Kertz Strasse

Platinum VIP
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  1. Sad
    Kertz Strasse got a reaction from Xunt in Julian Heissler's Staff Aplication   
    Good Afternoon Mister Heissler,
    After reviewing your staff application and also my fellow staff colleagues responses, I do not think you are ready to be staff on the NRP server. Your answers lack detail and seem rushed from my perspective. Therefore I will rate this app -1. 
  2. Like
    Kertz Strasse got a reaction from King G in Max von Bettinstedt Staff Application   
    Good Afternoon Bettinstedt,
    After reviewing your staff application, I can say that it is very well written and also detailed. I hear many good things about you as a CO in the 1.SS. You are dedicated, loyal and most importantly honest. From my understanding I do believe that you are not too known outside of the SS, that should not be a problem. I am sure you will be a  very good member of the staff team. Therefore I will rate this staff application a +1. 
    I wish you all the best.
  3. Like
    Kertz Strasse got a reaction from Erwin Krauser in Erwin Krauser's Staff Application   
    Good afternoon Krauser,
    Well what can I say Krauser I still remember you as little schutze haha. I have seen you on the server everyday, and on TeamSpeak as well, which proves you are a very active person within the NRP community. You have worked your way up the current rank you have now, which shows that you have dedication, which is very good to see. Now on the staff questions, I have very satisfied with your answers, very good indeed. The historical context question is good but I would like it a bit more information added on to it. You only have 4 warnings on the server, which shows that you are considerate of the rules. 
    In conclusion I think getting good mentorship from one of our staff members, you will be a very good member to the staff team. Therefore I rate this staff application as a +1  Krauser I wish you all the best with this staff application.
  4. Sad
    Kertz Strasse reacted to N0T0RIOUS in CHANGES   
    I think the rules on this server need to change . The extremely virginy admins will ban you for doing things that would happen in real life . If it’s role play then make it realistic don’t put in rules that are the opposite .
  5. Like
    Kertz Strasse got a reaction from Johan Schneider in Dr Markus Scheppert - Staff Application   
    Good Afternoon Scheppert,
    Now thoroughly reading your application for the staff team, is it not too bad at all. I see that you have been community banned before because of your bad actions, now given a second chance, to prove yourself you can be competent on the server. I see you on the server mostly every other day which is very good to see. Your warnings are from a long time ago, and have not committed any recently. I am satisfied with your staff scenario answers, but maybe a bit more detail to your answers. In my opinion your IC rank is only a junior NCO within the Berliner Ordnungspolizei, plus not too known within the NRP community. So therefore I result this staff application as NEUTRAL, I wish you all the best with this staff application. Thanks. 
  6. Confused
    Kertz Strasse reacted to Boudy in Heinrich/Doerte Schaubmann Unban request   
    +1, Many People had been arrested for acting as homosexuels before and mostly deal with via rp like jailing or RSHA. However, him and his group, Although I had little interaction with them during their act but when there were fire, they did responded and did RP as firemen. But how did him get ban for NITRP if he was putting out fire as he was supposs to do and did not cause any trouble for anyone at all. And acting as black american woman. Really?! Really?! This is insanity at its finest. This man is dedicated to the server and the actions he did, could only be construe as homosexuelity.
    Not NITRP or "Acting as American Women". 
    -Pakoslaw/Boudy von Taisema
  7. Haha
    Kertz Strasse reacted to Auster Schumacher in Unban Request   
    All I will say is that in a video provided to the SMT by yourself in order to prove others broke rules, you clearly broke the abuse of 3rd person rule by utilising it to look over a wall you would not have been able to see over naturally, and if in 1st person.  
    As such the ban is valid, and you're on LOA for like another week and a bit so 2 day ban won't really impact anything anyway. 
    2 more posts till 1000!
  8. Like
    Kertz Strasse reacted to Auster Schumacher in unban request   
    Forgot about this, ban already expired.
  9. Like
    Kertz Strasse reacted to Auster Schumacher in Unban Request   
    Sure, why not. Will remove a few of your Oldest Warnings too so you aren't immediately re-banned for 30 warnings. 
  10. Like
    Kertz Strasse reacted to Auster Schumacher in unban request   
    Yeah, No. Ban shall remain. See you when it expires.
  11. Like
    Kertz Strasse got a reaction from Friedrich Scharl in Gert Schmidt's Staff Application.   
    Good day Gert Schmidt, i see you are very interested in joining the staff team for NRP. However reviewing your application forum, they are some points i need to cover.
    - So regarding the historical part of the question, it is lacking detail, i would of liked it if you included different battles of each theatre during the war and give an explanation. If this was shown by you, then my opinion you have a great understanding of what was going on during that point of the war. Also i would like a better explanation of what life was like in Germany during 1943.
    - I see that you are an Oberschutze in the 1.SS Wachtbattalion, in my opinion i think the rank is pretty low. The reason i say this is because well i don't really know you that well, and i doubt others staff members do as well. My recommendation is speak to more people on Teamspeak or on the server, and build up a friendship.
