Zach Muller

Platinum VIP
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  1. Thanks
    Zach Muller got a reaction from Kreuzritter in staff abuse report   
    for the sake of allah and erdogan

  2. Like
    Zach Muller got a reaction from Viktor in staff abuse report   
    for the sake of allah and erdogan

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    Zach Muller reacted to Viktor in staff abuse report   
    All I can do is relay you to my personal doctor of 17 years, Doctor Cope von Seethe (PhD).

  4. Like
    Zach Muller reacted to Kreuzritter in staff abuse report   
    pov: turkish drone operator (gmod hacker) firing down on kurdish truck with mazlum jager inside

    ok mazlum, turkey (erdogan dynasty) will be ruling over the turkish-kurdish provinces for the next years to come lol
  5. Like
    Zach Muller reacted to Kreuzritter in staff abuse report   
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    Zach Muller reacted to Hans Hezroch in Hans Hezroch's Staff Application   
    RP Character name/s:
    Hans Hezroch (FG)
    Mitko Nedyalkov (Embassy)
    Steam Name:
    gregg's bacon butty [W-G]
    Steam ID:
    Age when applying:
    16 (17 in 4 months)
    What country do you currently reside in? What is your time-zone?:
    Scotland, GMT
    Can you speak and type English fluently?:
    Yes I do.
    Current total game-time on the server (type utime_enable 1 in the console if you can't see your game time):
    14w, 1d, 20h
    IC Rank(s) & OOC Donation Rank(s) on WW2-RP:
    IC: Feldgendarmerie-Trupp “Großdeutschland” Leutnant and Bulgarian Honour Guard
    OOC: Platinum VIP, Pac3 and 3d stream radio
    Do you own a working microphone? When you communicate do you type or speak?:
    Yes I do. I normally use my microphone but if my someone doesn't understand me/ hear me I'll switch to typing.
    When did you join the server? Have you taken any breaks since?:
    I joined the server on the 14th of June 2019. I have had one break, from August to November 2019.
    How often do you use our Teamspeak 3 server and our forums?:
    I go on Teamspeak almost every day and I normally check the forums every other day to see if something new's been posted.
    List of all previous RP server staff experience: N/A
    Staff that would recommend you?(They will be asked to verify):
    - Dunstan Beckette - Senior Moderator/ Event Planner 
    - Johannes Grau - Moderator/ Event Planner
    - Banshee - Trial Moderator
    State your previous OOC punishments (bans, kicks etc.) Also include a screenshot of your list of warns. (Go in game and type !warns. Upload it to or as a steam community screenshot and include the link. Your game time must be visible as well in the screenshot. Type utime_enable 1 if you can not see it on your screen
    I have 2 warns   both Fail RP Tier I.
    State the role of staff on the server:
    The role of staff on any RP server is to uphold the rules that have been put in place, to ensure that everyone can have a fun and interesting RP experience, if anyone breaks these rules staff are the one's to punish them, by either warning, kicking or banning them. Another role of staff is to assist new players that may be completely clueless when it comes to RP'ing on GMOD, another role of staff is being an Event planner, they are in charge of making interesting events that can help boost passive RP or give some combat RP,  depending on what the event is about.
    Give some historical context about the time the server is set in (75 words+):
    The server is set in Berlin Germany in 1943, which is quite an eventful year for the Reich as this is when for the most part the writing started to appear on the wall for most people in the Reich, Allied bombings increase, The battle of Stalingrad concludes with the Wehrmacht having to surrender, North African front is lost, Mussolini had been overthrown leaving the Germans needing to expend more resources and manpower on multiple fronts leaving them bare and exposed to partisans and allied bombing raids destroying key infrastructure. and general unrest from the civilian population and military due to an ever-dwindling amount of resources such as food and oil, and huge losses on the eastern front. The Famous Sportpalast speech or Total War speech was held by Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels, in an attempt to quell this unrest and regain the fighting spirit in the German people.
    Have you read the server rules and are familiar with them?
    - Yes I am very familiar with the rules.
    Have you read the punishment list ( Punishment List v3.0 ) and are familiar with it?
    - I have read it enough to get a decent understanding of them.

    Former Staff Questions (Leave these blank if you have not been staff on our server before):
    1) For how long were you a staff member on WW2-NRP/ORP?
    2) What rank did you reach before leaving the staff team?
    3) Were you demoted or did you resign? Why?
    4) In hindsight, what would you have done differently as a staff member?
    5) How have you improved since you left the staff team?

