
Platinum VIP
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  1. Sad
    Nesta got a reaction from BlingBling in Bling EP application   
     With limited slots in the event team, we unfortunately have made the conclusion that you wouldn't be the best candidate for a spot in the EP team.
    You may reapply in 2 weeks
  2. Like
    Nesta got a reaction from Paradox in Paradox's 1st EP App   
    If you dont give it to him, youre a cunt.
    Good playtime, active, trusted and a good event plan. All the luck in the world to you :))
  3. Like
    Nesta got a reaction from Soul in Soul's IRP EP Application   
    -1 / neutral
    - Im really sorry to say so but you have a really bad reputation, you seem really mingey and immature and I think you need to improve on this a bit before getting EP in my opinion. 
    - I quite like event and its pretty solid but its just the question if you can be trusted with EP powers. I would suggest improving your image on the server and making sure you try to act in a more mature way so you can be trusted with everything. 
  4. Thanks
    Nesta got a reaction from Benny in Benny's Event Planner App   
    - I like the event and you seem to be good at balancing the two servers which is good
    - You´re trusted shown by the ranks you´ve achieved
    - A solid guy who I think would do well in EP
  5. Like
    Nesta got a reaction from Ferghh in Ferghh's EP Application!!   
    - Ferghh has a lot of experience and knows his stuff
    - I quite like the event especially since a lot of events havent been done on the death star yet. 
    - He is also quite active on the server
  6. Like
    Nesta got a reaction from Bones in Bones | 1st IRP Staff Application | 09/09/2021   
    A really really good staff in the past
    Did well in staff and got all of the claims he needed
    He will do really well and good luck Bones!
  7. Like
    Nesta got a reaction from Ferghh in Ferghh's IRP EP Application!!   
    He was a good EP
    Good event plan
    He is a trusted with both ULX and high ranks
  8. Like
    Nesta got a reaction from Morty Smith in Morty's 1st Event Planner App   
    Good event
    Good lad and he is trusted
    I would say the same as Bongo, it would be nice to see you being active in a role in IRP to see that you can be committed and dedicated 
  9. Like
    Nesta got a reaction from Sanguinius in Iris/Lasagna Staff Application.   
    Neutral / -1
    I dont know who you are but I personally feel like some of the answers you had for the staff questions like number 3 or 4 aren't really what I would see in CWRP when it comes to staffing. 
    It just seems like you didnt put in a lot of effort of writing your application.
    You seem to have past experience but I sadly dont know a lot about it.
    But all the best of luck!
  10. Like
    Nesta reacted to Kodi in Nesta | IRP Event Planner Application   
    +1 High ranks before and was staff before
  11. Like
    Nesta got a reaction from Trippy in Trippy's IRP EP App   
    A good event 
    Did great as an EP in the past and is trusted
    A really nice person and he would be great in the EP team
  12. Like
    Nesta reacted to Trippy in Nesta | IRP Event Planner Application   
    Great first app, very detailed
    Multiple high past ranks
    Great playtime
    She would be a great addition
  13. Like
    Nesta reacted to Narcoseptic in Nesta | IRP Event Planner Application   
    +1 Nice event idea 74th enthusiast great person*
  14. Like
    Nesta reacted to Paradox in Nesta | IRP Event Planner Application   
    Is a nice person and is sweaty when it comes to staff so will be dedicated
  15. Like
    Nesta reacted to Solaire in Nesta | IRP Event Planner Application   
    +1 The EP app is clearly realistic and is easy to go through without going over the top while still being creative. Nesta has been high rank quite a few times and is doing very well in putting high quality into Jedi. Nesta also did very well in Staff on CWRP and can be trusted with ULX.
  16. Like
    Nesta reacted to in Nesta | IRP Event Planner Application   
    +1 Has a good event plan is trusted in the community
  17. Like
    Nesta reacted to Victor in Nesta | IRP Event Planner Application   
    The 4 horsemen of the EP team
  18. Like
    Nesta reacted to Razor in Nesta | IRP Event Planner Application   
    Really good event plan for a first attempt.
    Understands how SWRP as a whole works due to many high IC ranks on CWRP.
    Great knowledge of commands and and responsibilities due to being previous CWRP staff.
  19. Like
    Nesta got a reaction from Razor in Razor's EP Application   
    Has a role on the server already so is trusted 
    He´s been event planner before and knows what to do
    Its a really good event
  20. Like
    Nesta got a reaction from Smooth in Smooth's Staff Application   
    - Everything has already been said
  21. Thanks
    Nesta got a reaction from Bean in Bean's Fourth Staff Application   
    - High ranks which shows he is trusted and dedicated
    - A nice guy overall and would in my opinion be well suited in the staff team
  22. Sad
    Nesta got a reaction from XxGamerxX in Nesta | 1 year Community Service Tag Request   
    Name: Nesta
    TS Unique ID [Tools -> Identities -> Go Advanced]: He3FMheEXpbBeXSGCEXYj8IQKTo=
    Requested Medal: 1 year Community Service Medal
    Extra Information: I was going to show the 74th one but the discord channel for that is removed so hopefully this is enough proof. (If not I can provide more)
  23. Haha
    Nesta got a reaction from Mike Hawt in Evilgejf's unban request   
    -1 / Neutral
    The one thing that is making me say neutral is because it took him 3 years to get these 30 warnings but it is still 30 warns which is quite difficult to achieve. He got 30 chances to improve and he knew when he was reaching the late 20 warns that he was close to getting permabanned. He knew exactly what was going to happen. 
    I´m someone who has to see and hear what he says and how he acts and I still think he is the same. He is an old time player but he has still been very toxic towards a lot of people in-game. If he is to be unbanned he should definitely be on a one warning basis but in my opinion his attitude would still need improvment (I know its not only his attitude against me but also people he speak to over other games).
    You gave him 30 chances and how many more should he get and how soon after his unban? A lot of other people have had to wait for a longer time to get their chance to be unbanned and has been less toxic especially after he was given so many warnings and he was told off in GM for being toxic. He never really improved and it ended up with him getting a blacklist in GM due to the fact that he didnt want to improve his toxcitity.
  24. Like
    Nesta got a reaction from Apollo - Karl Sommerfield in Apollo's Staff Application   
    - Good playtime  
    - Active
    - Good experience + good application
    - The only bad thing is that you shot Frank in the EC room because he was annoying him which isnt really okay as the EC room still has rules that need to be followed. When I talked to you about it, it seemed like you didnt really care too much but thats just a small thing. 
    - Still good luck man, hopefully it goes well. 
  25. Like
    Nesta got a reaction from unused in Tyro's Event Planner Application   
    - I like your clone side even if its ambitious I think it shows that youre willing to do events even if theres risk with it. Thats what all great events usually comes from and it seems like a really solid event. I also think you would be able to adapt if things dont go exactly to plan or maybe have a backup plan so it happens anyways. 
    - You´ve been a hierarchy member for ages now and you show dedication into your regiment. You´re also overall a really nice guy from what I´ve seen.
    - Good luck man