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About Deceased

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  1. RP-Name Warns: Hannibal Licious, 0 Level, Rank, Playtime: Level 50, Plat VIP, 1d 13h SteamID: STEAM_0:0:56073733 What is the Church of the Broken God?: A religious group that sees the mechanization of life as the one truth. It worships a broken God that seems to a machine of some kind. What are the 3 main factions of the church, how are they different from each other?: The original believers, the Cogwork Orthodox Church and the Church of Maxwellism Who leads the each of the factions?: Original: "Builder" Robert Bumaro, Cogwork: a group of "Patriarchs, Maxwellism: No leaders know only cells that communicate among each other Who is Yaldabaoth and who is Mekhane?: Yaldabaoth is the god of "life" as in flesh (Sarktics god), Mekhane is the broken god What to the CotBG is herecy?: flesh and life What is Sarkicism?: Another group that opposed the church in the war of the flesh, they do (human) sacrifices to benefit many of them and believe you can ascend to godhood Describe the War of the Flesh and how it ended: Sarctic used felsh monsters against the churches machines and in the end church's god became a cage to trap the sarctic's god