Kertz Strasse

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  1. Haha
    Kertz Strasse got a reaction from Wiegland in Unban request   
    I will think about it.
  2. Like
    Kertz Strasse got a reaction from Hanse Freidrich Parpan in Uban/un-perma   
    I have decided to give you a second chance, however if you break the rules again you will be banned.
  3. Like
    Kertz Strasse got a reaction from Hanse Freidrich Parpan in Uban/un-perma   
    Can you please give me the correct SteamID please.
  4. Sad
    Kertz Strasse got a reaction from The_soviet_racoon in Unban/Unwarn Requests (really with the right ID this time)   
    The ban will remain.
  5. Confused
    Kertz Strasse got a reaction from kanye west in Leandoer Mauser - failrp, minging, and prop trolling.   
    Good Afternoon,
    No need to keep on arguing, the staff manager will decide the outcome of this thread. No need to bring other old threads from the past into this one.
  6. Like
    Kertz Strasse reacted to Erich in Dobbel Staff Application   
    Last time I had a conversation with you, you were screaming incoherently after drinking yourself to a stupor at 10 AM in the morning. Then you proceeded to leave the server even though your entire regiment was supposed to carry out training activities with you, and I am fairly certain I heard you black out in the TeamSpeak shortly after.

    Lay off the alcohol and read the Bible, you drink-sodden degenerate. The only thing you can apply for as a serial alcoholic at your early 20's is a rehab group like Alcoholics Anonymous. You'd be better served by signing up for an asylum than staffing a Garry's Mod server.
  7. Like
    Kertz Strasse reacted to Johan Schneider in Dobbel Staff Application   
    Calm down nigs, it's Ramadan, and I'm here to remind you about this. 
  8. Like
    Kertz Strasse reacted to Weene in Dobbel Staff Application   
  9. Like
    Kertz Strasse reacted to Leopold Appes in Dobbel Staff Application   
  10. Like
    Kertz Strasse reacted to Paul in Franz Kriegel appreciation post   
    SIKE! he is a dumb retard
    I want to yell at Syn!!!
  11. Like
    Kertz Strasse reacted to Johan Schneider in Franz Kriegel appreciation post   
    Please leave me alone, I need to guard the MB or I will ragequit garry's mod WW2 RP. 
  12. Like
    Kertz Strasse got a reaction from Exiled in Hermann Stellmann Admin Abuse   
    Good Morning,

    In my opinion from the look of things, you are just hunting Stellman because you do not like him at all, probably because of previous warnings you received from him. From all the videos I have seen, I found it really difficult to find staff abuse. You even say in one of the videos that you are trying to fuck him over. LOL in the last video you claim it is a failed raid but it is not, silly wehrmacht left the door open and therefore kidnapped by the criminals. It would be a failed raid if they lockpicked or shot at or within the reich buildings. Let me give you a piece of advice, I highly suggest that you stop what you are doing, because I know exactly why you are doing it. You are wasting your time and everybody else's. Maybe if you understand the server rules and adhere to them, maybe you will not be in this position and creating this thread. 
  13. Like
    Kertz Strasse reacted to Josef Kraz in Hermann Stellmann Admin Abuse   
    -1 I have came to the conclusion your staff abuse claim even though its mucho texto it doesnt make any sense. You are accusing him of what ?
    Your video evidence from what I can hear is you going crazy and legit wetting yourself when Stellman is within voice range.
    No clip abusing ? I dont see any no-clip abuse
    Like leopold said all staff members are equipped with a battering ram so I don't know where you pulled that accusation from, maybe you should take your schizo meds before witchhunting a staff member
    also learn to drive I've seen kids with down syndrome drive better.
    Kind regards
    Josef Kraz
  14. Like
    Kertz Strasse got a reaction from Sanguinius in Hermann Stellmann Admin Abuse   
    Good Morning,

