
Diamond VIP
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About Groot

  • Birthday January 29

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Groot's Achievements

  1. Name: GrootTS Unique ID [1vCT5SdQbg0MyyrG7pDMdZozU6s=]:Requested Medal: 6Year service medal Evidence:Extra Information: 1st Photo == That screen shot it from 26/08/2015( and i had nearly 3weeks playtime along side school hours 2nd Photo == The 1st server i played on gmod was WGs ZRP on 7/3/2015 when i got the game (i only got gmod cause i saw my brother playing WG ZRP and wanted to play it w him.) Requested Medal: Rust Service Medal and Medieval Serivce MedalEvidence: Havnt got any pictures from Medieval RP and ask Dodo about RustExtra Information: Medieval RP: Got it transferred from ZRP/WDRP when it flopped and Medieval RP came out until it shut down Rust: Was there from the start till 17/10/20 While im here can someone give me channel owner in my paid channel which is currently called "Groot drinks gamer girl piss"
  2. Every medal i'm requesting are medals that i've had b4 i'm just stupid and forgot to keep my credentials Medal: Service Medal Proof: This is the earliest SS i have on steam of ZRP but as u can see from the playtime i joined a while earlier Medal: Merit class badge for Super Admin Proof: Medal: Service Badges for ZRP, DarkRP, Star Wars RP and Medieval RP Proof: Not really sure what proof i can provide for this. ZRP:^ Not really anyone who is left who can vouch for me, that i know of atleast DarkRP: Ask Dodo he will vouch it Medieval RP: Was transferred there when ZRP/WDRP flopped till the server was shut down SWRP: Could ask softhyy but that might be difficult(this was around the time of that SBG shit with weebru n shit) Medal: Cross Proof: I had a one of the cross medals, i havnt got a clue which one dunno if u got logs that go back farrrr, if not then nvm lmao.