    - When i see the formatting of this application forum, it doesn't look appealing to the reader/viewer. I know this is a minor thing, however some people see this quite annoying.
    - Your playtime on the server is 1w 0d 3h, which is not really that much, i recommend you to play more on the server, so you have more knowledge on general rules and RP. I know that you have previous account on the server, which you claimed to say you have over 3+ weeks, but things change overtime, especially the rules and the RP.
    - Referring to the paragraph stating the historical context question, there no spaces starting a new sentence. For next time, i suggest that you double or triple check everything, before you post something.
    In conclusion your application forum seem rushed and given little care. For this i have to give a -1. However Gert Schmidt i wish you all the best with this application forum. Take care.
  12. Like
    Kertz Strasse reacted to Winters in Kertz Strasse Staff Application forum.   
    Extremely friendly character, he is dedicated and gets the job done.
    I didn't touched his cheese.
  13. Like
    Kertz Strasse reacted to Henry Ullrich in Kertz Strasse Staff Application forum.   
    All has been said above, Good luck! +1
  14. Like
    Kertz Strasse reacted to Apollo in Kertz Strasse Staff Application forum.   
    +1 Very friendly guy to talk to and has an overall decent application
  15. Like
    Kertz Strasse got a reaction from Winters in Kertz Strasse Staff Application forum.   
    RP Character name/s: Kertz Strasse and Heinrich Meyers
    Steam Name: [W-G] Don't Diss My Cheese
    Steam ID STEAM_0:1:46608527
    Age when applying: 20
    What country do you currently reside in? What is your time-zone?: United Kingdom GMT+1
    Can you speak and type English fluently?: Yes of course.
    Current total game-time on the server (type utime_enable 1 in the console if you can't see your game time): 4w 6d 20m
    IC Rank(s) & OOC Donation Rank(s) on WW2-RP: Untersturmfuhrer Des SD and Stv. Leiter d. Hp. SS Gerichts d. Ab. III (Hauptsturmfuhrer), Plat VIP and Pac3.
    Do you own a working microphone? When you communicate do you type or speak?: I do indeed have a working microphone. When i communicate in-game it is mostly voice, however when necessary i will type.
    When did you join the server? Have you taken any breaks since?: I started in December 2019, then took a long break until April 2020. Since April, i have mainly been playing on the server full-time.
    How often do you use our Teamspeak 3 server and our forums?: I use teamspeak everyday, however i do not go on the forums all the time. If needed i am more than happy to use the forums or the website more often if required.
    List of all previous RP server staff experience: None
    Staff that would recommend you?(They will be asked to verify): Baron Von Keller (Moderator), Johan Schneider (Moderator) and Josef Kraz (Trial Moderator)
    State your previous OOC punishments (bans, kicks etc.) Also include a screenshot of your list of warns. (Go in game and type !warns. Upload it to or as a steam community screenshot and include the link. Your game time must be visible as well in the screenshot. Type utime_enable 1 if you can not see it on your screen. Here is my current warns on the server:
    State the role of staff on the server: The main role of a staff member, is to ensure that there is stability and fairness on the server at all times. When a new player enters the server, make sure they are welcomed, and give them detailed responses if they are having problems. When there are players are breaking the rules, make sure that they receive the correct punishment, following the procedures.
    Give some historical context about the time the server is set in (75 words+): Well the year is 1943, and it is not looking too good for Germany, since the mighty soviet union had conducted a major counteroffensive late last year at Stalingrad, (called Operation Uranus) where the soviets had encircled the entire 6th Armee. Of course the Germans launched Operation Winter Storm, which was a relief effort to save the last bit of the 6th Armee. Now in the summer of 1943 Germany commenced Operation Citadel at Kursk, the main goal of this operation was the last main effort to push back soviets and cripple their supply chain. However the soviets also launched their operation called Operation Kutuzov, which was very devastating to the Germans due to the large size of the soviet air force and bad battle plans. This was the largest tank battle fought during World War 2, (Battle of Prokhorovka). In the West the Americans and the British armed forces invaded Sicily, known as Operation Husky, this goal of this operation was to not only make Italy capitulate, but also invade Germany from the south, as the Americans and the British push on wards. Of course there was also a lot of bombing raids during this time of year, destroying major industry complexes etc, crippling the German war machine. In the Pacific theatre there was also major battle that took place as well, mainly in Burma. Due to the Americans won the battle of Midway, destroying 4 Japanese aircraft carriers, and other ships, they also started major offensives, in the pacific. Such as invading new Guinea and the Solomon islands.
    Have you read the server rules and are familiar with them? Yes, i can confirm that i have read the rules regarding this server.
    Have you read the punishment list ( ) and are familiar with it? Yes, i can confirm that i have read the punishment list regarding this server.