    In my opinion from the look of things, you are just hunting Stellman because you do not like him at all, probably because of previous warnings you received from him. From all the videos I have seen, I found it really difficult to find staff abuse. You even say in one of the videos that you are trying to fuck him over. LOL in the last video you claim it is a failed raid but it is not, silly wehrmacht left the door open and therefore kidnapped by the criminals. It would be a failed raid if they lockpicked or shot at or within the reich buildings. Let me give you a piece of advice, I highly suggest that you stop what you are doing, because I know exactly why you are doing it. You are wasting your time and everybody else's. Maybe if you understand the server rules and adhere to them, maybe you will not be in this position and creating this thread. 
  15. Like
    Kertz Strasse reacted to Paul in Unban Request   
    -1 dumb retard
  16. Like
    Kertz Strasse reacted to Aurelius von Steinfels in Unban Request   
    Here we go,
    You are banned for the three following reasons:

    DTS (Disrespect To Staff) Tier II + Veteran Player + B4 = 3D12H
    Lying to Staff (yes lying, not ignoring) Tier II + Veteran Player + B4 = 3D12H
    FailRP (breaking FearRP) Tier II + Veteran Player + B4 = 3D12H

    3D12H + 3D12H + 3D12H = 10D12H

    You insulted me twice, first I gave you a chance, the second time I told you you will be warned. It is as simple as that.

    Lying to Staff
    At the beginning of the sit, when you did not know that I saw what happened before you claimed to have barely moved/resisted. Now you even admitted to jump around, in order to not get arrested.

    FailRP - breaking FearRP
    You were in a room and the OrPo wanted to ID and weapon check you, beacause kidnappers were inside (a crime scene). Instead of letting them shackle you, calmly telling them  to please wait in LOOC because you made a RDA sit and waiting for staff to arrive, you decided to break FearRP by jumping around under gunpoint for close to two minutes before stopping and making a sit. This is a clear case to me, you broke the rule. 

    To answer some of your other questions:
    In your evidence we can not see what happened before the sit, were you in the room, shackled to a wall? Were you just standing in the room? Either way OrPo can not know what exactly happened before they arrived and in my opinion an ID/weapon check of everyone involved is valid.
    Again you did not present any evidence from before the sit, do you have any proof of the "chat box" being broken? 
    After telling both of you to be quiet so you could explain one by one, I asked you to explain the situation first, after you stopped speaking for a bit I asked the OrPo to talk to hear their side. I wanted to deal with this case quickly and understood what you said, I did not need a longer explanation. However you felt like it was needed and started talking over the OrPo. I then told you to "shut up" to let the OrPo finish talking. If that is the insult you are talking about I feel truely sorry for you. 
    Told you to "shut up"
    I wanted to play Gestapo, so I switched the job. I was about to go back but as you made the sit I claimed it to prevent anyone, that did not know what happened before to claim it and go there.
    I wanted to see how it unfolds as I know you and your record of warns so I wanted to have cristal clear evidence. And I was right for not showing myself as you tried to abuse that by later lying to me since you thought now one had seen what happened.
    The RP stops when the staff activly disturbes RP and makes the area a sit. You did not even indicate to OrPo that you were calling staff, how would they have known about it?
    DTP (Disrespect To Player) - DTS (Disrespect To Staff) You insulted me so you got a warning. Yes, OrPo was fooling around with the animations in the sit and you said I ignored their DTP.  Wait, try to remember what else happened to provoke that from the OrPo. Do you not remember insulting the OrPo too and making fun of the way he speaks (not cool)? If you insist I am sure that can be added to your pile of warnings and will bring you one step closer to the big 30. I simply did not think it was relevant at all to the sit.
    Also thank you for the cool pictures and videos that have what purpose? I am aware of the Punishment List, as I used it to ban you for the correct time, additonally you could have saved some time by not posting five minutes of nothing.

    I hope this helps you understand...

