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About Bobbhead

Bobbhead's Achievements

  1. My In-Game name: Bobb STEAMID: ( Didn't work for me but here's my profile ting - ( Steam Name: Bobbhead What is the reason for your ban: Player Pulling How long were you banned for: Permenant Name of the staff member who banned you: Morgz (But then I was unbanned for a unknown reason and then banned again by Jock on Sept 4th 2019) Why do I believe that I should be unbanned: SO I was banned around 24/05/2019 originally for Player Pulling, I done this because I got really angry that my friend got banned before me. So then I forgot what I did but I ended up in the Brig with another Clone, So jokingly I said that he should quit the server and join us. Then Morgz phased through the wall (as I was on a watch list or something) and banned me. Evidence: I honestly miss the server and I have been for over a year now, I used to be a Lieutenant Colonel in CE, and used to play the server everyday and even bought VIP. I am sorry for Player pulling and if I do get unbanned I will follow every rule strictly as I should've done and hopefully even lead a regiment into combat once again. There's no other communities like this one, Others don't take RP seriously and is just pure chaos, I miss it. Edit : Sorry I meant Morgan not Morgz