deserve and I expect nothing less   

    This is purely your fault, its common sense not to come on a server and interact with other people when you know you are literally fucked from anti depressents 
  8. Haha
    Aiden Mertz got a reaction from Viktor in Aiden Mertz unban request   
    Your In-game name: Aiden Mertz
    Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:172593336
    Reason of the ban: 3rd person abusing
    Date you were banned on: 04/11/20
    Duration of ban: 2D
    Admin who banned you (In-game name / Steam name/ Steam ID): Stellman STEAM_0:1:54981162
    Explain the situation of your ban from your point of view in detail: I was in my office when an MB raid happend and i heard alot of gunshots so i went out to defend during combat i shot stellman at the lineup area at the MB while i also saw him move towards the back of the garage area where using common sense i peeked the back of it and killed him due to him not having much place to go to since the other side was covered by another soldier, after i killed stellman he brought me to a sit showed me no evidence of me breaking the rule and even varem vouched for me saying that i was not 3rd person abusing since we were in a discord call and i was sharing my screen. 
    Do you think your ban was justified: No
    Why should you be unbanned: I didnt break any rule there i was simply using common sense during combat.
    Any kind of evidence: N/A
    Additional information: And for whoever's wondering, I killed a lock picker at the back so I doubt the door was unlocked. Not to mention the fact that if he just hid behind the garage I assumed he was wounded from me shooting him so I would've gone and flanked him.
  9. Like
    Aiden Mertz got a reaction from Winters in Aiden Mertz Staff Application   
    RP Character name/s: Aiden Mertz (Reich), Hans Schorder (Resistance)
    Steam Name: Ramsay
    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:172593336
    Age when applying: 16.5
    What country do you currently reside in? What is your time-zone?: Israel GMT +3/BST +2
    Can you speak and type English fluently?: Yes
    Current total game-time on the server (type utime_enable 1 in the console if you can't see your game time): 12w 4d
    IC Rank(s) & OOC Donation Rank(s) on WW2-RP: 1.SS Untersturmfuhrer, RuSHA Obersturmfuhrer, PlatVIP
    Do you own a working microphone? When you communicate do you type or speak?: Yes i own a working microphone, and i both type and speak
    When did you join the server? Have you taken any breaks since?: around summer of 2018, and yes i took 1 or 2 breaks
    How often do you use our Teamspeak 3 server and our forums?: I use Teamspeak daily, but i use the forums alot less.
    List of all previous RP server staff experience: Moderator on a darkRP and Moderator on Military RP 
    Staff that would recommend you?(They will be asked to verify): Johan Schneider, Maximilian Vogel
    State your previous OOC punishments (bans, kicks etc.) Also include a screenshot of your list of warns. (Go in game and type !warns. Upload it to or as a steam community screenshot and include the link. Your game time must be visible as well in the screenshot. Type utime_enable 1 if you can not see it on your screen 
    State the role of staff on the server: The role of staff on the server is to moderate the players activities and make sure they are following the rules of the server, and those who break them are dealt with accordingly, such as warns/bans/kicks. As well as help with any needs of the players.
    Give some historical context about the time the server is set in (75 words+): The year 1943 was a major turning point for the axis powers as the siege of stalingrad has been lost in january with the surrender of General Paulus, but actually only a month later all german troops in stalingrad have surrendered due to not having enough rations, ammuntion and men to keep on fighting. On the african front the Afrika Korps and the italian troops surrender to the Allies, which basically now granted the allies access to Italy, and so they did. The allies began the invasion of Italy on the 3rd of September 1943 and was ended on the 17th of September during the time of the fighting the italian forces have surrendered on the 8th while the german troops kept the fight on till the 17th. Nearing the end of 1943, the Teheran confrence took place between the 28th of november and the 1st of december. It was a meeting between the Allied leaders: Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin, the point of this meeting was to coordinate their military strategies against Germany and Japan.
    Have you read the server rules and are familiar with them? Yes i have and im familiar with them.
    Have you read the punishment list ( ) and are familiar with it? Yes i have read the punishment list and im familiar with it.

