Aguero II

Platinum VIP
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Aguero II last won the day on October 2

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About Aguero II

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Aguero II's Achievements

  1. Neutral -Detailed responses. - Obvious that he has experience on the server. ULX Knowledge and the higher IC ranks previously. - Will struggle with the Clone / Jedi / EP at once. I assume he will drop EP as it is common to do so. - Preforms good events in EP looking at feedback and through word of mouth. Possibly a better asset to EP possibly future SEP. - In-game since i've been back i've seen him 1/2 times. Not too professional at the time but i was passing by. -Seems to take a break from the server quite often. Looking at the dates, late 2024,early 2025 he may leave again (Looking at the dates of when he leaves and comes back) Be good for him to stay a little longer and show commitment that 'he's back'. With that much RP and OOC roles he will burn out soon or later.
  2. Neutral Not seen much of him myself. Spoke in-game a small amount of times. - Seems like a chill guy - Previous ULX Experience - Black writing on a black background kills my eyes - Not a lot of experience compared to some other people who go into staff. Would like to see more experience in game possibly. This would help more with the understanding of more in-game situations you will come across etc.
  3. +1 My experience with Elk has only been good. Elk's gained a lot from EP, the ULX and server rules. He's been on the server a while now and has a good understanding on the server in a few different situations and stand points. I've only seen him mature and understanding. A good lad and a great asset.
  4. +1 Do i need a reason here... Chim has applied 7 times, 7! Is there someone who has it out for her, no idea. Ay well! Self explanatory really, active. Helps anyone who asks and needs it. Persistent as seen. We have trial mod right? that's for Admin team and the person to see if it's for them... use that spot? Chim is confident that she wants into the team, let Chim in already...
  5. Neutral (Leaning to +1 with pointers) +Plenty of game time +Well known on the server (However not spoke to him in about a year) +Good plan, risky map to do a event on, plan seems solid, event sounds good! Potential for a Custom storyline. +/- Unable to use that many specialised roles (Wouldn't expect to know unless EP) +/- I feel like Felix would suit Jedi EP more at this stage with his Jedi activity and the knowledge into Jedi events, with progression to clone EP when trained. Felix would be a good asset to the Jedi EP team! - Low current clone rank - IF we're being picky, One or more questions did not meet requirements Good luck!
  6. Neutral + Spoke in game, nice guy +Good plan (Regardless if any AI usage) +Decent time on the server -2 Warns -Teamspeak will hinder any EP if they don't have access. -/+ Typer (Can use mic as mentioned)
  7. +1 Seen him around prior to being 212th Supervisor. Seen more of him since, takes everything serious, doesn't minge. All round a good lad - Great addition to the EP team
  8. +1 - Plays a lot as a EC helping the team gaining a event experience -Good Story -Active on the server daily - Great genuine guy
  9. +1 -Shown commitment to the server, Been on the server well known - Well known server wide -Nice person
  10. General Information: Steam Name + Profile link: Knavesmire Roleplay Name (e.g. GM TRP Johan / Jedi Padawan Ngannou): CG Sergeant Aguero / Senate Guard Captain J Clarkson Teamspeak Name: Playtime on the Server: 3w 18h 44m. Past 2 Week - 50 Hour SteamID ( STEAM_0:0:152574574 Any experience in staffing on a roleplay server: N/A Current Age: 20 Warns/Bans (Screenshot required): This warning was when I first got Plat VIP, as a wookie. AOS was out for a while then reported by Smite when I changed jobs a while after. Around 6mo ago. Since then I have matured in the game in terms of roleplay. Do you have a working microphone and is it understandable?: YEP - No complaints so far Have you ever hosted an event before?: Only as Clone SO What was your event and was it successfully executed?: As clone, yeah Do you understand the responsibilities an event-planner has? If so, what are they?: To enhance the roleplay community for people who have chosen to play the server as Clone or Jedi. Including as many people as possible to make events and mini events most enjoyable and playable to allow all players to gain experience in combat and on the server in general. Making the events fun and regular pulls new people into the server and if the quality of events are kept at a high quality standard, people will continue to enjoy / want to play during the times of events. Maintaining a balance between both EC’s and clones with the tools available to a EP by measuring EC numbers and health are at a justifiable figure to make the