Walter Alvarez

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  1. Thanks
    Walter Alvarez reacted to Nell in SCP-096 by Walter Alvarez   
  2. Thanks
    Walter Alvarez reacted to Fayne™ in SCP-096 by Walter Alvarez   
    +1 , i mean there's not much else to say
  3. Like
    Walter Alvarez got a reaction from Nell in SCP-096 by Walter Alvarez   
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    Walter Alvarez got a reaction from GANGSTALKED BY XUNTS BF in SCP-096 by Walter Alvarez   
    RP-Name: Walter Alvarez

    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:503141868

    Playtime (Must be 4 days or over): 14w 0d 5h

    In-game Warnings (Reasons and amount, provide a screenshot. Type !warns to see a list, warnings may not exceed 20 [exceptions can be made]): 
     Their 15 warns btw
    Have you read the rules of SCPRP and understand them?: Yes I have read the server rules a lot of times now. I am aware of all general, OOC and IC rules.

    Have you read the SCP-096 rules and understand them? Demonstrate your understanding with an example or two:
    Rule 1: SCP-096 is not allowed to MassRDM, he is only allowed to kill people who looked at his face. Also SCP-096 has to kill his target as soon as possible and not waste time by trying to get other people to look at his face "Face farming".
    Rule 2: As SCP-096 you are not allowed to look out of your CC (Containment Chamber) with your third-person or pac3 camera.
    Rule 3: SCP-096 has the so called bypasser swep wich allows him to open any door on the server. Now SCP-096 is only allowed to use this swep with the intention to kill his target. This means that SCP-096 is not allowed to use his swep on his CC doors or any other doors if he doesn`t have a target.
    Rule 4: When playing SCP-096 and you don`t have a target you must face the CC walls. You are not allowed to look at the doors in order to force people to look at your face. If you do you will break the Fail breach rule wich is very poopy.
    Rule 5: Because we are not rasist or anything SCP-096 must kill his target no matter what. Is it your friend no one asked kill him. Is it a Researcher get him outta here. Class d slap him to death idc. What I wanna say by this kill all who saw your face.
    Rule 6: Once SCP-096 killed his target he has to sit down where he killed him. And is no longer allowed to move unless you still have a target or someone else saw your face.
    Rule 7: No foundation personnel is allowed to look at your face on purpose and if they do you have to report it to Staff. Also your not allowed to chase after the retard.
    Rule 8: Try to avoid accidently killing someone with your swep. If the person that you accidently killed calls a Staff sit be sure tohave evidence.
    Rule 9: You are not allowed to kill other SCP buddys. Also if an immortal being looks at your face you can only case them for one minute.
    Rule 10: You are allowed to kill people who bodyblock doors to your target. But only those not just anyone on the path. So if someone stands in a door that you need to pass through and screams "Stupid ugly white man" you may slap him to hell and from there to the moon untill there is nothing left from him. But if a guy makes way for you you may say "thanks bro" (IN OOC OFCORSE) and pas by him.

    Are you able to play the job often and RP correctly?:
    I mean I`m a W-G SCPRP main so yes.

    What is the containment procedure for SCP-096 if it has breached? Explain with as much detail as you can:
    Now your an E-11 because B-7 sucks. You walk around the site and then out of no where you hear on comms [COMMS][Foundation] Dr. Bald Man: OMG SCP-096 BREACHED HELP!. Now you think "oh no" so you start sprinting towards LCZ because that`s where his targets run 90% of the time for some reason. So now after spamming on foundation comms [COMMS][Foundation] Walter Alvarez: SCP-096 location?. You get the message [COMMS][Foundation] Dr. Bald Man: He is in LCZ next to SCP-500!. So you run there, and after you arrived you evacuate all non Containment units from the area. Once that is done.  You slowly approach SCP-096 from behind and start cuffing him with your containment cuffs. Once cuffed SCP-096 should have a bucket on his head if he doesn`t you fucked it up. Now after SCP-096 is cuffed you drag him back to his CC with some other containment units for guard and to look more badass (+25 SWAG gained). After you brought SCP-096 back into his CC you put onto the wall with him facing the wall. Then you release him while looking at his ugly feet.

    While in a test, the D-Class they have put in your Containment Chamber has run out and managed to get to the Entrance Zone after looking at your face. What course of action do you take and what do you do once your target is dead?:
    Easy question I hunt down that class-d / d-class to kill him asap. After killing the class-d / d-class I sit down like the lazy person I am and wait until containment units come to me and recontain me or some poor soule to look at my face.