    Former Staff Questions (Leave these blank if you have not been staff on our server before):
    1) For how long were you a staff member on WW2-NRP/ORP?
    2) What rank did you reach before leaving the staff team?
    3) Were you demoted or did you resign? Why?
    4) In hindsight, what would you have done differently as a staff member?
    5) How have you improved since you left the staff team?

    Explain how you would handle these scenarios as a staff member:
    1) You are told by a player in admin chat that another player is randomly killing people: I would teleport to the player that has reported it, then i would take the rule breaker and bring him to the roof, ill check his warns and if i find that he is a new player (less then 1 hour of game time) and has no warnings,I would give him a verbal warning. But if the player has more then 1 hour of game time i would explain to him what he has done and i would issue him a tier 1 warning and kick him. If the player is more senior or has already recieved a RDM tier 1 warning before, i will issue him with a tier 2 warning and a ban that can range between 1D and 4W depends on the amount of people that the player has RDM'ed.
    2) You are asked by a player about how to become a Third Reich official: I would ask him what he prefers, to become part of the military or SS/Police or NSDAP/SA, I would also give him a brief explenation on what each faction does, depending on his desicison i would show him the command he must type in chat to become the cadet of said faction.
    3) You catch somebody not performing RP and that are messing around: I would stop him and bring him to a roof, then i will try and understand why he is messing about, if he shows no intent to actually start RPing then i would issue him with either a Tier 1 if the player has no NITRP warns from before which would result in a 1-2W ban, or if the player does have a NITRP warn from before then i would issue a Tier 2 warning which can range from 2w to a Permanent ban, but if the player does stop messing around and does want to start performing RP, then i would let him off with a verbal if he is a new player.
    4) Somebody acquires a rank but is not willing to RP with it properly: I would bring said player to a roof and if he is a new player i would give him a verbal warning, if the player has more then 1 hour of game time on the server i would issue him a Tier 1 warning of FAILRP, if the player resumes to not RP as his rank or has already recieved a Tier 1 before that would land him a Tier 2 warning and a ban for 1 day.
    5) A player is prop spamming: I would freeze and bring the player a rooftop and warn him for propspam and ban him for a long amount of time and  in the ban message i will type (extend to perma) and notify more senior staff with the players steamID that he needs to be perma banned for prop spam.

    Answer the following questions in detail:
    1) Explain the difference between Tier I rule-breaking and punishments and Tier II rule-breaking and punishments: Tier 1 rule breaking is mainly misunderstandings or accidents and rule breakings that are done by new players to the server, therefore the punishments of Tier 1 are mostly lighter or shorter in terms of ban time as well as sometimes they do not result in a ban at all. Tier 2 rule breaking is mainly Intentional/constant rule breaking while it can also mean the player recieving the tier 2 has already gotten a Tier 1, this also means that the punishments are harsher and the ban times are also longer and for each tier 2 its always going to be a ban no kicks or just warnings.
    2) Explain the difference between IC and OOC. Also define Meta Gaming: Each player on the server has their character, basically meaning anything done IC means that they are RPing as their designated role/character for example a business owner would open a business, and Reich members would RP as their job either its Wehrmacht or SS or NSDAP. While OOC means its out of character therefore anything done in OOC is not related to your IC Character. 
    Metagaming is having OOC knowledge of a certain situation for example a hostage sit or a resistance/mafia base and using that OOC info to raid the building IC which counts as metagaming because you are not allowed to use that OOC info in an IC situation.
    3) Explain the difference between Serious RP and Semi-Serious RP: The difference between Serious RP and Semi-Serious RP is that in Serious RP you must stay in character at all times, as well as you must act in a sort of manner that your character would IRL, for example an enlisted man wouldnt be acting the same as a CO.
    Semi-Serious RP is basically alot less strict in terms of staying in character and acting like your character would IRL as well as to some points even allowing some OOC in IC talk, basically alot less stricter rules when it comes to playing as your character.
    4) Define PassiveRP and explain it's role and importance in a serious RP gamemode: PassiveRP is a sort of RP that can be from small scale like some /me's for example before showing ID you will do /me searches for ID in wallet or something along those lines, basically making each interaction with another person not just what you need and thats it you RP the situation as your character would, PassiveRP can also be bigger things like dinners, going to stores, restaurants, and basically anything that has a part of RP in it can have a good amount of PassiveRP in it as well. Now the reason PassiveRP is important to a serious RP gamemode is due to the fact that you are expected to act as if you were actually the character which can also mean you can RP as if you would IRL if you were in your characters position.
    5) Define the term of Combat Baiting: Combat baiting is basically doing any actions that can provoke combat/hostile encounters between people like for example throwing bottles at PD or MB to have the Wehrmacht/OrPo to chase after you. another classic example of the most common type of combat baiting is sexy dancing infront of reich officials, basically provoking them to chase you or kill you which if you are resistance or mafia you can counter if shot at basically creating unnessecary combat which couldve been avoided.
    Have you added the Manager [Extreme] on Steam? If not, add him: Yes