    Former Staff Questions (Leave these blank if you have not been staff on our server before):
    1) For how long were you a staff member on WW2-NRP/ORP?
    2) What rank did you reach before leaving the staff team?
    3) Were you demoted or did you resign? Why?
    4) In hindsight, what would you have done differently as a staff member?
    5) How have you improved since you left the staff team?

    Explain how you would handle these scenarios as a staff member:
    1) You are told by a player in admin chat that another player is randomly killing people: So what i would do is that i will teleport to the player that reported this, during this time i will check the logs that are available to me to see, and have a clear understanding, of the current situation. Once i see for myself the offence the other player had committed, i will then teleport to that player, and explain to him about the offence he had committed and give out the correct punishment, depending on the player previous warns, they might get a different punishment.
    2) You are asked by a player about how to become a Third Reich official: When i receive a report of a player, who is having a bit trouble picking a Reich official job, i would teleport to him and explain the different choices there are available for him, depending if he has plat VIP or not. I will give the player detailed answers about specific regiments as well, and how he can work himself upwards and make him a valuable member of the chosen regiment. I will also explain to him that there are certain agency's that are handpicked, if the player is interested though.
    3) You catch somebody not performing RP and that are messing around: If i catch someone that has no intention to RP, then firstly i would take him somewhere, where the both of us do not get disturb from other players. I will give a verbal warning to the player, and explain the consequences if he repeats the same offence again. If i catch him repeating the offence again, then i will ban him for NITRP.
    4) Somebody acquires a rank but is not willing to RP with it properly: If i receive a report of a player that is abusing his rank, or not using rank in RP terms, then i will remove his whitelist, depending on what staff rank i have. After i have completed this situation, i would then inform the CO's of that regiment or agency's.
    5) A player is prop spamming: If i saw a player prop spamming everywhere, then i would take to a place, where the both us will not get disturb,  a rooftop of some sort. I will tell the player to stop prop spamming, and tell him the punishment he will get given, and would also tell him to delete his props. If he continues spamming props then i would be forced to jail him, and give out the correct punishment. (Permanent Ban).

    Answer the following questions in detail:
    1) Explain the difference between Tier I rule-breaking and punishments and Tier II rule-breaking and punishments:
    Tier 1 rule-breaking are considered as a misunderstanding by a player, or making a mistake, he is not even aware of.
    A Tier 2 rule-breaking are considered as a player intended to break a certain rule, or constantly breaking rule, even the player were given verbal warnings before or a Tier 1.
    2) Explain the difference between IC and OOC. Also define Meta Gaming:
    In-character is purely used for role-playing only, for example if someone is playing as a 1.SS member, then they  would RP as that person during the period 1943. They would need a clear understanding of what is happening and major events during the year 1943. And of course they do not mention any OOC information, while being in-character.
    Out of character is used for players, who want to exchange their views about something, on the server. Players cannot take out of character information and use it in-character, as this could lead to meta-gaming offence. For example a player might look at the tab menu, and find the player in-character name, and then say his name in-character, without actually knowing.
    Meta-gaming is caused by when a players is taking out of character information, and using the information in-character. For example a member of the Berliner Ordnungspolizei, might use the tab menu, to see what the player's job is and name. Depending on the job title, the player might get arrested, due to the fact he is part of a criminal organisation.
    3) Explain the difference between Serious RP and Semi-Serious RP:
    I define serious RP that every action you do or say on the server, it is taken in-character very seriously. The player must RP that character or job, of what it was like back then. Of course there is no out of character to be used as well.
    I define Semi-serious RP a more relaxed alternative in caparison to serious RP. Of course this means that players, can be less attentive of what role he is playing as, and not taking it seriously. The player may also use out of character information.
    4) Define PassiveRP and explain it's role and importance in a serious RP gamemode:
    When there is PassiveRP on a server, especially on a Serious RP server, then it makes everything more realistic and gets a player making sure he is doing his job properly. PassiveRP includes a player having a business or a company on the server for example having a restaurant or a shop. Players also have a choice to use the "/me" technique on the server, for example "/me finds paperwork in the car, and locates a name, who is the owner of the car". If PassiveRP is non-existent on the server, then it would be lacking the realism aspect of it.
    5) Define the term of Combat Baiting:
    I define combat-baiting as a player is forcing another player to use combat against him, which is a warn able offence. For example a German civilian might go to the military base, and spawn in a communist flag, in-front of the entire Wehrmacht members, who are present at that time. This would means that the Wehrmacht would either shoot at the player or try and arrest him. Or another example is a player is deliberately multiple times drawing out a firearm in-front of Reich officials.
    Have you added the Manager [Extreme] on Steam? If not, add him: Yes i have added him on steam.

    Have you added the Vice-Manager [Jack/Malte] on Steam? If not, add him: Yes i have added him on steam.

    Have you added the Staff Manager [Schumacher] on Steam? If not, add him: Yes i have added him on steam.