    Explain how you would handle these scenarios as a staff member:
    1) You are told by a player in admin chat that another player is randomly killing people:
    I would start by asking the player that reported RDM what the individual's name was and check the logs to see if this person was RDMing if so I would start by teleporting both players to an inaccessible rooftop to ensure no RP is being obstructed, here I would ask the supposed RDMer if these allegations were true, if they were true I would hear his side of the story and see how many people he has killed and check how long he's been on the server, and then explain what he had done wrong and issue his punishment. If these allegations were, in fact, false I would TP everyone back and let them carry on what they were doing.
    2) You are asked by a player about how to become a Third Reich official:
    I would start by explaining the different paths they could take in the server, I would talk about what the Wehrmacht and the SS do and about the NSDAP, etc. I would also explain how to join these which most are through the anwarter system which I would also briefly explain.
    3) You catch somebody not performing RP and that are messing around:
    If I caught someone not performing RP I would start by bringing them away to somewhere out of RP and explain to them that this server is serious RP which means we should in RP all the time, I would hear him out if he had anything to say back to me and then let him go, but if he decides to disregard my advice and carries on what he was doing I would ban him for NITRP Tier II.
    4) Somebody acquires a rank but is not willing to RP with it properly:
    I would start by bringing the person to somewhere out of RP and explain to him that he should start RP'ing or he could end up getting banned. If he is a new player I would let him off with a verbal warning, but if it was a veteran player I would have to ban him for NITRP Tier II.
    5) A player is prop spamming:
    If there was a player prop spamming I would have to start by kicking him so his props wouldn't lag the server anymore, and then I would then warn and ban him permanently for prop spam.

    Answer the following questions in detail:
    1) Explain the difference between Tier I rule-breaking and punishments and Tier II rule-breaking and punishments:
    Tier I is reserved for players who are new to the server or misunderstandings/ accidents, tier I punishments are normally warns, but depending on the severity it can lead to bans as well, for example, normal RDM is a warn and a kick while RDM x3-5 is a one day ban + demote.
    Tier II, on the other hand, are for veteran players or for people who are intentionally breaking rules or already having been warned for the same thing. Tier II punishments are all bans seeing as if you already broke that rule you should know not to do it again, or if you are a veteran player you should know the rules, same with players who intentionally broke that rule. There is a difference between getting banned for a repeated offence/ new players and being a veteran player, the first usually is a shorter amount of time than the latter, for example, RDM for new players is punished with only a single day ban, but veteran's get a two-day ban.
    2) Explain the difference between IC and OOC. Also define Meta Gaming:
    IC, which stands for "In Character", which means that you are in RP so you are not allowed to speak about any current events, etc. You are someone in 1943 Berlin so you can only talk about things that happened then and what's happening in-game.
    OOC, which stands for "Out of character" this is information that is outside of the RP so you cannot use it while playing, for example, if someone told you somebody's location OOC and you go there IC you would be punished for meta gaming.
    Metagaming is when you use OOC knowledge IC, for example this could be someone calling them an idiot in discord and using it IC to punish them.
    3) Explain the difference between Serious RP and Semi-Serious RP:
    Serious RP is where RP is at its height, in it, you are focused on developing a character-based in the universe and acting as realistic as possible and the punishments for not adhering to these rules can be quite tough/ strict.
    Semi-Serious RP is far more lenient than serious RP, as you can speak/ act in Out of character and is more focused on doing a job, for example being a black market dealer on a dark RP server, you are focused on selling items and weapons and not really on developing your character and doing passive RP, etc.
    4) Define PassiveRP and explain it's role and importance in a serious RP gamemode:
    Passive RP is when you are acting as you would in real life, Passive RP doesn't typically involve things such as combat, for example, you could be acting as if you were drinking, eating food or giving someone paperwork, etc. But the most common use of passive RP is seen in Medical RP with elaborate /me's and /it's describing wounds and medical procedures. I believe that passive RP is the cornerstone of any Serious RP server, with it, it can bring a lot of unique and interesting world-building that can immerse you within the game play, without it you would be left with a repetitive combat loop that would grow dull quick.
    5) Define the term of Combat Baiting:
    Combat baiting is the act of provoking people into a combat situation without any real RP reason, most of the time it's to just kill people for the fun of it, for example, this could be running up to a government building like the MB and shouting something at them so that they either chase you or shoot at you.
    Have you added the Manager [Extreme] on Steam? If not, add him: Added.

    Have you added the Vice-Manager [Schumacher] on Steam? If not, add him: Added.

    Have you added the Staff Manager [Dach] on Steam? If not, add him: Added.