    Have you added the Vice-Manager [Jack/Malte] on Steam? If not, add him: Yes

    Have you added the Staff Manager [Schumacher] on Steam? If not, add him: Yes

    Explain in length and detail as to why you deserve staff more than other applicants. Explain what you will bring to the staff team & your strongest points as a person/potential staff member (200+ words): I believe i should be part of the staff team due to several points.
    Point number 1: I have been on this server ever since 2018 (took a break in half of 2019) so im rather familiar with most if not all rules of the server as well as player behaviour on servers. I have been in many sits of different cases and saw how other staff members of the server dealt with each situation therfore i have a rather good knowledge on how to handle sits for different cases. As well as i have 2 previous staff experiences in different servers of DarkRP and MilitaryRP which means that i have a good bit of knowledge on how to be a staff member, if it comes to sits, or just helping other people with information or any other inquirys.

    Point number 2: I am really active on the server, i do my best to be on almost all day if thats not possible i do my best to be on as much as i can, part of this is also me coming on rather early even if there isnt that many people, which is usually a time where there are some rule breakers and not many if any staff at all which means that regular RP can be done even early in the morning.

    Do you understand that you can be demoted at anytime with a sufficient reason by a Hierarchy member?: Yes i do understand

    - You must be 15 years in age or older.
    - You must be able to speak and type English fluently and correctly.
    - You must have at least four (4) days of game time.
    - You must have 10 or fewer warns.
    - You must not be banned when you apply.
    - You must be able to speak or type quickly and correctly.
    - You must not advertise your application in any way.
    - You must not copy anything from other applications.
    - You may not edit your application without permission from a Hierarchy member.
    - You may not copy-paste parts from a previous application that you have filed unless given permission.
    - Only reply to your application if you need to specify something. Unnecessarily spamming/bumping your application will get it denied. Do not engage in grovelling under your application (posting thank you for reading my application every time someone posts etc.)
  10. Like
    Aiden Mertz got a reaction from Koenig Braun in Aiden Mertz Staff Application   
    RP Character name/s: Aiden Mertz (Reich), Hans Schorder (Resistance)
    Steam Name: Ramsay
    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:172593336
    Age when applying: 16.5
    What country do you currently reside in? What is your time-zone?: Israel GMT +3/BST +2
    Can you speak and type English fluently?: Yes
    Current total game-time on the server (type utime_enable 1 in the console if you can't see your game time): 12w 4d
    IC Rank(s) & OOC Donation Rank(s) on WW2-RP: 1.SS Untersturmfuhrer, RuSHA Obersturmfuhrer, PlatVIP
    Do you own a working microphone? When you communicate do you type or speak?: Yes i own a working microphone, and i both type and speak
    When did you join the server? Have you taken any breaks since?: around summer of 2018, and yes i took 1 or 2 breaks
    How often do you use our Teamspeak 3 server and our forums?: I use Teamspeak daily, but i use the forums alot less.
    List of all previous RP server staff experience: Moderator on a darkRP and Moderator on Military RP 
    Staff that would recommend you?(They will be asked to verify): Johan Schneider, Maximilian Vogel
    State your previous OOC punishments (bans, kicks etc.) Also include a screenshot of your list of warns. (Go in game and type !warns. Upload it to or as a steam community screenshot and include the link. Your game time must be visible as well in the screenshot. Type utime_enable 1 if you can not see it on your screen 
    State the role of staff on the server: The role of staff on the server is to moderate the players activities and make sure they are following the rules of the server, and those who break them are dealt with accordingly, such as warns/bans/kicks. As well as help with any needs of the players.
    Give some historical context about the time the server is set in (75 words+): The year 1943 was a major turning point for the axis powers as the siege of stalingrad has been lost in january with the surrender of General Paulus, but actually only a month later all german troops in stalingrad have surrendered due to not having enough rations, ammuntion and men to keep on fighting. On the african front the Afrika Korps and the italian troops surrender to the Allies, which basically now granted the allies access to Italy, and so they did. The allies began the invasion of Italy on the 3rd of September 1943 and was ended on the 17th of September during the time of the fighting the italian forces have surrendered on the 8th while the german troops kept the fight on till the 17th. Nearing the end of 1943, the Teheran confrence took place between the 28th of november and the 1st of december. It was a meeting between the Allied leaders: Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin, the point of this meeting was to coordinate their military strategies against Germany and Japan.
    Have you read the server rules and are familiar with them? Yes i have and im familiar with them.
    Have you read the punishment list ( ) and are familiar with it? Yes i have read the punishment list and im familiar with it.

