Walter Alvarez

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  1. Haha
    Walter Alvarez got a reaction from Joe Conner in Joe Conner's Staff Application   
    says the one with around 3 weeks
    +1 to your application 
  2. Sad
    Walter Alvarez got a reaction from Jason Haze in Jason Haze's Site Director application   
    +1 even tho Jason Haze is a weak minded individual he may have somewhat just a tiny little bit of skill to play as SD
  3. Haha
    Walter Alvarez got a reaction from Josh Richardson in Hello yes 3day invalid ban plz remove( Unwarn Request)   
    I really want to give you a -1 for using light mode you sick fuck.
    +1 remove the warn I guess?
  4. Like
    Walter Alvarez reacted to Azazel Keenan in Jason Haze's staff aplication   
    Accepted.  Good support from the community and decent application. Contact me on discord to get started. 
  5. Haha
    Walter Alvarez got a reaction from Cal in Fishy's Apology   
    You don't know that 
  6. Sad
    Walter Alvarez got a reaction from Cal in Fishy's Apology   
    You see everything don't you?
  7. Sad
    Walter Alvarez got a reaction from Oswald Bruner in Mobile Task Force Epsilon-11 - "Nine Tailed Fox"   
    Hello I like the server and have plat VIP which means I spent money on the server. Also I hate SCPs I hate 457 the most. Can I have WL now?
  8. Like
    Walter Alvarez got a reaction from alex doe in My staff application   
    He has a Patrick Star profile picture so he must have a point there.
  9. Haha
    Walter Alvarez got a reaction from Kaneki Fujimoto in My staff application   
    He has a Patrick Star profile picture so he must have a point there.
  10. Haha
    Walter Alvarez got a reaction from Joe Conner in Fijis unban req   
    Ok you got out of this SCP rp community now stay away.
  11. Haha
    Walter Alvarez got a reaction from Joe Conner in My staff application   
    He has a Patrick Star profile picture so he must have a point there.
  12. Sad
    Walter Alvarez got a reaction from James Whisper in Unbannrequ   
    Ok sorry please don't take my lunch money.
  13. Sad
    Walter Alvarez got a reaction from Joe Conner in SCP 096 application   
    It's a masterpiece.
  14. Haha
    Walter Alvarez got a reaction from Clancy Colbert in Clancy Colbert | SCP-096   
    +1 application is very good.
    I got 19w don't know if that's impressive or just very sad.
  15. Sad
    Walter Alvarez got a reaction from James Whisper in Unbannrequ   
    Tf is that green stuff
  16. Like
    Walter Alvarez got a reaction from Seto Zen masamune in Mr Seto's/Seto Zen SD Application   
    +1 I've seen you on Site Advisor a lot and in my opinion you're a good fit for SD.
  17. Haha
    Walter Alvarez got a reaction from Jason Haze in Specification on raiding rules   
  18. Like
    Walter Alvarez got a reaction from Ewan Miles in Specification on raiding rules   
  19. Haha
    Walter Alvarez reacted to Norra in Perma-banned with no reason? (I'm level 10 with no prior warns)   
    you forgot to private your account, silly goose

  20. Like
    Walter Alvarez reacted to Oswald Bruner in ???   
    MTF Lambda-5 "White Rabbits"

    MTF Lambda-5 specializes in traversing unstable, surreal, alien and controlled reality environments. They also specialize in containing potentially dangerous persons and artifacts capable of manipulating space and time.

    OOC Section
    Steam Name: Monkinator37
    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:104840655
    In-game name: Oswald Bruner
    Discord: Monkinator37#4703
    My MTF Lambbda-5 unit is going to specialize in traversing environments on the other side of various portals that appear around the site. As well as occasionally securing reality-benders or on-site POIs. However, because there isn't always going to be a combine portal or on-site POIs, my MTF Lambda 5 unit is also going to protect and guard unarmed/important CL4+ personnel, typically site admin. If there are no CL4+ personnel that want protection, he will assist on-site security in LCZ or patrol the site.
    Playermodel: PMC4_14
    Equipment on Spawn:
    Player detector, medkit, no collide SWEP and Newport Cigarette
    Locker Equipment:
    Aug A3, basic cuffs, assorted pistols, knife and flashbang

    Foundation, Foundation Admin and Surface

    Foundation server access
    This is a powerful character, so in order to make it not be some super soldier that kills everything, I am going to add a few restrictions that I made myself.
    My Lambda-5 Character CANNOT:
    Respond to raids, unless it directly obstructs their duties or endangers the CL4+ personnel they are protecting
    Respond to hostile SCP breaches, unless it directly obstructs their duties or endangers the CL4+ personnel they are protecting
    Use their medkit in active combat situations
    Use their No Collide SWEP, unless if it is to traverse obstructed environments on the other side of portals, reach or find the CL4+ personnel they are protecting or go through densely populated hallways. They also may not use it to enter areas they have not been given permission to enter, such as private offices or compounds in warehouse. They cannot use it to avoid cuffs or bullets (unless if it's RDA/RDM). They may also not use it to enter hostile-controlled bases.
    Go on surface operations, unless if it is to accompany or rescue the CL4+ personnel they are with. Such as the HoEA.