    Explain in length and detail as to why you deserve staff more than other applicants. Explain what you will bring to the staff team & your strongest points as a person/potential staff member (200+ words):
    In my humble opinion, the reason i deserve a staff position on this server, is because i am very active player, playing on the server everyday. With my great activity, knowledge and competence, i managed to get IC roles on the server, which is very hard to get, and i see this a great achievement so far for me. Another reason why i wanted to join the staff team, is because i want to help new players who join the server first time, giving them detailed responses, and get them on their way. With me joining staff, i see this a long time career for me, as i would like to contribute to not only the server but the whole community, which is my long term goal. With my experience in the SS, i would like to improve players who are in the SS branch, to extend their knowledge and what to do in a RP situation, especially for new players who are looking to join the SS branch. You can expect me to play on the server everyday, sometimes all day or in the evening. I feel like now with the playtime i have and the experience being in RP situations, i have the knowledge of the server rules, and enforce them if broken by a player, since it would be my job make the server stable, and also make sure the players are having fun also. So far being on the server and part of the community, i see myself being very dedicated and loyal to the community as a whole. One of my strongest points is that i do not get stressful, during intense situations, this would help me, taking multiple sits, and be confident of what i am doing. Also i am not a impatient person, even though if someone is stuck on something for a very long time, at the end of the day it is my job to help players, not to ignore them. Another reason i wanted to join staff is because, there is still a waiting time from someone from the staff team on the server to respond a player's request, i would like to decrease that a lot, so a player doesn't get annoyed or impatient. Finally the reason i would like to join the staff team is because i am very loyal to the server that is being offered to the players of the community and even outside of the community. I see this a long term career for me, as i would like to contribute not only the server but the whole community as a whole, and make sure that everyone is feel welcomed. I think i will be a great asset to the staff team.

    Do you understand that you can be demoted at anytime with a sufficient reason by a Hierarchy member?: Yes, i completely understand.
  16. Like
    Kertz Strasse reacted to Koenig Braun in Kertz Strasse Staff Application forum.   
    Everything has been already said.
    Fuck your cheese.
  17. Like
    Kertz Strasse got a reaction from Koenig Braun in Kertz Strasse Staff Application forum.   
    RP Character name/s: Kertz Strasse and Heinrich Meyers
    Steam Name: [W-G] Don't Diss My Cheese
    Steam ID STEAM_0:1:46608527
    Age when applying: 20
    What country do you currently reside in? What is your time-zone?: United Kingdom GMT+1
    Can you speak and type English fluently?: Yes of course.
    Current total game-time on the server (type utime_enable 1 in the console if you can't see your game time): 4w 6d 20m
    IC Rank(s) & OOC Donation Rank(s) on WW2-RP: Untersturmfuhrer Des SD and Stv. Leiter d. Hp. SS Gerichts d. Ab. III (Hauptsturmfuhrer), Plat VIP and Pac3.
    Do you own a working microphone? When you communicate do you type or speak?: I do indeed have a working microphone. When i communicate in-game it is mostly voice, however when necessary i will type.
    When did you join the server? Have you taken any breaks since?: I started in December 2019, then took a long break until April 2020. Since April, i have mainly been playing on the server full-time.
    How often do you use our Teamspeak 3 server and our forums?: I use teamspeak everyday, however i do not go on the forums all the time. If needed i am more than happy to use the forums or the website more often if required.
    List of all previous RP server staff experience: None
    Staff that would recommend you?(They will be asked to verify): Baron Von Keller (Moderator), Johan Schneider (Moderator) and Josef Kraz (Trial Moderator)
    State your previous OOC punishments (bans, kicks etc.) Also include a screenshot of your list of warns. (Go in game and type !warns. Upload it to or as a steam community screenshot and include the link. Your game time must be visible as well in the screenshot. Type utime_enable 1 if you can not see it on your screen. Here is my current warns on the server:
    State the role of staff on the server: The main role of a staff member, is to ensure that there is stability and fairness on the server at all times. When a new player enters the server, make sure they are welcomed, and give them detailed responses if they are having problems. When there are players are breaking the rules, make sure that they receive the correct punishment, following the procedures.
    Give some historical context about the time the server is set in (75 words+): Well the year is 1943, and it is not looking too good for Germany, since the mighty soviet union had conducted a major counteroffensive late last year at Stalingrad, (called Operation Uranus) where the soviets had encircled the entire 6th Armee. Of course the Germans launched Operation Winter Storm, which was a relief effort to save the last bit of the 6th Armee. Now in the summer of 1943 Germany commenced Operation Citadel at Kursk, the main goal of this operation was the last main effort to push back soviets and cripple their supply chain. However the soviets also launched their operation called Operation Kutuzov, which was very devastating to the Germans due to the large size of the soviet air force and bad battle plans. This was the largest tank battle fought during World War 2, (Battle of Prokhorovka). In the West the Americans and the British armed forces invaded Sicily, known as Operation Husky, this goal of this operation was to not only make Italy capitulate, but also invade Germany from the south, as the Americans and the British push on wards. Of course there was also a lot of bombing raids during this time of year, destroying major industry complexes etc, crippling the German war machine. In the Pacific theatre there was also major battle that took place as well, mainly in Burma. Due to the Americans won the battle of Midway, destroying 4 Japanese aircraft carriers, and other ships, they also started major offensives, in the pacific. Such as invading new Guinea and the Solomon islands.
    Have you read the server rules and are familiar with them? Yes, i can confirm that i have read the rules regarding this server.
    Have you read the punishment list ( ) and are familiar with it? Yes, i can confirm that i have read the punishment list regarding this server.