    Former Staff Questions (Leave these blank if you have not been staff on our server before):
    1) For how long were you a staff member on WW2-NRP/ORP?
    2) What rank did you reach before leaving the staff team?
    3) Were you demoted or did you resign? Why?
    4) In hindsight, what would you have done differently as a staff member?
    5) How have you improved since you left the staff team?

    Explain how you would handle these scenarios as a staff member:
    1) You are told by a player in admin chat that another player is randomly killing people: I would teleport to the player that has reported it, then i would take the rule breaker and bring him to the roof, ill check his warns and if i find that he is a new player (less then 1 hour of game time) and has no warnings,I would give him a verbal warning. But if the player has more then 1 hour of game time i would explain to him what he has done and i would issue him a tier 1 warning and kick him. If the player is more senior or has already recieved a RDM tier 1 warning before, i will issue him with a tier 2 warning and a ban that can range between 1D and 4W depends on the amount of people that the player has RDM'ed.
    2) You are asked by a player about how to become a Third Reich official: I would ask him what he prefers, to become part of the military or SS/Police or NSDAP/SA, I would also give him a brief explenation on what each faction does, depending on his desicison i would show him the command he must type in chat to become the cadet of said faction.
    3) You catch somebody not performing RP and that are messing around: I would stop him and bring him to a roof, then i will try and understand why he is messing about, if he shows no intent to actually start RPing then i would issue him with either a Tier 1 if the player has no NITRP warns from before which would result in a 1-2W ban, or if the player does have a NITRP warn from before then i would issue a Tier 2 warning which can range from 2w to a Permanent ban, but if the player does stop messing around and does want to start performing RP, then i would let him off with a verbal if he is a new player.
    4) Somebody acquires a rank but is not willing to RP with it properly: I would bring said player to a roof and if he is a new player i would give him a verbal warning, if the player has more then 1 hour of game time on the server i would issue him a Tier 1 warning of FAILRP, if the player resumes to not RP as his rank or has already recieved a Tier 1 before that would land him a Tier 2 warning and a ban for 1 day.
    5) A player is prop spamming: I would freeze and bring the player a rooftop and warn him for propspam and ban him for a long amount of time and  in the ban message i will type (extend to perma) and notify more senior staff with the players steamID that he needs to be perma banned for prop spam.

