Walter Alvarez

Platinum VIP
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    Walter Alvarez reacted to Mark Kuntson in Mark Kunton's Staff App   
    Name: Wojtek
    What country are you from?: Poland
    SteamID: STEAM_0: 1:119242586
    In-Game Name: Mark Kuntson
    Age?: 21
    Play Time? Must be atleast 3 days. No exceptions(SCP-RP): around 8 weeks
    Are you a VIP/GoldVIP?: Plat VIP
    Do you have a microphone?: Yes I do have a mic
    Do you have TeamSpeak (Required)?: Yes I do
    Why should we pick you? (250 word minimum): 
    First of all I am willing and able to be an active and deciated Staff Member, I have experience in staff (from other servers), group management, Discord Support and overall I consider myself a pretty good roleplayer and a friendly individual. I have played the server for a very long time and I know pretty much everything about the rules, various misconceptions and "unspoken rules" (which don't exist) and this in my opinion helps me be a more then good Staff Member. I think I am a helpful individual and right now I am very motivated to become Staff on the server due to various reasons. Also from what I think, we always need more and more experienced Staff Members to never repeat the August/Sptemeber situation which happened this year, when we had around 3 Staff Members (not including STM/Security Staff)
    I know in the past I did not have the best reputation, but I am certain and judging by the past months I have changed and am not that person anymore. SMT has denied my twice for various reasons I  have worked thoughout the years to improve and at least mitigate my flaws. So I hope this attempt will not be in vain.
    To sum up: I am active, experienced and want to help the server by applying for the Staff Team, I think I am an experienced and active player and I will be able to help explain and guide new/old players in pretty much every aspect of the server.
    Will you be active?: Yes I will be active
    How long will you be able to play per day?: During the week 1-4h. During the weekend 4-8h.
    Are you aware atleast 75% of your time on the server should be on duty time and failing to do so will result in a punishment: Yes I am aware of this rule.
    Any past experience as staff?: I was a Super Admin on a Star Wars RP Server (It had a different Structure then this one so a Super there is a Senior Admin here)
    Do you have an specific mental conditions/illnesses and if yes, what are they?: No I do not.
    Any previous warns/bans? If so why? (maximum of 20 warns exceptions can be made.): 4 warnings, all of them expired
    Fear RP
    Lying to Staff
    Do you know the basic ULX commandes Yes/No: Yes
    Do you know what SCP-RP is about? (not just job descriptions): 
    SCP-RP gamemode is about getting inside and roleplaying as a custom character in the world of the SCP Foundation. The universe is centered around anomalous objects/persona/phenomena and such. There are many groups who either study/combat/fight for/use these anomalies, but the main one and (probably) the biggest is the SCP Foundation. The SCP Foundation has multiple Sites/Areas around the world who serve multiple purposes. SCP means Secure. Contain. Protect. The primary goal of the SCP Foundation is containment, study and unlimately understanding of those objects to ensure the survival of humanity in such a dangerous world.
    On the server the player can create a character in many different roles and with many different tasks. For example, if one wishes to ensure the safety of those around him he/she might chose to become Site Security and assist protetion of the Site and it's personnel. If one wishes to dive into the ever present anomalous objects and entities he/she might want to create a character in the Research Department. If one likes administrative tasks/making decisions he might want to join the Site Administration.
    The Foundation is not the only group though. There are many more, commonly called Groups of Interest (GoIs in short) and those groups have different goals and purposes. 
    Marshall, Carter & Dark Ltd. for example is one such group. It is focused on gathering wealth and money through selling anomalous objects to the highest bidder.
    The Chaos Insurgency on the other hand is well... chaotic. Their ultimate goal is unknown but as of yet they are trying to undermine the SCP Foundation and activly hinder it's operations.
    There are of course many more groups and roles. The SCP world would not be itself without the unaware population, living and continueing their daily lives with ignorace towards the anomalous. It is the ultimate goal of some of the groups to keep the public unaware of these objects and entities.
    Do you understand the rules of SCP-RP(1 word is not an anwser).: I do. SCP-RP rules are devided into 7 main categories:
    1. In-Character Rules - Overall rules regarding IC stuff. Random Deathmatch, FailRP, Metagame, Reasons to shoot or not shoot people, New Life Rule are all listed here
    2. Out of Character Rules - Overall rules regarding OOC stuff. Player to player Racism, abuse, glitching, disrespect/impersonation of Staff are all listed here
    3. Building Rules - Overall rules regarding prop placement and dupe building. Here you can find restrictions on where and how to build bases/checkpoints, where you can place props to cover you during combat and so on. 
    4. Foundation Job Rules - Overall rules regarding what you can/can not do as Foundation Personnel. Here we can find more precise definition of FailRP for example going rouge without a good reason or leaving the site again for no good reason.
    5. Group of Interest Rules - Overall rules regarding what you can/can not do as a specific Group of Interest member. Here we can find rules regarding MC&D jobs and CI jobs.