    Former Staff Questions (Leave these blank if you have not been staff on our server before):
    1) For how long were you a staff member on WW2-NRP/ORP?
    2) What rank did you reach before leaving the staff team?
    3) Were you demoted or did you resign? Why?
    4) In hindsight, what would you have done differently as a staff member?
    5) How have you improved since you left the staff team?

    Explain how you would handle these scenarios as a staff member:
    1) You are told by a player in admin chat that another player is randomly killing people: So what i would do is that i will teleport to the player that reported this, during this time i will check the logs that are available to me to see, and have a clear understanding, of the current situation. Once i see for myself the offence the other player had committed, i will then teleport to that player, and explain to him about the offence he had committed and give out the correct punishment, depending on the player previous warns, they might get a different punishment.
    2) You are asked by a player about how to become a Third Reich official: When i receive a report of a player, who is having a bit trouble picking a Reich official job, i would teleport to him and explain the different choices there are available for him, depending if he has plat VIP or not. I will give the player detailed answers about specific regiments as well, and how he can work himself upwards and make him a valuable member of the chosen regiment. I will also explain to him that there are certain agency's that are handpicked, if the player is interested though.
    3) You catch somebody not performing RP and that are messing around: If i catch someone that has no intention to RP, then firstly i would take him somewhere, where the both of us do not get disturb from other players. I will give a verbal warning to the player, and explain the consequences if he repeats the same offence again. If i catch him repeating the offence again, then i will ban him for NITRP.
    4) Somebody acquires a rank but is not willing to RP with it properly: If i receive a report of a player that is abusing his rank, or not using rank in RP terms, then i will remove his whitelist, depending on what staff rank i have. After i have completed this situation, i would then inform the CO's of that regiment or agency's.
    5) A player is prop spamming: If i saw a player prop spamming everywhere, then i would take to a place, where the both us will not get disturb,  a rooftop of some sort. I will tell the player to stop prop spamming, and tell him the punishment he will get given, and would also tell him to delete his props. If he continues spamming props then i would be forced to jail him, and give out the correct punishment. (Permanent Ban).

    Answer the following questions in detail:
    1) Explain the difference between Tier I rule-breaking and punishments and Tier II rule-breaking and punishments:
    Tier 1 rule-breaking are considered as a misunderstanding by a player, or making a mistake, he is not even aware of.
    A Tier 2 rule-breaking are considered as a player intended to break a certain rule, or constantly breaking rule, even the player were given verbal warnings before or a Tier 1.
    2) Explain the difference between IC and OOC. Also define Meta Gaming:
    In-character is purely used for role-playing only, for example if someone is playing as a 1.SS member, then they  would RP as that person during the period 1943. They would need a clear understanding of what is happening and major events during the year 1943. And of course they do not mention any OOC information, while being in-character.
    Out of character is used for players, who want to exchange their views about something, on the server. Players cannot take out of character information and use it in-character, as this could lead to meta-gaming offence. For example a player might look at the tab menu, and find the player in-character name, and then say his name in-character, without actually knowing.
    Meta-gaming is caused by when a players is taking out of character information, and using the information in-character. For example a member of the Berliner Ordnungspolizei, might use the tab menu, to see what the player's job is and name. Depending on the job title, the player might get arrested, due to the fact he is part of a criminal organisation.
    3) Explain the difference between Serious RP and Semi-Serious RP:
    I define serious RP that every action you do or say on the server, it is taken in-character very seriously. The player must RP that character or job, of what it was like back then. Of course there is no out of character to be used as well.
    I define Semi-serious RP a more relaxed alternative in caparison to serious RP. Of course this means that players, can be less attentive of what role he is playing as, and not taking it seriously. The player may also use out of character information.
    4) Define PassiveRP and explain it's role and importance in a serious RP gamemode:
    When there is PassiveRP on a server, especially on a Serious RP server, then it makes everything more realistic and gets a player making sure he is doing his job properly. PassiveRP includes a player having a business or a company on the server for example having a restaurant or a shop. Players also have a choice to use the "/me" technique on the server, for example "/me finds paperwork in the car, and locates a name, who is the owner of the car". If PassiveRP is non-existent on the server, then it would be lacking the realism aspect of it.
    5) Define the term of Combat Baiting:
    I define combat-baiting as a player is forcing another player to use combat against him, which is a warn able offence. For example a German civilian might go to the military base, and spawn in a communist flag, in-front of the entire Wehrmacht members, who are present at that time. This would means that the Wehrmacht would either shoot at the player or try and arrest him. Or another example is a player is deliberately multiple times drawing out a firearm in-front of Reich officials.
    Have you added the Manager [Extreme] on Steam? If not, add him: Yes i have added him on steam.

    Have you added the Vice-Manager [Jack/Malte] on Steam? If not, add him: Yes i have added him on steam.

