
Platinum VIP
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  1. Thanks
    Nesta got a reaction from Left in Left's Third EP app   
    - I really like the jedi event and the clone event even if the clone event is a bit overused it doesnt mean it isnt fun. 
    - I also think the high jedi HP is to give them the chance of tiring it out instead of just fighting it so it could give the EC more chances of doing passive RP and communication. 
    - You´ve improved a lot and if you hadnt then I would have given you a -1 but I´ve never had a bad interaction with you and you´ve never been toxic from what I´ve seen. 
  2. Like
    Nesta got a reaction from Portal in Portal's Staff Application   
    - Friendly guy and active guy
    - High playtime and he has experience even if it was cut short
    - The worry about him leaving shouldnt be too much of an issue as he has both shown dedication in 501st but also explained the situation from his side so this should hopefully be avoided this time around. 
  3. Like
    Nesta got a reaction from Victor in Victor's Event planner application   
    - I would love to play in either of these events.
    - High rank and is dedicated to becoming an EP which is shown by his past applications. 
    - Very good application, one of the best I´ve seen so far
    - Just give it to him already!
  4. Thanks
    Nesta got a reaction from Hazel in Hazel's 4th Event Planner Application   
    Big +1
    - The application is one of the best ones I´ve seen so far.
    - He is dedicated and a high rank
    - Friendly and mature guy
  5. Like
    Nesta got a reaction from Doot in Doot's staff application.   
    - You have a very low playtime and is currently only an LCPL
    - I´ve had to deal with you 2 times as a staff member for general toxicity against other people on VIP jobs. When I was T-Mod someone had to come and take over because you werent listening to anything I had to say. The same thing even happened while I was a mod after around one week or two. You are very toxic on VIP jobs and you dont seem to understand that you are being toxic because its just your "character" and they are supposed to act this way. You dont seem to like being told no or accept criticism and you dont seem very communictive as well. I dont think you would be well suited so I would suggest becoming less toxic and getting better at communicating to other people because you just said the same argument over and over again. Dealing with you while as a staff member was near impossible for me at the very least. I would suggest reading up on the rules a bit more as well and getting a higher playtime + rank.
  6. Like
    Nesta got a reaction from unused in Tyro's Second Staff Application   
    - High playtime and is very active
    - High rank so it shows that he´s trusted and reaching Vice Commander shows dedication which is needed in staff
    - 0 warns which shows that he knows the rules and the answers are also support this statement
  7. Like
    Nesta got a reaction from SixSeven in SixSevens Staff Application   
    - He has shown a lot of dedication to his regiment which is shown by him ranking up quickly by working hard within the regiment and then acheving the rank of ARC which shows some dedication.
    - Good application 
    - A lot of staff experience
    - Very low playtime compared to most applicatants but hopefully he knows most of the basic rules from his staff experience.
  8. Like
    Nesta got a reaction from Tempest in Tempests First Staff Application   
    - Your playtime is really low so try to get that up
    - You were recently muted on discord for instigating a mass ping which can show some levels of immaturity.
  9. Like
    Nesta got a reaction from Ernesti in Ernesti's Staff App   
    Huge +1
    - I´ve known Ernesti for a while now and he has always tried his best in everything he does and he is always friendly and helpful to everyone he meets.
    - He´s always been one of the most mature people on the server.
    - He is trusted which is shown by his high ranks in the past + ARC at the current moment. 
    - He has a really good playtime and a really good application. 
    Good luck mate!
  10. Like
    Nesta reacted to Definitely Not Rogue in False ban   
    Logs proved you wrong and by the fact you tried to hide the thread once Aleks responded looks like you were lying. Your ban will be extended to 1 week for your racism and disrespect and you will be muted on discord for just as long.
  11. Like
    Nesta got a reaction from Norra in SOUR SCOTT   
    Please use the correct template and this is unban requests for SWRP not SCP. Please go to their forum to get unbanned there. The link is : and remember to fill out the correct template.
  12. Like
    Nesta got a reaction from aaronoatkin in Aaron's first staff app   
    - He´s around a lot of staff a lot of the time
    - He knows about IC rules due to being PK
    - Good playtime
    - The only small thing I noticed is just the short answers and I would have loved to see some longer and some more effort being put into them but the short answers are still correct. 
    Good luck with your application but my eyes hurt while reading this lol
  13. Like
    Nesta got a reaction from Simpson in Aaron's first staff app   
    - He´s around a lot of staff a lot of the time
    - He knows about IC rules due to being PK
    - Good playtime
    - The only small thing I noticed is just the short answers and I would have loved to see some longer and some more effort being put into them but the short answers are still correct. 
    Good luck with your application but my eyes hurt while reading this lol
  14. Like
    Nesta got a reaction from Simpson in DU Joe's Staff Application   
    -I think you´re a bit new for the server but the high playtime for the amount of time you´ve been on the server shows that you´re active. 
    -I don´t think his age is an issue due to people being concerned about the fact that I was a girl and I was going to  get harrased which hasn´t happened in any major way. I also don´t think CTs care if they´re getting banned by a 18 year old guy, a girl or a 13 year old boy. You´ll get comments but it isn´t major. 
    -He´s a good guy but I don´t know how well he would do if a CT started arguing due to the fact that it seems like he has a short temper but if you get in, good luck mate. I wish for the best. 
  15. Like
    Nesta got a reaction from Cobalt in Cobalt's Second Staff App   
    -He know how to deal and talk to minges due to his high position in Clone guards.
