George Leon

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    George Leon got a reaction from Gritz in Job Suggestion [Global Occult Coalition]   
    Steam Name : SonyRoiko
    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:39684331
    In-Game Level & Rank: 50, platinum vip.
    State what groups you are in(If you're in any): Head of external affairs, CoTBG (manager)
    Playtime (2 days minimum, exceptions can be made): 2 weeks, 5 days and 13 hours.
    Warns (Only 20 Warns Maximum, Exceptions can be made): 1 warn.
    What can you bring to the Global Occult Coalition: I will be active as much as I can, if possible I will play for 1+ hours everyday. With my activity there will be more people playing the job and bringing people RP experience, also I work better if I am in a team which is the golden rule and I can learn from others by working with them and teamwork is crucial in GOC because operatives must not waste their life without a proper reason and if there are more people on a mission and they are coordinated then there will be a higher chance of success. I can also bring my loyalty to the job as I will always listen to higher up orders and I will never abolish the GOC's five fold missions.
    Why do you want to join the Global Occult Coalition?: I have had many more encounters with the GOC on the server then before it was added, because of this I got more interested in the job and read lore about it. I think that the GOC is different from other jobs on the server and I have become more and more interested in the job after I got to know them a bit better. I also want to join the GOC because I am a bit bored from playing church and other jobs and I want something new, also I want to learn more about GOC through playing the job. I see like 2 people playing the job daily and I want to fix that by being another person who plays it, if I get that chance.
    Do you understand that if you break any GOC rules you will be Kicked: I understand that breaking any of the server rules or GOC rules I will be kicked because the job doesn't want people who break rules as that will bring bad reputation to an important job on the server.
    Please explain the The Seventh Occult War:
    The Seventh Occult War was a war that occured at the start of WW2. The Ahnerbe Obskurakorps and the Thule Gesselschaft wanted to use the destruction of LTE-0913-EX-Machina to their own advantage for more power obviously. They wanted to use this to complete the Rite of Solomon and become even more powerful. The Allied Occult Initiative fought against them to protect humanity from this disastrous event. The battle was harsh but at the end the Allied Occult Initiative  beat the Ahnerbe Obskurakorps. The thought of parathreats and them being weaponized to cause harm to humanity became clearer, so the GOC was formed to save humanity from such events occuring again.

    What are the Missions of Global Occult Coalition:
    Survival: It is the GOC's primary mission to uphold the survival of the human race from any paranormal, parascientific and paratemporal threats. This mission surpasses all other missions.

    Concealment: The GOC will hide the knowledge of parathreats from the general public, as that could cause mass panic and many casualities among the human race.

    Protection: Individual human beings will be protected whenever possible as to achieve survival, this doesn't not mean only protection of human beings but also GOC operatives.

    Destruction: The parathreats shall be destroyed whenever possible, no unnecessary risks shall be taken to ensure the survival of the parathreats.

    Education: The GOC will make effors to expand their knowledge on parathreats, as that will mean they will understand them a bit more and will easily combat them.
    Why was the Global Occult Coalition founded?: After the Seventh Occult War, the power of the parathreats or humans abusing them became clearer. GOC was formed to protect humanity from those parathreats and ensure survival of the human race. The founding of the GOC was also crucial to ensure no apocalyptic scenario would be made with the use of parathreats or by parathreats themselves.

    What is the difference between
    a KTE and a UTE: KTE stands for known threat entity, GOC knows about this threat and they also know how to deal with it and combat it. UTE stands for unknown threat entity, GOC has no knowledge about this threat or very little about it. UTE's are dangerous as GOC does not know how they function or how they can be destroyed.
    What does the PHYSICS Division specialize in?: They observe, investigate, trackdown and destroy anomalies. They are like the military of the GOC because they carry out different dangerous missions to investigate parathreats and at the end destroy them.
    The PHYSICS Divison is made from 2 different teams:

    Assessment teams: They carry out missions which involve the tracking of parathreats and investigating parathreats s0 the strike teams can be called in to destroy them.
    Assessment teams have an oval shape for their heraldry, they have 3 digits unit identifier starting with 7 and they have no motto.

    Strike teams: They are there to capture located parathreats and eventually destroy them. The strike teams carry out dangerous missions, so they have the latest technology to protect them.
    They have a shield shape for their heraldry, 4 digit unit identifiers and also they have a motto.
    IC Section 

    Serial Number: 74232783/9999
    Real Name: George Mcfly
    Nationality: Croatian
    Gender: Male
    Date of Birth: 14/5/1973

    Biographical Information: George Mcfly was born in Varaždin, Croatia. He attended school to the age of 17, once he hit the age of 18 he got a job in the military. He served in the military for 9 years, he got the specialist rank, after that he retired. Because he did not have a job and still had the adventurous spirit he applied at the UN and got a job there, he had some military training and the trainer there noticed he had potential as a UN military unit. On one of his missions he discovered something out of this world and he was scared, the other soldiers joked and laughed at his cowardness. George ran away and reported his sightings to the commander there. At first the commander didn't believe him and shrugged it off, after some medical testings, he was questioned where are the other units because they didn't return, George repeated the story. At last the commander believed him and George was visited by a GOC recruiter, where he was told about the anomalous world and offered a job which he accepted.

    Career Service Vitae: Croatian military(specialist rank), UN soldier.
  2. Thanks
    George Leon reacted to Didde in IDK's CotBG whitelist   
    Join the 1048 discord
  3. Thanks
    George Leon reacted to Viktor Svetsken in IDK's CotBG whitelist   
    Good App
    Seems to be willing to follow the given rule set for 1048
    Would like to see as an acting instance.