    Have you added the Staff Manager [Schumacher] on Steam? If not, add him: Yes i have added him on steam.

    Explain in length and detail as to why you deserve staff more than other applicants. Explain what you will bring to the staff team & your strongest points as a person/potential staff member (200+ words):
    In my humble opinion, the reason i deserve a staff position on this server, is because i am very active player, playing on the server everyday. With my great activity, knowledge and competence, i managed to get IC roles on the server, which is very hard to get, and i see this a great achievement so far for me. Another reason why i wanted to join the staff team, is because i want to help new players who join the server first time, giving them detailed responses, and get them on their way. With me joining staff, i see this a long time career for me, as i would like to contribute to not only the server but the whole community, which is my long term goal. With my experience in the SS, i would like to improve players who are in the SS branch, to extend their knowledge and what to do in a RP situation, especially for new players who are looking to join the SS branch. You can expect me to play on the server everyday, sometimes all day or in the evening. I feel like now with the playtime i have and the experience being in RP situations, i have the knowledge of the server rules, and enforce them if broken by a player, since it would be my job make the server stable, and also make sure the players are having fun also. So far being on the server and part of the community, i see myself being very dedicated and loyal to the community as a whole. One of my strongest points is that i do not get stressful, during intense situations, this would help me, taking multiple sits, and be confident of what i am doing. Also i am not a impatient person, even though if someone is stuck on something for a very long time, at the end of the day it is my job to help players, not to ignore them. Another reason i wanted to join staff is because, there is still a waiting time from someone from the staff team on the server to respond a player's request, i would like to decrease that a lot, so a player doesn't get annoyed or impatient. Finally the reason i would like to join the staff team is because i am very loyal to the server that is being offered to the players of the community and even outside of the community. I see this a long term career for me, as i would like to contribute not only the server but the whole community as a whole, and make sure that everyone is feel welcomed. I think i will be a great asset to the staff team.

    Do you understand that you can be demoted at anytime with a sufficient reason by a Hierarchy member?: Yes, i completely understand.
  18. Like
    Kertz Strasse reacted to Baron von Keller in Kertz Strasse Staff Application forum.   
    Kertz is not only a really reliable and professional person but also a very experienced veteran player who was part of many regiments and agencies. He can provide a excellent performance and activity and his current position in the Sicherheitsdienst proves that. His application is well written and very detailed which shows that he has advanced knowledge of the server rules. +1 
    Good Luck, Baron von Keller 
  19. Like
    Kertz Strasse reacted to Schnee in Kertz Strasse Staff Application forum.   

    I definitely see Kertz as a good staff member.
    He is very experienced in the server and well known in the WW2 community.
    His application also looks decent.

    Good luck Kertz!
  20. Like
    Kertz Strasse reacted to Feymous in Kertz Strasse Staff Application forum.   
    Very big +1 as I know him from Orpo when he was just a little Unterwachtmeister, but even then he showed much dedication and maturity so he ranked up fast. Also I believe his current rank underlines his reliability. I think he will do well as staff as he has good experience on the server and he understands the rules. 
    His application is well written and full of details and his reasoning why he should be staff instead of other applicants is aswell very convincing.
    Anyway good luck to you !'

    And Walther Schacht, stop with those replies with only 1 word, its absolutly not helpful  so explain why you are giving him a +1 
  21. Like
    Kertz Strasse got a reaction from Feymous in Kertz Strasse Staff Application forum.   
    RP Character name/s: Kertz Strasse and Heinrich Meyers
    Steam Name: [W-G] Don't Diss My Cheese
    Steam ID STEAM_0:1:46608527
    Age when applying: 20
    What country do you currently reside in? What is your time-zone?: United Kingdom GMT+1
    Can you speak and type English fluently?: Yes of course.
    Current total game-time on the server (type utime_enable 1 in the console if you can't see your game time): 4w 6d 20m
    IC Rank(s) & OOC Donation Rank(s) on WW2-RP: Untersturmfuhrer Des SD and Stv. Leiter d. Hp. SS Gerichts d. Ab. III (Hauptsturmfuhrer), Plat VIP and Pac3.
    Do you own a working microphone? When you communicate do you type or speak?: I do indeed have a working microphone. When i communicate in-game it is mostly voice, however when necessary i will type.
    When did you join the server? Have you taken any breaks since?: I started in December 2019, then took a long break until April 2020. Since April, i have mainly been playing on the server full-time.
    How often do you use our Teamspeak 3 server and our forums?: I use teamspeak everyday, however i do not go on the forums all the time. If needed i am more than happy to use the forums or the website more often if required.
    List of all previous RP server staff experience: None
    Staff that would recommend you?(They will be asked to verify): Baron Von Keller (Moderator), Johan Schneider (Moderator) and Josef Kraz (Trial Moderator)
    State your previous OOC punishments (bans, kicks etc.) Also include a screenshot of your list of warns. (Go in game and type !warns. Upload it to or as a steam community screenshot and include the link. Your game time must be visible as well in the screenshot. Type utime_enable 1 if you can not see it on your screen. Here is my current warns on the server:
    State the role of staff on the server: The main role of a staff member, is to ensure that there is stability and fairness on the server at all times. When a new player enters the server, make sure they are welcomed, and give them detailed responses if they are having problems. When there are players are breaking the rules, make sure that they receive the correct punishment, following the procedures.
    Give some historical context about the time the server is set in (75 words+): Well the year is 1943, and it is not looking too good for Germany, since the mighty soviet union had conducted a major counteroffensive late last year at Stalingrad, (called Operation Uranus) where the soviets had encircled the entire 6th Armee. Of course the Germans launched Operation Winter Storm, which was a relief effort to save the last bit of the 6th Armee. Now in the summer of 1943 Germany commenced Operation Citadel at Kursk, the main goal of this operation was the last main effort to push back soviets and cripple their supply chain. However the soviets also launched their operation called Operation Kutuzov, which was very devastating to the Germans due to the large size of the soviet air force and bad battle plans. This was the largest tank battle fought during World War 2, (Battle of Prokhorovka). In the West the Americans and the British armed forces invaded Sicily, known as Operation Husky, this goal of this operation was to not only make Italy capitulate, but also invade Germany from the south, as the Americans and the British push on wards. Of course there was also a lot of bombing raids during this time of year, destroying major industry complexes etc, crippling the German war machine. In the Pacific theatre there was also major battle that took place as well, mainly in Burma. Due to the Americans won the battle of Midway, destroying 4 Japanese aircraft carriers, and other ships, they also started major offensives, in the pacific. Such as invading new Guinea and the Solomon islands.
    Have you read the server rules and are familiar with them? Yes, i can confirm that i have read the rules regarding this server.
    Have you read the punishment list ( ) and are familiar with it? Yes, i can confirm that i have read the punishment list regarding this server.