    Use the foundation server outside of resecuring it.

    I know it's hard to enforce custom character rules, but you have my word and promise to adhere to these rules the best I can.
    Feel free to question me regarding any rules. My DMs are open.
    Rules can be added/changed, and removed if they are unnecessary.
    How will this character improve RP?
    My MTF Lambda-5 character will help improve RP in 5 main ways
    My character will protect CL4+ personnel so that they aren't always stricken with a feeling of helplessness due to a lack of means to defend themselves in bad situations. This also opens up more opportunities for RP, as my character could act as a messenger when comms are compromised. Opportunities for RP with this character are plentiful, the only limit is imagination and cooperation.
    My character is specially adapted for environments that other MTF aren't. For example, a portal opens up leading to a tropical area that is sealed off by rocks. My character could use their no collide to venture past the rocks, and report information back to site. Thus adding another layer of RP for portal-based exploration missions. This isn't limited only to portals though, as I could move past any player-made obstruction and report what I see.

    Although not as often, my character can help keep LCZ and the security team in check. He doesn't hold power over the security team, but can assist them in their duties, and ensure that everything works smoothly.
    Lastly, my character could help alleviate units like A-1 and E-11 from having to protect/contain Deimos Abram, or any other POIs. Thus allowing them to engage in their proper on-site duties, keeping the site secure and being able to properly repel raids. Or in the case of A-1, keep the O5 safe.

    Due to my Lambda-5 unit's past experience in MTF Rho-9, he will be able to maintain and secure the foundation server during any raids from the combine/GOIs.

    This isn't all that my character will be able to do, though. Only time and circumstance will tell.

    Jane Forster and Brian Forster
    Dylan Forster
    200 documented hours of off-job firearms training
    Advanced torture resistance training
    Cell and hostage extraction certified
    High School Diploma
    Masters in Computer Science from MIT


    Dylan Forster is a Caucasian male of American decent. He was born and raised in Houston, Texas. He grew up with little money in a rough, poor area. Despite his rocky beginnings, he excelled throughout his school years. Making friends and getting high grades throughout his school life. He was known to frequent and be a member of computer clubs at school. In his final years of schooling, he wrote computer programs for money on occasion. Most of this money, of course, went towards building and upgrading his own personal computer, which he had built himself.

    After graduating from high school, he enlisted in the Army in order to pay for college. After becoming a rifleman, his superiors noticed that he had a gift for medical care, and Dylan was later certified with TCCC-MP. He was deployed twice, and exhibited great field knowledge and medical expertise. It is reported that he saved 23 fallen squad mates from fatal wounds. In order to earn extra benefits in the military, he was trained and certified for cell and hostage extraction. He was promoted to up to the rank of SGT throughout his military career, and once he had saved up enough money he utilized his guaranteed free college and applied to MIT's computer science courses. He was soon after accepted.

    Throughout his time at MIT he excelled in his studies, and acted as a leader for a student-based IT department. In this student-run IT department he and his friends helped school staff and students diagnose and fix their computer issues. Ranging from simple settings to replacing parts. He later graduated with a masters degree in computer science and hefty work experience. After graduating he moved back to Houston and started working for a tech firm, and made a high salary with good benefits. He excelled at his job, quickly getting promoted and assigned a group to manage. He loved his work, cherishing every day and was able to support a good lifestyle.

    After reports of his great achievements working with computers and past military experience, he was picked up by the Foundation and was recruited into MTF unit Rho-9 "Technical Support". While working in Rho-9 he showed exemplary performance. He quickly and cheaply solved multiple different foundation server issues and was instrumental in an incident regarding SCP-079. A few years later, he was transferred to MTF unit Lambda-5. He was given extensive torture resistance training, as well as being instructed on how to traverse anomalous environments. He has been in multiple different operations, with high degrees of success across all of them.
    The next page entails one of the operations that Special Agent Planeswalker has been on.

    Appreciates a good cigar. Loves talking about computers. Operates under a veil of secrecy.


    DATE w/ww/2018
    Special Agent Mantis
    Special Agent Planeswalker

    Planeswalker: Command, arrived at point of interest, do you copy?
    CMD: Loud and clear, good to proceed.
    Mantis: Hey, what the hell is this thing again? I missed the briefing.
    Planeswalker: We've gotten reports of a spatial anomaly out in some rural farmhouse. Several missing persons. Unknown if there are hostiles inside, proceed with caution, don't break anything.
    Mantis: Rural farmhouse eh? You'd think these anomalies would be less stereotypical.

    Aerial drone footage shows the duo moving to the farmhouse from a forest, 1 1/2 KM from LZ.

    Mantis: Hey command, we arrived at the house. Nothing out of the ordinary. A little cold, but nothing noticeable. Are we clear to proceed inside?
    CMD: Negative, set up observational cameras outside the house, and set off one of your smoke grenades.

    Three separate camera feeds flicker to life in the span of 10 minutes, smoke is observed from the second camera near the front door of the house.