  17. Like
    Kertz Strasse reacted to Auster Schumacher in Unban Request   
    Just throwing this out there, your logic is very flawed when it comes to referencing our warn and ban guidelines. You talk about how:
    With this, you received a [B4] Ban, or Ban 4 in which an increase in 75% is issued. You state how you would receive 2 weeks for ARDM x6+ (as highlighted in the screenshots), and how this ban is shorter than your current ban what was issued for the combined time of of the FailRP, DTS, Ignoring Staff in which in total you were banned for 11 days as noted at the start of this application.
    Now, just throwing this out there, 2W means 2 Weeks, 2 weeks is 14 days, 14 days is greater than 11 days, so it does not equal less. Furthermore, even if we were going off the logic of with the Ban 4, your ban length is 11 days, which is less than 14 days anyway, the ARDM x6+ [Tier II] would also get the 75% increase. Math Time!
    24 hours in a day, 14 days in 2 weeks. 24hours x 14 days = 336hours. 75% of 336 is 252 hours. 252 hours + 336 hours = 558 hours. 
    558 hours divided by 23 hours in a day = "24.5" day (Cant have .5 a day so would be 24 days and 12 hours if my math does not fail me.
    Through further math, 24 days is just over 3 weeks, also nowhere near the "almost 2 week ban" which "Mass ARDM equal less".
    So I mean, with that, and for me anyway with the videos having no audio, and the fact that you admit to bhopping around a room or jumping in cuffs or something along those lines here:
    I have no clue what the fuck this unban request is about, especially with what I consider as flawed logic, or bad grammar and layout with the fact that you literally use no paragraphs and just give a huge ass block of text, and yeah. 😕
    Big Epic.  
  18. Like
    Kertz Strasse reacted to Auster Schumacher in Hermann Stellmann Admin Abuse   
    Just so I know for when this is discussed in the Senior Staff Committee on Sunday;
    1. What Exactly are you Accusing the Staff Member in Question Of in Regards to Server Rules / Staff Guidelines,
    2. Why did you think it was a good idea to actively stalk and antagonise a member of my staff team?
    3. Maxton has literally commented above saying she doesn't give a shit and you're just being petty,
    4. If you're making a staff abuse thread why exactly in your "video evidence" would you admit that "they know what I'm doing [...] I'm just trying to fuck him over" that then relates to point 2. and the point of Leopold in regards to witch hunting this Staff Member in Question,
    5. Back to Question 1, What exactly where you trying to "fuck him over" with? In terms of the evidence in your opinion what does this show in regards to Staff Guideline or Server Rule Breakage? 
  19. Like
    Kertz Strasse reacted to Johan Schneider in Unwarn Request - DTP   
    If you have no idea about what happened, then there's no need to comment about it, what he did was not against the rules.
    -1 , you broke a server rule, and it's practically just a tier 1 warning. The security staff member in question also didn't disrespect you.
  20. Thanks
    Kertz Strasse got a reaction from Baron von Keller in The Peaky Blinders Custom Groups   
    Good Morning,
    well in my opinion good sir, we don't need more Mafia custom groups. We already have Consortium and of course the Mafia. Also I don't see how peaky blinders fit in Nazi Germany, we are not in the UK. Maybe next time think of a much more realistic idea for a custom group.
    Big -1
  21. Like
    Kertz Strasse got a reaction from Johan Schneider in The Peaky Blinders Custom Groups   
    Good Morning,
    well in my opinion good sir, we don't need more Mafia custom groups. We already have Consortium and of course the Mafia. Also I don't see how peaky blinders fit in Nazi Germany, we are not in the UK. Maybe next time think of a much more realistic idea for a custom group.
    Big -1
  22. Like
    Kertz Strasse got a reaction from Sanguinius in Fixterman's Staff Application   
    Good Morining Fixterman,
    Well Mister Fixterman I do not think you ready to be part of the staff team yet. When you first started playing on the server you were mingy as hell, and received a lot of warning within two weeks! Of course fellow staff members stated that you have been using PAC-3 in a unusual way, and I have seen it aswell. You were playing the saxophone for a few days, I thought it was the bloody epic sax guy, you might as well play on a musical server. Anyway your historical context is on the short side, nothing really interesting.  Question four on the staff scenario questions you made a bit of a mistake, you should always ask permission to remove a whitelist regardless. And for the other answers well from my perspective it looks like the punishment you give to every player is NITRP, which is big no no. Not every punishment given to players is NITRP, to make it NITRP the player would basically need break most of the rules and no intention to roleplay on the server. This makes me believe that you really didn't read the punishment guidelines properly or didn't at all. 