    Former Staff Questions (Leave these blank if you have not been staff on our server before):
    1) For how long were you a staff member on WW2-NRP/ORP?
    2) What rank did you reach before leaving the staff team?
    3) Were you demoted or did you resign? Why?
    4) In hindsight, what would you have done differently as a staff member?
    5) How have you improved since you left the staff team?

    Explain how you would handle these scenarios as a staff member:
    1) You are told by a player in admin chat that another player is randomly killing people: So what i would do is that i will teleport to the player that reported this, during this time i will check the logs that are available to me to see, and have a clear understanding, of the current situation. Once i see for myself the offence the other player had committed, i will then teleport to that player, and explain to him about the offence he had committed and give out the correct punishment, depending on the player previous warns, they might get a different punishment.
    2) You are asked by a player about how to become a Third Reich official: When i receive a report of a player, who is having a bit trouble picking a Reich official job, i would teleport to him and explain the different choices there are available for him, depending if he has plat VIP or not. I will give the player detailed answers about specific regiments as well, and how he can work himself upwards and make him a valuable member of the chosen regiment. I will also explain to him that there are certain agency's that are handpicked, if the player is interested though.
    3) You catch somebody not performing RP and that are messing around: If i catch someone that has no intention to RP, then firstly i would take him somewhere, where the both of us do not get disturb from other players. I will give a verbal warning to the player, and explain the consequences if he repeats the same offence again. If i catch him repeating the offence again, then i will ban him for NITRP.
    4) Somebody acquires a rank but is not willing to RP with it properly: If i receive a report of a player that is abusing his rank, or not using rank in RP terms, then i will remove his whitelist, depending on what staff rank i have. After i have completed this situation, i would then inform the CO's of that regiment or agency's.
    5) A player is prop spamming: If i saw a player prop spamming everywhere, then i would take to a place, where the both us will not get disturb,  a rooftop of some sort. I will tell the player to stop prop spamming, and tell him the punishment he will get given, and would also tell him to delete his props. If he continues spamming props then i would be forced to jail him, and give out the correct punishment. (Permanent Ban).