    Planeswalker: All set up. Are we clear to move in? Nothing noticeable, only entrance is the front door.
    CMD: Yes, proceed into the house from the front door.

    Body cam footage shows the duo entering the house, arriving in an entry way. Planeswalker gives the all clear signal, and the pair proceed into the living room area.

    Mantis: Nothing yet command, seems all clear.

    A brief rustling from Mantis is heard, followed by an electronic startup noise.

    Mantis: Heart beat sensors detect nothing but our own, clear to proceed?
    CMD: Affirmative, continue onwards

    Body cam footage shows the pair clearing the first and second floor of the house, nothing abnormal, but it is a little dusty.

    Mantis: sneezes This place sucks.
    Planeswalker: Agreed, but keep it professional please.

    Mantis makes small mocking noises.

    Planeswalker: Hey, found some sorta cellar entrance here. Clear to proceed, command?
    CMD: Affirmative, move into the cellar, report everything you see.

    Body cam footage shows them entering the cellar, before stopping at the bottom.

    Mantis: Holy shit. This place is massive! How the hell?!?!
    Planeswalker: Command, do you see our footage? It's some sorta warehouse. White fluorescent lights hanging from an abyssal black ceiling, no apparent end to the ceiling. There's a back wall at the stairs, but everything else just goes on and on.

    The duo turn left and right, taking in their surroundings. Tall stacks of crates can be seen, as well as various abstract furniture items.

    CMD: Body cam footage received, continue to explore the area.

    The duo continue forward. Various medieval melee weapons can be seen, as well as antique firearms.

    Planeswalker: Hey, we've got a sign here. It reads "Up Next: Modern" The other side of it says "Back To: Antique"
    CMD: Copy, report all that you see, continue forward.

    The duo continue forward, modern pieces of furniture from various brands are seen. A Lamborghini Aventador is on a wooden pallet, its tires long since deflated. Taxidermies of humans are seen wearing different articles of clothing

    Mantis: We found the missing persons, they got taxidermies of them, wearing clothes from different fashion styles.
    CMD: Copy, proceed onward.

    Various modern firearms are found on racks, from various manufacturers with extravagant attachments.
    The group arrive at a wall with a sign reading "The rest is still to be found. The Antique Collectors are awaiting their arrival."

    Planeswalker: Found a wall, command. It appears to end here. 
    Mantis: Yeah, nothing else he-FUCK!

    13 shots are fired from Mantis's rifle, a robed, hooded figured clutching a long knife is seen lying dead on the floor.

    Planeswalker: That was too close, you all good?
    Mantis: Yeah yeah, he didn't touch me.
    Planeswalker: Command, cultists appear to be inside. Permission to exfil and wait for backup?
    CMD: Somewhat, exfil immediately. No backup is arriving. The area will be quarantined.
    Planeswalker: Understood, heading topside.

    The duo successfully make their way out of the building, and are picked up in a helicopter.


    Input credentials to proceed
    Input.USRID "74984390567"
    > Processing....
    > Accepted

    Input.PWRD "**************"
    > Processing....
    > Accepted
    Welcome: Special Agent Planeswalker

    You have 1 new message(s)
    Origin: Site www
    From: Lambda-5 CMDR wwwwwww recent
    > Opening message, please wait.

    Hey kid, got some usual work for ya at a new site. Out in Ovis City. The place is a hotspot for POIs and reality benders. I'm transferring you over there for the foreseeable future. You'll be briefed on arrival. Oh yeah, you're also gonna be protecting various CL4+ members of that site. You've always had a knack for secret and protective work, I trust you know how to operate best. If you've got nothing else to do help out the security team in their LCZ. Heard the place is uhh... unruly.
    We're also sending a experimental piece of technology with ya, let's you walk through solid matter at the push of a button. Should help ya traverse hostile environments or whatever. Don't know the specifics, that's for the egg heads. The suits want me to tell you to use it sparingly, don't wanna wig out anybody or cause some freak accident.
    You'll be sent over via helicopter in 2 days time. Pack your bags, say your goodbyes and get ready.
    Give em' hell, kiddo. See ya on the flip.

  21. Sad
    Walter Alvarez got a reaction from James Whisper in The Holy Britannian Empire   
    Please not another job that wants  to rape Sarkics.
  22. Like
    Walter Alvarez got a reaction from Jeremy Sanders in Jeremy's Staff Application   
    +1 thrall council leader.
    - nice person
    - has enough brain cells to be staff
    - trust worthy 
  23. Like
    Walter Alvarez got a reaction from Kabasch in ISD getting removed   
    Good. Now I can walk through Foundation as Researcher without getting stunned from behind and my comms stripped.
  24. Like
    Walter Alvarez got a reaction from Kabasch in Kabasch's Staff Application   
    -Kabasch is a very friendly person 
    -is trusted within the community 
    -has shown a good amount of competence 
    -application is very good
    -has a good understanding of rules
    -has a good amount of playtime 
    -acts calm in serious situations 
    I think Kabasch would make a great Staff member. 
  25. Thanks
    Walter Alvarez got a reaction from Kabasch in Kabasch's Staff Application   