event even and 50/50 to make the event more competitive than one sided. Do you understand at the beginning of passing the application stage, you will have to undergo a training phase until completely trusted to create and host events?: I wouldn’t expect less. As seen above I don’t have experience in EP nor staff, so this will be essential for me to learn the fundamentals of the role so that I can make the best out of the tools that are provided to me. I know that there's many experienced EP’s and I get along with most if not all of them and am willing to shadow them during their events, slowly learning the background of events before taking the lead. No confusion and the event running smoothly and well for everyone playing at the time is essential to me so that I don't lack on the quality. Clone Event Plan: (Delete this if applying for Jedi) Create an event plan for Clones, Event announcement, What type of enemies will be encountered. Keep in mind this will be used for your first training event. Make it easy to understand, be original and be creative(Use the Template): Story for your event: (Mega Droid Revival) The republic intercepts coordinates of a droid facility, thinking that it is a regular facility, after breaching the blockade and a successful landing on Geonosis, a scouting mission conducted by RC and 41st prove that this facility is far from ordinary. In the meantime the Tactical Droid has been alerted by the blockade of a possible attack and moves all droid platoons to the reactor they seek. The Republic review the movement from the enemy and arrange positions to attack the reactor to stop the production of the facility. After a round of battle and many casualties of both armies the droids successfully retreat back to the facility with the reactor and begin the 5 minute power-up. Republic must push to stop the power up by breaching and destroying the command tower within the inside (where the TX droid is based). The elite training of the clones overthrow the droid army and gain entry to the command center. Droids now focus is to extract the TX droid via the nearby LP with the data from the command center being erased. The Republic are to discover the servers being wiped and continue with a manual destruction of the mega droid (212th,CE,RC) and then pursue the Tactical droid and stop from escaping by either capture or destruction if they manage to lift in the starship. A capture of the Tactical droid will help RC in an interrogation and CE in a reading of the captured files and a download of the data in the tactical droid head. If the droid is destroyed by CE in the air, a retrieval of the head and data bank from the control center is to be taken back to Rishimoon and downloaded by CE and examined by CE and hierarchy. Event Announcement for your story: The Republic Fleet has located a production facility of a new Super B2 battle droid, bigger in size, enhanced weapons and a pure killing machine. It is surrounded by battle droid platoons and a small operations center with air superiority. The Separatists need a new reactor powerful enough to power the new droid, which is 10 clicks east of the facility. It’s up to you and the Republic fleet to pass the blockade and retrieve the power reactor before the evil CIS manages to power up their new droid and send our brothers to oblivion! Choice of map: Geonosis Type of enemies/faction, Why them in particular?: (eg. Pirates, Reason, ) B1 Assault Droids X3 - 2k HP - E5, Z4 Commando Droids - X2 2.1k HP - E5-BX, Double Jump B2 droids X2 - 2.5k HP - Hand blaster, Higher HP Sith presence around the facility for security (Jedi event involvement). Additional Characters: (eg. passive character) A Tactical Droid leading the operation from the facility. This droid could be captured near the end and give some RP to CE/RC. Republic's outline and execution: (e.g. "- Battalion inform all troops that an unknown ship has entered orbit.") Briefing saying that the republic has retrieved coordinates, an attack will be made on the power reactor to retrieve the piece before the separatists are able to apprehend. Mission success will mean a forward on the facility to clear the droids and apprehend the supervisor. Event Character outline and execution: (e.g. "- All Bounty Hunters are dropped off at the caves, they will stay there until further notice") Droids notice an incoming attack from the republic, they push the forces to hurry and retrieve the reactor. Tactical Droid will organize and plan a defensive formation to hold the sector as the republic tries to seize the reactor. Move the reactor back to the facility, use the reactor to power the Mega droid to destroy all republic presence and regain the planet. If the reactor retrieval is a failure, defend the facility at all costs to protect what goods are already in-tact. Evacuation of the Tactical droid if the facility is overthrown is of utmost importance. Anything else: W-G E-Planner