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About TooStrongForU

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  1. RP-Name Warns: Alexios VII , 2 warns Level, Rank, Playtime: 50, Platinum Vip, 1w 2d 02h SteamID: STEAM_0:1:435008992 What is the Church of the Broken God?:The Church of the Broken God is a religious group centered around a massive, god like machine known as The Broken God. What are the 3 main factions of the church, how are they different from each other?:Broken Church, Cogwork Orthodoxy and Maxwellism Church. Cogwork Orthodoxy that believes that Mekhane is found through mass production and industry. The Church of Maxwellism is the most modern, they call Mekhane "Wan" and seek the diffusion of information and knowledge instead of standardization and construction like the other two. Maxwellists convert new member through internet. Who leads the each of the factions?: Broken Church: Bumaro; Cogwork Orthodoxy: Patriarchs; The Maxwellism Church: ----- Who is Yaldabaoth and who is Mekhane?: Yaldabaoth is the god of flesh and basic animal instinct, and Mekhane is the god of machine and intellect What to the CotBG is herecy?: Disassembly is the greatest heresy, and they have the same goal, and Robert Bumaro is trying to unite , and the church was dying because of heresy What is Sarkicism?:Sarkicism is a religious system that encompasses a variety of traditions,beliefs, and spiritual practices. Adherent practice ritual cannibalis,human sacrifice... Describe the War of the Flesh and how it ended: was a war against Sarkics and CoTBG , Sarkics used flesh monster, CoTBG used constructs and machines. Mekhane sacrificed himself to trap Yaldabaoth