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About Chewy

Chewy's Achievements

  1. My In-Game name: Chewy STEAMID: 76561199555710019 Steam Name: Chewy What is the reason for your ban: NH2RP How long were you banned for: 3 Days Name of the staff member who banned you: Cr3ativeAshrea Why do I believe that I should be unbanned: Firstly the reasoning being NH2RP is incorrect, i was playing on the server for over a week and had began rising through the ranks in a battalion, this proves my intent to play, this can be corroborated by my peers and COs such as LT Pewp and COL DAAN who both trained and played with me, i did and do intend to RP. Secondly i do enjoy the server, ive met a lot of cool people and would like to keep playing alongside them as would my group of friends. Now, i will acknowledge my mistakes and my issues, near the end i believe i received unfair treatment for a situation and went on a bit of a spree of getting arrested however it was all in good fun, i dont believe i actually broke any server rules or at least nothing bannable and every time i was arrested i was rping it, everyone involved was laughing and having a good time, nothing i did was malicious in any way and was all in good spirit. To conclude i enjoy the server and wish to continue playing on it ASAP and i firmly believe i do have intent to RP, if unbanned i would relax on the perhaps more mingey rp scenarios and play normally as well as work on understanding the server more as to not violate any rules. Thank you for reading this perhaps too formal appeal. Evidence: Many people can vouch for my intent to RP and lack of malicious intent when i made mistakes.