    Explain in length and detail as to why you deserve staff more than other applicants. Explain what you will bring to the staff team & your strongest points as a person/potential staff member (200+ words):
    I believe I deserve to be staff more than other potential staff members, why? Because I am extremely active on the server being on daily for upwards of 7 hours+ due to lock down seeming like it's not going to end here in Scotland anytime soon, I am also stupendously active on things such as discord and I am always ready to respond to anything I'm sent. I'm also very good at retaining the information I am given, and will constantly read it until I know it to a Tee, for example during my time in the 23rd last summer, I would read the directives and handbooks for hours on end so I could be at the top of my game and reach my goal of becoming a CO, which I eventually did by overcoming all of my flaws and constantly working at improving myself. Another reason why I think I should become staff is that I am not biased, I know it sounds cliche but from my time in the Feldgendarmerie I've learnt a valuable lesson in not letting my personal beliefs or prejudices affect my overall judgement when it comes to punishing individuals, I also believe I'm very fair when it comes to these punishments and I always hear out the other side before going through with it, as to avoid unnecessarily punishing people.

    Do you understand that you can be demoted at anytime with a sufficient reason by a Hierarchy member?: Yes I do.

    - You must be 15 years in age or older.
    - You must be able to speak and type English fluently and correctly.
    - You must have at least four (4) days of game time.
    - You must have 10 or fewer warns.
    - You must not be banned when you apply.
    - You must be able to speak or type quickly and correctly.
    - You must not advertise your application in any way.
    - You must not copy anything from other applications.
    - You may not edit your application without permission from a Hierarchy member.
    - You may not copy-paste parts from a previous application that you have filed unless given permission.
    - Only reply to your application if you need to specify something. Unnecessarily spamming/bumping your application will get it denied. Do not engage in grovelling under your application (posting thank you for reading my application every time someone posts etc.)
  7. Like
    Zach Muller got a reaction from Hans Hezroch in Hans Hezroch's Staff Application   
    He is a top notch lad, competent man and he also owns Among Us merchandise so hes automatically epic.
  8. Sad
    Zach Muller reacted to Herman Stellman in Unban request   
    You've stated on this in the topic but I'll paste the logs:
    [ Category / Module / ID / Timestamp / Log ]
    [General] [Chat] [19983] [Thu 02/07/2020 01:00:42 PM] Willhelm Zuvenhart ➞ elitevipplus: [OOC] thts not a 1 day ban
    [General] [Chat] [20009] [Thu 02/07/2020 01:00:56 PM] Willhelm Zuvenhart ➞ elitevipplus: [OOC] just bcz we RP in 1943 doesnt mean u r an authoratarian as a staff member
    [General] [Chat] [20014] [Thu 02/07/2020 01:01:02 PM] Willhelm Zuvenhart ➞ elitevipplus: [OOC] u inscure fucking prick
    [General] [Chat] [20023] [Thu 02/07/2020 01:01:10 PM] Willhelm Zuvenhart ➞ elitevipplus: [OOC] i will fuck ur wife in front of u while u fold my clothes
    [General] [Chat] [20024] [Thu 02/07/2020 01:01:14 PM] Willhelm Zuvenhart ➞ elitevipplus: [OOC] unban the bosniak
    This is why you got banned, for DTS as you stated yourself.
  9. Haha
    Zach Muller reacted to Reaperr in Unban request   
    Your In-game name: Willhelm Zunvenhart
    Your Steam ID:
    Reason of the ban: DTS
    Date you were banned on: 2.7.2020
    Duration of ban: 1 day
    Admin who banned you (In-game name / Steam name/ Steam ID): Herman Stellman
    Explain the situation of your ban from your point of view in detail: He banned my buddy for literally no reason. He was told to shut up, brought him back, got called a 'funny guy' and proceeded to ban him. Then I called him out in chat, said that he's an insecure prick and that I would fuck his wife in front of him while she, quote unquote, folds my clothes. Now. I've been apart of this community since middle-way 2017 and I've been staff before on SCP-RP. In my whole time that I've spent here, not ONCE have I seen anybody get banned for arguing or DTS. This is clearly biased, as I've heard that this guy proceeds to ban people from 1.SS and never Wehrmacht, on top of that buddy needs to work on his self-confidence and self-esteem because if buddy gets offended over stuff somebody says in WW2RP community he'll never go far in life. Fix up pal you're a grown ass man, I'm more then sure that your ballsack is hanging down to your knees.
    Do you think your ban was justified: No.
    Why should you be unbanned: Because it's not a bannable offence. I did not commit a war crime.
    Any kind of evidence: None.
    Additional information: I got told that this is going to extend the ban, to the guy that banned me. This is nothing but the truth. Face it and take it. No offence pal, it's the internet. I didn't spit in your lunch.