    While chasing SCP-096-1, you pass a researcher, MTF personnel and D-Class who all look at your face accidentally. You manage to kill your original target and you circle back to kill the rest. Is this a good RP scenario and why? (Free form question.):
    I mean GG to whoever got this question wrong. So Yes it`s good RP because it`s what 096 does it`s his lore and since we play on a RP server I have to follow his so called lore as good as possible.

    A Group of Interest has entered the facility and is attempting to bring you to their base. While transporting you, one of the members sees your face, however says that it was an accident and that you should just ignore it. What should you do and why?:
    I do what I do to other people who look at my face. I slap him to death. Why you ask? Because as stated like 30 seconds ago IT`S HIS LORE AND SINCE IT`S A RP SERVER I HAVE TO FOLLOW IT AS GOOD AS POSSIBLE
  5. Thanks
    Walter Alvarez reacted to Xunt in Suit models for civilians   
    I don't see an issue with this, and will go well with the customisable civ /jobs.
  6. Like
    Walter Alvarez reacted to Rusty - Ketero in Job Suggestion [Kabushiki Kawaii]   
    +1  so GOC can KOS them and commit genocide
  7. Haha
    Walter Alvarez got a reaction from CTSkipper in Free me up :(   
    -1 Raided my office when he was on Security Guard
  8. Confused
    Walter Alvarez got a reaction from Windows XP in Job Suggestion [Global Occult Coalition]   
    Hello I would like to be Serpent's Hand.
  9. Haha
    Walter Alvarez got a reaction from BogSeatVEVO in 05   
    +1 This is a good application. I see all your hard work when you pressed 3 buttons on your keyboard.
  10. Confused
    Walter Alvarez got a reaction from Asteria Silver in Job Suggestion [Global Occult Coalition]   
    Hello I would like to be Serpent's Hand.
  11. Confused
    Walter Alvarez got a reaction from Nathan Kennedy in Job Suggestion [Global Occult Coalition]   
    Hello I would like to be Serpent's Hand.
  12. Confused
    Walter Alvarez got a reaction from popbob in Free me up :(   
    -1 Raided my office when he was on Security Guard
  13. Thanks
    Walter Alvarez got a reaction from Mimicdock in Unban Request   
    Neutral he seems like a good guy/kid/woman (idk). But I would like a staff member to mabey show a screenshot of the ban reason. For now it's a neutral.
  14. Sad
    Walter Alvarez got a reaction from Nathan Kennedy in Which Job do you hate most and why?   
    GOC because I think their a little unbalanced.
  15. Haha
    Walter Alvarez got a reaction from balls in Muscle Class D   
    +1 Can we also add class d with
  16. Haha
    Walter Alvarez got a reaction from Windows XP in Muscle Class D   
    +1 Can we also add class d with
  17. Haha
    Walter Alvarez reacted to Xunt in Bango True Admin Abuse/DTP/False Warning   
    If you were warned by two staff members to stop and you didn't, that's your problem, warn will stand. As you have clearly expressed the fact that you do not want to be called "Puggo Alt" or w/e by Bango if he calls you that again he will be tiered.
  18. Like
    Walter Alvarez got a reaction from Lorex Krato in Who's your favorite SCP-RP Staff Member?   
    Lorex, good friend and serious. Like he wouldn't wait to ban friends of him atleast that's what he once told me.
  19. Haha
    Walter Alvarez reacted to Gary in Bango True O5 app   
    Goo goo gaa gaa
    👶 🍼 
  20. Like
    Walter Alvarez got a reaction from Norra in Bango True O5 app   
    Seen him on HoEA dealing with extrem situations like whole Surface starting a war with Foundation. Seems to be known on the server. I think he fits for the role of an O5
  21. Like
    Walter Alvarez got a reaction from CTSkipper in Bango True Staff Application   
    +1 I had some good time with this person and he is also a very activ player I think he should get a shot
  22. Like
    Walter Alvarez got a reaction from CTSkipper in Bango True Staff Application   
    Stop crying about stuff that happened a year ago. Like a lot of people already said Captona brought RP to the server. And also people change.
  23. Haha
    Walter Alvarez reacted to lee hynd in lees unban request   
    if i cant get unbanned then well i dont give 1 shit because THERE ARE WAY BETTER SERVERS OUT THERE LIKE DARK RP AND CONTAINMENT BREACH U UNDERATED IDIOTS
  24. Thanks
    Walter Alvarez reacted to Xunt in anomaly cloack swep   
    Will work on fixing it.
  25. Like
    Walter Alvarez got a reaction from CTSkipper in The Serpent's Hand   