    6. Surface Job Rules - Overall rules regarding what you can/can not do as specific Surface Jobs. There we can find restritions on what civilians, reporters and D-Class can/can not do.
    7. SCP Job Rules -  Overall rules regarding what you can/can not do when playing specific SCPs. Almost every SCP has it's own rules. Examples: 049 can not run using shift, 106 can only use noclip to quickly return to his cc after a valid femur or to go through small doors or walls.
    Here are some rules that are more often broken than others:
    RDM - Random Deathmatch - killing someone without a valid reason
    Metagame - Using out of character information (for example the TAB menu) in a in-character situation
    FailRP - Acting in a way a character would not to. This has many definitions and examples. I have listed some of them in the explanations above.
    NH2RP - Not Here to Roleplay, when a player joins a server with no intention to engage in roleplay.
    E2/Pac3 Abuse - abuse of E2/Pac3 functions
  2. Like
    Walter Alvarez got a reaction from Doobie in Oshy Malta's/Doobie Unban Request   
    Shit staff
  3. Thanks
    Walter Alvarez got a reaction from Doobie in Oshy Malta's/Doobie Unban Request   
  4. Like
    Walter Alvarez got a reaction from Royal in Oshy Malta's/Doobie Unban Request   
  5. Like
    Walter Alvarez got a reaction from Wesker in Oshy Malta's/Doobie Unban Request   
  6. Sad
    Walter Alvarez got a reaction from Agent Ghost in Should i stop simping for Kaneki?   
    He locked him up in his basement and brainwashed him.
  7. Sad
    Walter Alvarez got a reaction from Oswald Bruner in Oshy Malta's/Doobie Unban Request   
    Shit staff
  8. Sad
    Walter Alvarez got a reaction from James Whisper in CSB App   
    +1 Minge
  9. Like
    Walter Alvarez got a reaction from Jack Kullman in unban request   
    I think this is very serious.
  10. Like
    Walter Alvarez got a reaction from ApexDezza in unban request   
    -600000000 social credit.
  11. Like
    Walter Alvarez reacted to michael intruder in michael intruder manufactiruing   
    In-Game Name: michael intruder
    SteamID:  STEAM_0:0:92055315
    Warns(do !warns and take a screenshot): 4
    Playtime(3 days minimum): 3 days

    In-Game Level: 38
    Have you read the server rules and know not to be retarded?: yes i read the rules
    What job does the Manufacturing Department have on site?: manufacturing makes ammo and other equipment for the mtf to use during breaches etc
    Why do you think you'll be a good fit for the Head of Manufacturing?: i am active and i can make ammo very eficienty. 
    Where and why would you put your shop/bench?: i would put it near d block outside the checkpoint because there is so many guards 
    Explain 2 HoMD rules(rules are in the HoMD spreadsheet rules section): cant find
  12. Sad
    Walter Alvarez got a reaction from Jim Banana in michael intruder manufactiruing   
    btw it'll take around 3 months until this will be accepted.
  13. Confused
    Walter Alvarez got a reaction from michael intruder in michael intruder manufactiruing   
    btw it'll take around 3 months until this will be accepted.
  14. Thanks
    Walter Alvarez got a reaction from michael intruder in michael intruder manufactiruing   
    +1 hMh YEs GooD App u MADE There
  15. Haha
    Walter Alvarez reacted to Adolf Dripler in unban request   
    thank you for your support buddy greatly appreciated instead of all the trolls
  16. Haha
    Walter Alvarez got a reaction from Oswald Bruner in unban request   
    Shut up you're perma banned yourself.
  17. Sad
    Walter Alvarez got a reaction from michael intruder in for maurice biggs (templated version)   
    +1 I hate class d.
    Unban this fancy fella.
  18. Like
    Walter Alvarez got a reaction from Candyman in Steven Smithh's-HoMD App   
    +1 M5-6 approve 
  19. Like
    Walter Alvarez got a reaction from Max Livio in Max's Application   
    Max my buddy.
    Please make him staff again he was a great guy.
  20. Like
    Walter Alvarez got a reaction from Edward Balls in Alfred + Wayne Warning/Ban Request   
    I think we should ban Walter Alvarez!
  21. Like
    Walter Alvarez got a reaction from Forton Greenman in Brad Geiser - Site Director Application   
    Like to metagame 
  22. Like
    Walter Alvarez got a reaction from Henry in Brad Geiser - Site Director Application   
    Like to metagame 
  23. Like
    Walter Alvarez got a reaction from Brad Geiser in Brad Geiser - Site Director Application   
    Like to metagame 
  24. Sad
    Walter Alvarez got a reaction from Oswald Bruner in John Nilox's Staff Application   
    -1 no lol. I like giving people false hope.
  25. Like
    Walter Alvarez got a reaction from Yukiwoski in Adam Baker - Head of Manufacturing Department WL   
    Haha lol my bad. I have once again made the great mistake of putting trust in Joe Conner.
    +1 to application.