James Croft

Platinum VIP
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About James Croft

James Croft's Achievements

  1. Orange's SCP-RP Unban Appeal! Server you got banned from: SCP-RP Your name in-game: James Croft Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:99947585 Admins' name that banned you: No idea, doesn't say Admin's steamID: No idea, doesn't say Why did you get banned?: Mass RDM (Perma) Evidence(Un-necessary): N/A Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: I never actually got a chance to tell the admin why I was killing people unfortunately... I tried to explain but I was just permanently banned without even having a proper conversation about the situation... At the time everyone was mass killing people and I did it back, I was the only one that got banned... This happened a few months ago though and I apologise. Anything else?: N/A
  2. Which Rank/tag do you need: Platinum VIP What is your RP Name on the server: James Croft (SCP-RP) Evidence: https://prnt.sc/t9a5qk