    Answer the following questions in detail:
    1) Explain the difference between Tier I rule-breaking and punishments and Tier II rule-breaking and punishments:
    Tier 1 rule-breaking are considered as a misunderstanding by a player, or making a mistake, he is not even aware of.
    A Tier 2 rule-breaking are considered as a player intended to break a certain rule, or constantly breaking rule, even the player were given verbal warnings before or a Tier 1.
    2) Explain the difference between IC and OOC. Also define Meta Gaming:
    In-character is purely used for role-playing only, for example if someone is playing as a 1.SS member, then they  would RP as that person during the period 1943. They would need a clear understanding of what is happening and major events during the year 1943. And of course they do not mention any OOC information, while being in-character.
    Out of character is used for players, who want to exchange their views about something, on the server. Players cannot take out of character information and use it in-character, as this could lead to meta-gaming offence. For example a player might look at the tab menu, and find the player in-character name, and then say his name in-character, without actually knowing.
    Meta-gaming is caused by when a players is taking out of character information, and using the information in-character. For example a member of the Berliner Ordnungspolizei, might use the tab menu, to see what the player's job is and name. Depending on the job title, the player might get arrested, due to the fact he is part of a criminal organisation.
    3) Explain the difference between Serious RP and Semi-Serious RP:
    I define serious RP that every action you do or say on the server, it is taken in-character very seriously. The player must RP that character or job, of what it was like back then. Of course there is no out of character to be used as well.
    I define Semi-serious RP a more relaxed alternative in caparison to serious RP. Of course this means that players, can be less attentive of what role he is playing as, and not taking it seriously. The player may also use out of character information.
    4) Define PassiveRP and explain it's role and importance in a serious RP gamemode:
    When there is PassiveRP on a server, especially on a Serious RP server, then it makes everything more realistic and gets a player making sure he is doing his job properly. PassiveRP includes a player having a business or a company on the server for example having a restaurant or a shop. Players also have a choice to use the "/me" technique on the server, for example "/me finds paperwork in the car, and locates a name, who is the owner of the car". If PassiveRP is non-existent on the server, then it would be lacking the realism aspect of it.
    5) Define the term of Combat Baiting:
    I define combat-baiting as a player is forcing another player to use combat against him, which is a warn able offence. For example a German civilian might go to the military base, and spawn in a communist flag, in-front of the entire Wehrmacht members, who are present at that time. This would means that the Wehrmacht would either shoot at the player or try and arrest him. Or another example is a player is deliberately multiple times drawing out a firearm in-front of Reich officials.
    Have you added the Manager [Extreme] on Steam? If not, add him: Yes i have added him on steam.

    Have you added the Vice-Manager [Jack/Malte] on Steam? If not, add him: Yes i have added him on steam.

    Have you added the Staff Manager [Schumacher] on Steam? If not, add him: Yes i have added him on steam.

    Explain in length and detail as to why you deserve staff more than other applicants. Explain what you will bring to the staff team & your strongest points as a person/potential staff member (200+ words):
    In my humble opinion, the reason i deserve a staff position on this server, is because i am very active player, playing on the server everyday. With my great activity, knowledge and competence, i managed to get IC roles on the server, which is very hard to get, and i see this a great achievement so far for me. Another reason why i wanted to join the staff team, is because i want to help new players who join the server first time, giving them detailed responses, and get them on their way. With me joining staff, i see this a long time career for me, as i would like to contribute to not only the server but the whole community, which is my long term goal. With my experience in the SS, i would like to improve players who are in the SS branch, to extend their knowledge and what to do in a RP situation, especially for new players who are looking to join the SS branch. You can expect me to play on the server everyday, sometimes all day or in the evening. I feel like now with the playtime i have and the experience being in RP situations, i have the knowledge of the server rules, and enforce them if broken by a player, since it would be my job make the server stable, and also make sure the players are having fun also. So far being on the server and part of the community, i see myself being very dedicated and loyal to the community as a whole. One of my strongest points is that i do not get stressful, during intense situations, this would help me, taking multiple sits, and be confident of what i am doing. Also i am not a impatient person, even though if someone is stuck on something for a very long time, at the end of the day it is my job to help players, not to ignore them. Another reason i wanted to join staff is because, there is still a waiting time from someone from the staff team on the server to respond a player's request, i would like to decrease that a lot, so a player doesn't get annoyed or impatient. Finally the reason i would like to join the staff team is because i am very loyal to the server that is being offered to the players of the community and even outside of the community. I see this a long term career for me, as i would like to contribute not only the server but the whole community as a whole, and make sure that everyone is feel welcomed. I think i will be a great asset to the staff team.

    Do you understand that you can be demoted at anytime with a sufficient reason by a Hierarchy member?: Yes, i completely understand.
  22. Like
    Kertz Strasse got a reaction from Dr Julian Hettinger in Dr Julian Hettingers Staff Application   
    Well what can I say, Dr Julian Hettinger is a very skilful and professional player on the server, especially in the Geheime Staatspolizei. From his previous staff applications, it tells me that he is very dedicated towards the server, and wants to help out. During his time on the server, the more he played, the more mature he got, which is a good thing. I am aware of his warnings, some quite serious warns, however I am sure now he had learned from his mistakes, and stay away from breaking the rules. At the end of day it is not my decision to grant you staff on the server, however in my opinion he will do well on the server as a staff member, he deserves a chance.
    Julian I wish you all the best for the staff application and in the future. 😃 
  23. Like
    Kertz Strasse reacted to Auster Schumacher in Unban request   
    How about you take the day and take some paracetamol and chill for a few hours yourself until your mood brightens. I don't tolerate disrespect in game, I don't tolerate this then coming into your unban request which does not help your situation what so ever. You time on SCP means fuck all too me, all I know from my brief encounter with you on this thread is that you can't accept your mistakes, and that you are the one lacking the confidence and esteem to grow some balls are accept you're in the wrong.
  24. Like
    Kertz Strasse got a reaction from Schnee in Jonas Lecinstine Staff Application   
    The application is not finished, however carry on in SA, work your way up, then maybe in the future apply again. I wish you all the best in the future.