    However, I believe that everyone can improve their behaviour and build up their maturity. So I suggest you get your head down and focus on what you are doing, revise the punishment list and server rules, so this will give you a better understanding and knowledge of the rules. Now if you could do that for me, that would be marvellous. Then you can reapply again in the future, and hopefully people will change their views about you.
    So for today I rate this staff application -1. 
  23. Like
    Kertz Strasse got a reaction from Vinny Calora in Fixterman's Staff Application   
    Good Morining Fixterman,
    Well Mister Fixterman I do not think you ready to be part of the staff team yet. When you first started playing on the server you were mingy as hell, and received a lot of warning within two weeks! Of course fellow staff members stated that you have been using PAC-3 in a unusual way, and I have seen it aswell. You were playing the saxophone for a few days, I thought it was the bloody epic sax guy, you might as well play on a musical server. Anyway your historical context is on the short side, nothing really interesting.  Question four on the staff scenario questions you made a bit of a mistake, you should always ask permission to remove a whitelist regardless. And for the other answers well from my perspective it looks like the punishment you give to every player is NITRP, which is big no no. Not every punishment given to players is NITRP, to make it NITRP the player would basically need break most of the rules and no intention to roleplay on the server. This makes me believe that you really didn't read the punishment guidelines properly or didn't at all. 
    However, I believe that everyone can improve their behaviour and build up their maturity. So I suggest you get your head down and focus on what you are doing, revise the punishment list and server rules, so this will give you a better understanding and knowledge of the rules. Now if you could do that for me, that would be marvellous. Then you can reapply again in the future, and hopefully people will change their views about you.
    So for today I rate this staff application -1. 
  24. Like
    Kertz Strasse got a reaction from Johan Schneider in Fixterman's Staff Application   
    Good Morining Fixterman,
    Well Mister Fixterman I do not think you ready to be part of the staff team yet. When you first started playing on the server you were mingy as hell, and received a lot of warning within two weeks! Of course fellow staff members stated that you have been using PAC-3 in a unusual way, and I have seen it aswell. You were playing the saxophone for a few days, I thought it was the bloody epic sax guy, you might as well play on a musical server. Anyway your historical context is on the short side, nothing really interesting.  Question four on the staff scenario questions you made a bit of a mistake, you should always ask permission to remove a whitelist regardless. And for the other answers well from my perspective it looks like the punishment you give to every player is NITRP, which is big no no. Not every punishment given to players is NITRP, to make it NITRP the player would basically need break most of the rules and no intention to roleplay on the server. This makes me believe that you really didn't read the punishment guidelines properly or didn't at all. 
    However, I believe that everyone can improve their behaviour and build up their maturity. So I suggest you get your head down and focus on what you are doing, revise the punishment list and server rules, so this will give you a better understanding and knowledge of the rules. Now if you could do that for me, that would be marvellous. Then you can reapply again in the future, and hopefully people will change their views about you.
    So for today I rate this staff application -1. 
  25. Like
    Kertz Strasse reacted to Herman Stellman in Fixterman's Staff Application   
    Answers to the questions are not very in line with the punishment guidelines even though applicant has stated he read the guidelines. 
    From the experiences I have had with you you've acted extremely immature during staff sits, usually start screaming (or raising your voice), arguing with the staff members, acting irrational, and along with the "I will go talk to Harland about this" you will just simply ignore what we are saying. 

    I do think your behavior has improved slightly which is most likely because you were going to apply for staff but I do think it's to soon especially seeing the dates your warns were given on. Your last warn being only 2 weeks ago. (And the other 14 warns were all given in your first 2 weeks of playing)

    I do think you have slightly improved (behavior wise) but in my opinion you need to spend some more time on the server (without getting warned)/in the community before applying for staff.