    Answer the following questions in detail:
    1) Explain the difference between Tier I rule-breaking and punishments and Tier II rule-breaking and punishments: Tier 1 rule breaking is mainly misunderstandings or accidents and rule breakings that are done by new players to the server, therefore the punishments of Tier 1 are mostly lighter or shorter in terms of ban time as well as sometimes they do not result in a ban at all. Tier 2 rule breaking is mainly Intentional/constant rule breaking while it can also mean the player recieving the tier 2 has already gotten a Tier 1, this also means that the punishments are harsher and the ban times are also longer and for each tier 2 its always going to be a ban no kicks or just warnings.
    2) Explain the difference between IC and OOC. Also define Meta Gaming: Each player on the server has their character, basically meaning anything done IC means that they are RPing as their designated role/character for example a business owner would open a business, and Reich members would RP as their job either its Wehrmacht or SS or NSDAP. While OOC means its out of character therefore anything done in OOC is not related to your IC Character. 
    Metagaming is having OOC knowledge of a certain situation for example a hostage sit or a resistance/mafia base and using that OOC info to raid the building IC which counts as metagaming because you are not allowed to use that OOC info in an IC situation.
    3) Explain the difference between Serious RP and Semi-Serious RP: The difference between Serious RP and Semi-Serious RP is that in Serious RP you must stay in character at all times, as well as you must act in a sort of manner that your character would IRL, for example an enlisted man wouldnt be acting the same as a CO.
    Semi-Serious RP is basically alot less strict in terms of staying in character and acting like your character would IRL as well as to some points even allowing some OOC in IC talk, basically alot less stricter rules when it comes to playing as your character.
    4) Define PassiveRP and explain it's role and importance in a serious RP gamemode: PassiveRP is a sort of RP that can be from small scale like some /me's for example before showing ID you will do /me searches for ID in wallet or something along those lines, basically making each interaction with another person not just what you need and thats it you RP the situation as your character would, PassiveRP can also be bigger things like dinners, going to stores, restaurants, and basically anything that has a part of RP in it can have a good amount of PassiveRP in it as well. Now the reason PassiveRP is important to a serious RP gamemode is due to the fact that you are expected to act as if you were actually the character which can also mean you can RP as if you would IRL if you were in your characters position.
    5) Define the term of Combat Baiting: Combat baiting is basically doing any actions that can provoke combat/hostile encounters between people like for example throwing bottles at PD or MB to have the Wehrmacht/OrPo to chase after you. another classic example of the most common type of combat baiting is sexy dancing infront of reich officials, basically provoking them to chase you or kill you which if you are resistance or mafia you can counter if shot at basically creating unnessecary combat which couldve been avoided.
    Have you added the Manager [Extreme] on Steam? If not, add him: Yes

    Have you added the Vice-Manager [Jack/Malte] on Steam? If not, add him: Yes

    Have you added the Staff Manager [Schumacher] on Steam? If not, add him: Yes

    Explain in length and detail as to why you deserve staff more than other applicants. Explain what you will bring to the staff team & your strongest points as a person/potential staff member (200+ words): I believe i should be part of the staff team due to several points.
    Point number 1: I have been on this server ever since 2018 (took a break in half of 2019) so im rather familiar with most if not all rules of the server as well as player behaviour on servers. I have been in many sits of different cases and saw how other staff members of the server dealt with each situation therfore i have a rather good knowledge on how to handle sits for different cases. As well as i have 2 previous staff experiences in different servers of DarkRP and MilitaryRP which means that i have a good bit of knowledge on how to be a staff member, if it comes to sits, or just helping other people with information or any other inquirys.

    Point number 2: I am really active on the server, i do my best to be on almost all day if thats not possible i do my best to be on as much as i can, part of this is also me coming on rather early even if there isnt that many people, which is usually a time where there are some rule breakers and not many if any staff at all which means that regular RP can be done even early in the morning.

    Do you understand that you can be demoted at anytime with a sufficient reason by a Hierarchy member?: Yes i do understand

    - You must be 15 years in age or older.
    - You must be able to speak and type English fluently and correctly.
    - You must have at least four (4) days of game time.
    - You must have 10 or fewer warns.
    - You must not be banned when you apply.
    - You must be able to speak or type quickly and correctly.
    - You must not advertise your application in any way.
    - You must not copy anything from other applications.
    - You may not edit your application without permission from a Hierarchy member.
    - You may not copy-paste parts from a previous application that you have filed unless given permission.
    - Only reply to your application if you need to specify something. Unnecessarily spamming/bumping your application will get it denied. Do not engage in grovelling under your application (posting thank you for reading my application every time someone posts etc.)