    Dear L.S.: Dear L.S. I see you have desided to write me. Well I`m happy to get such a chance to switch words with you. I will fully use such a chance so keep reading.
    My official name [RP name] is...: Walter Alvarez
    My Online Identities [Steam Name & Discord Name] are...: Steam Name: Walter Alvarez / Discord Name: True Walter
    My Library Card Signature [SteamID] is...:  My Library Card Signature is STEAM_0:0:503141868
    The time I have spent inside of the Library [Playtime] is...: I have spent about 10 Weeks, 0 Days, 18 Hours and 5 Minutes
    My intentions when I joined The Serpent's Hand was...: I always tried to keep my true intentions to join the Serpent`s Hand hidden. But in such a case I guess I could tell you. You see I was born in a normal living family it was a great time. Until that one Birthday of mine. I got 8 years old my parents wanted to give me something very special. A toy no one else had. A toy from the true Wondertainment it was a small robot monkey like that was the appearance of it. But it was so much more it was like a living being. It was only 4 hours until I got it and it already became my best friend. But then it happend a GOC squad tracted my Birthday present. They broke down the door rushed into our house and shot down my Parents. I ran into the basement and because I wanted to hide in a old chest that was standing down there for years. My new monkey friend ofcorse followed me and I knew they were here for him. So as  scared as I was I grabbed the toy and trew it upstairs again and closed the door on it. I ran to the box opend it went in there closed it and waited in there for about 2 hours. My heartbeat was loud so loud I was afraid you could hear it through the whole house. But the heavy footsteps of the GOC were louder. I was siting in there and cryed and cryed. After those 2 hours I startet to feel extrem heat it got hoter and hoter. So I opened the chest and saw the basement and the other parts of the house in flames. I ran upstairs and outside as fast as I can. To make this story a little bit shorter I was sitting out there in the cold next to my burning home and my dead parents inside. But then I gathered myself stand up with the most hatefull face I ever had and sayed. "UN YOU TOOK FROM ME KILLED MY PARENTS, BURNED DOWN MY HOUSE AND TOOK MY FRIEND I WILL NOT FORGET AND I WILL NOT FORGIVE I WILL KILL YOU ALL I AM YOUR WORST NIGHTMARE!" So yes my goals and intentions are to kill all GOC so no other child in this world has to feel the same pain I feel.
    I know a lot about The Serpent's Hand such as...: the fact that the Serpent`s Hand mebers are able to join on there own will and can leave if they want. There are many diffrent kinds of Members in the Serpent`s Hand from Cultists to criminals from Normal Humans to Anomalys. Many of those members have diffrent goals on what they will do with the Sperpent`s Hand membership. The Serpent`s Hand also doesn`t really have a leader unless you work for L.S. then this then this L.S. person is your leader. The Serpent`s Hand is more like a movement with many diffrent smaller movements. Their are some GOIs who work against the Serpent`s Hand most known for that is the GOC aka. The Bookburners who disguise themselfs as the UN in the puplik and then we have the SCP-Foundation also called the jailer who look away anomalys and criminals who they use on testing. But that is by far not everything about the Serpent`s Hand one of the most known things about the Serpent`s Hand is the so called "The Wanderer`s Library" the Wanderer`s Library contains all knowledge in the world it contains all books that have ever been written and ever will be written.
    I would describe myself as...: a good person I only do what`s good for this world and I will start by deleting GOC from this world. I am a very serious person and care about the small and poor people. I`m also very much willing to learn but also to teach about the anomalys world.
    My story about finding the Library & The Serpent's Hand starts with...: How I found the Library and the Hand? Well it all started at the end of my Backstory. I was standing there next to the flames. A car approached me and a man in a dark green coat, green glowing eyes, big boots and covered in dust steped out of the car he took me by the hand and said don`t worrie kid everything is fine now. He took me with him to an appartments. And made a tea for me and asked me what happend. I told him about everything. After that he told me about the Serpent`s Hand and that he was part of them. He was the so called Birdwatcher. And that`s how I joined the Serpent`s Hand