    -He fixed his word limit issue and his answers are really good.
    -He is a really friendly guy and I think he would be great in staff.
  16. Like
    Nesta got a reaction from Wanted in Wanted's 2nd Staff App   
    -His application is one of the best I´ve seen.
    -He most likely knows the rules due to his VERY long playtime and the fact that he has 0 warns or kicks as well after all his time on the server.
    -He seems like he´s mature and friendly from the interactions I´ve had with him. 
    -The only issue I would be concerned about is the fact that he doesn´t use a mic but as he was chosen for ARC it can maybe show that he is very good at communication. It could just be a bit harder talking to minges as they dont tend to listen as much when I´m typing sometimes due to lag but that might just happen to me. Good luck whatsoever and I hope it goes well.
  17. Like
    Nesta got a reaction from Marko Polo in Marko's Staff Application   
    - He understands how to use ULX and he knows how to act which has been shown as well throughout his time on the server as I´ve never heard anything bad about him. 
    - He has as said that he did get CG SO and ARC within 2 months of being on the server which can show how much effort he has put into the server.
    - As said before try to increase your playtime and just try to be on the server for a longer time due to the fact that you might not know all of the rules as well as people who´s been on the server for a longer time but both of those things can be fixed. 
    Still good luck mate! I hope it goes well :))
  18. Like
    Nesta got a reaction from Larry_P in Larry's 2nd Staff App   
    He would be a great staff in my opinion. He is really mature and friendly to everyone he meets and he´s also really active.
    There are some really good answers on his application and I think he has shown his dedication in 212th, ARC and now battalion. I think he will show the same dedication in staff.
    Good luck mate and I hope you get it!
  19. Like
    Nesta got a reaction from Space in Space | Staff Application   
    All said above
    He´s really trusted which we can see from his rank and he´s also dedicated. He has experience with ULX and punishing people accordingly. 
    I think he´s the best candidate at the moment. Good luck mate
  20. Thanks
    Nesta got a reaction from Joe. in DU Joe's Staff Application   
    -I think you´re a bit new for the server but the high playtime for the amount of time you´ve been on the server shows that you´re active. 
    -I don´t think his age is an issue due to people being concerned about the fact that I was a girl and I was going to  get harrased which hasn´t happened in any major way. I also don´t think CTs care if they´re getting banned by a 18 year old guy, a girl or a 13 year old boy. You´ll get comments but it isn´t major. 
    -He´s a good guy but I don´t know how well he would do if a CT started arguing due to the fact that it seems like he has a short temper but if you get in, good luck mate. I wish for the best. 
  21. Like
    Nesta got a reaction from Victor in Victor's Event planner application   
    Huge +1
    - High rank, playtime and he is a trusted member of the community
    - He´s shown dedication in both battalion and 327th 
    - It´s a really detailed and well written application and I would enjoy being in both of the events. 
    -He´s written around 14 event suggestions in the event-suggestions in Discord which shows that he has a lot of creativity and can most likely make fun and creative events on for a long time. 
    Good luck mate :))
  22. Like
    Nesta got a reaction from Klavigar in Little John's 2nd Unban request   
    In my own opinion I think -1. I think that there's a lot of different factors when considering this unban request. I also want to clarify and mention that I was in his team when this accident happened but that won´t mean I´ll be biased but instead I might bring a different point of view on this conversation. 
    Firstly when you did the actual ARC sim you were taunting and writing different insults to the other team we were playing against at the same time which shows that you weren't mature at the time even though you were cheating which has led me to believe you can't act mature and be friendly towards other players. 
    To continue on that point right before your ARC eval you did try to blackmail someone in your regiment which shows what kind of person you were at the time. The fact that you would be willing or consider blackmailing someone in your regiment shows more of your characteristics. Someone can always change which I'm willing to believe you might have done but it's still always a risk of it happening again. 
    The fact that you don't know that it's your third unban request and that this one was posted relatively close to the other one (3 months). I lalso don't think you put in that much effort into it. You did apologise but you also lied to SMT, your friends and everyone for months after it happened because you cheated in an ARC evaluation. You had the chance to tell them or your friends the truth but you didn't.
    With the comments that you ruined our chances of getting ARC, I would disagree. Instead you ruined our experience because we never got the chance to actually play and try our best and for the other team as well. They were so confused throughout the entire game on why you could see them behind trees or buildinga as some of them PM:ed me in game. I had multiple people ask me during the ARC evaluation if I was cheating by turning off the trees or anything similiar in game because they felt like someone was cheating due to the unfair circumstances (I wasn´t just to point that out as I barely got any kills during that game and it´s just absurd to want to cheat on GMOD). I barely got the chance to see the enemies before they were killed off by you and even though we won, at least in my point of view I wasn´t having fun which a game should be about. Not cheating because you want a rank inside the game.
  23. Like
    Nesta reacted to Dyno in Nesta | Staff Application   

    Very nice person

    High rank

  24. Like
    Nesta reacted to 212th Joe in Nesta | Staff Application   
    8 months on the server shows great commitment to the server, as well as the achievement of regimental hierarchy shows dedication. Staff App is well made.
  25. Like
    Nesta reacted to Sharp in Nesta | Staff Application   
    One of the most active and talked about members of the server that is a high rank which shows how dedicated and loyal she is to the server.