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  1. Thanks
    Solaire got a reaction from Pewpa in Pewp's Unban Request   
    Lewis summed it up. You have nothing positive going for you, Sorry or not. Laughing at someone dying, involved or not is wrong.
    Even without it you have shown nothing but toxic behaviour in the past.

    Was somewhat ok as a Battalion atleast to me not sure about others.

    I know you might "be sorry" but not enough effort imo has really been put in to show it. I'm all for second chances but I am very against this for now.

    I just don't feel like you really actually want to come on and play seriously. Maybe you do and there's no way to prove it but due to how others feel about you and overall behaviour. I am against it.
  2. Like
    Solaire got a reaction from Wanted in Wanted's 2nd Staff App   
    I don't care if this guy doesn't speak much if he can get ARC without speaking much he can get staff. Hella competent. 
  3. Like
    Solaire got a reaction from Cobalt in Cobalt's Second Staff App   
    +1 This guys is kinda cool, Wish he was on more tho but yeah he's alright I suppose for a CG Giant Red Gorrila taser man.

    Plus he is CG so he is basically in character staff
  4. Like
    Solaire reacted to Fixer in Smooth's Unban Request   
    What the fuck is that supposed to mean? This is within the boundaries of the same community. Not only do I believe that considerable time has passed since he got banned but this is probably him just asking for a second chance which in my opinion everyone deserves at least a second chance. Most people who come for an unban just write long paragraphs about how they have changed and regret what they have done. This guy at least has some sort of proof to show that he has changed. What the fuck do you want him to do? Write a ten page essay about how sorry he is? I am sorry but shut the fuck up.
  5. Like
    Solaire got a reaction from Victor in Victor's Event planner application   
    Well, That's alot of detail. I don't have much to say as my eyes are gleaming from this mass reading. Top guy. +1
  6. Like
    Solaire got a reaction from Space in Space | Staff Application   
    As an Executive Admin, I believe this is a good app! There is a lot of detail here. He has been EP for 8 Months. My god! What a long time and dedication! Has used ULX before and would easily fit in! +1
  7. Like
    Solaire got a reaction from Wanted in Wanted's Staff App   
    As an Executive Admin, I believe Wanted is also a very good ARC Member of the 212th regiment. He has shown very good RP and has been around a long time! I just wish he used his mic more BUT he is an excellent candidate for the role! Nice.
  8. Like
    Solaire got a reaction from Nesta in Nesta | Staff Application   
    As an Executive Admin, I believe Nesta is a good candidate for staff as Nesta has been serious and has shown serious dedication to the server. Knows all the rules and only has 1 warn. Would be a good choice!!

    And for those putting Netural because Nesta is a Women. It doesn't make a difference who the staff member is. If they are going to act stupid around a staff member then warns can easily be dished out, it makes very little difference.
  9. Like
    Solaire got a reaction from Ron in Ron | Staff Application   
    As an Executive Admin, I believe Ron is an excellent choice being a good 501st member and being very serious in RP. Overall, I would say Ron is a very solid choice! Top lad
  10. Like
    Solaire got a reaction from Victor in Victor's staff app   
    As a Executive Admin, I believe Victor is an amazing choice. Always being serious in RP and can also have a laugh. He's very good and understands all the rules. One of the best battalion I must say. Huge +1 to the lad. Big up 1st LT.
  11. Like
    Solaire got a reaction from Shepherd in Shepherd's First Staff Application   
    As an Executive Admin, Shepherd would make a good staff member. He has been CE a fair time and has had no real issues. Lad.
    Also he can actually fly.
  12. Like
    Solaire got a reaction from Jenson_ in Jenson's Staff application   
    As an Executive Admin, Jenson is an excellent choice as 327th Commander just like that John fella... Good choice! Good in RP. Left Jedi sadly which I wish he didn't but overall really good choice. Very serious. Cool.
  13. Like
    Solaire got a reaction from unused in Tyro's Staff Application   
    As an Executive Admin, I must say as the Cursed GC EXO Job, You are serious in RP and have done a rather good job. You have 0 Warns which is excellent. God Speed Green Scouse Man
  14. Like
    Solaire got a reaction from Hogus in Hogus's 1st staff application   
    As an Executive Admin, I must say Hogus has been around for a fair time. He's a decent lad and has been doing a very good job. Been very active. Not much to say just consistent. Lad.
  15. Like
    Solaire got a reaction from Rich in Rich's Staff App   
    As an Executive Admin, Bloody HELL. This guy is basically a Boomer of GC. Pretty mature and active and has literally grinded his arse off for GC Commander. Would be a good choice for staff. Shown very clear dedication. +1. Cool Green stuck at SO Man.
  16. Thanks
    Solaire got a reaction from yuvu1 in Yuvu`s staff application   
    As an Executive Admin, You've been in 74th an ok time and hit a fairly high rank in 74th which is somewhat of a task. However I have had some fairly chill convos and would see your an ok choice however I believe there's ALOT of good candidates however best of luck.
  17. Thanks
    Solaire got a reaction from Bean in Bean's Third Staff Application   
    As an Executive Admin, I believe Bean is a good choice for staff due to the high ranking Jedi rank, Been Clone. Understands the rules. And has done a very good job overall across the board. Nice individual and overall swag. Nice.
  18. Like
    Solaire got a reaction from Cobalt in Cobalt's Staff App   
    I must say, As the CG VC You have done an excellent job and have shown dedication! I believe you would indeed make a good staff member.
  19. Like
    Solaire got a reaction from Smooth in Smooth's 3rd Staff App   
    As an Executive Admin, I must say Smooth is currently the Overseer (Subpath Leader) of the Cringe path in Jedi. I must say, Smooth really puts the effort in where due and has only shown being serious and taking good actions to situations. Would be a good choice for staff. 
  20. Like
    Solaire got a reaction from Kargen in Kargens Unban Request   

    Did it on Both Jedi and CG Job.

    PME is Warnable as it is

    Late Night doesn't mean break rules

    2 Weeks is completely fine for what you did.

    Came from a 3 Day ban from minging with others and proceeds to MRDM is unacceptable. Take your ban how it is and come back with intent to RP. Considering you was letting Battalion Security cuff you and RDA and partake in this. You should understand from your first ban messing around late night doesn't exempt from the rules.

    Huge -1 for me
  21. Like
    Solaire reacted to Rich in Zeals unban request   
    I have seen you minging late night a lot. I mean you and kargen literally made wolf question his life choices. Lucky you only got a week
  22. Like
    Solaire got a reaction from Victor in Victor's Event planner application   
    +1 Very nice guy and is active
    Unsure about the use of Dooku but, The HP For the apprentices is very nice.

    Clone side seems good. Glad to see effort has been put in.
  23. Like
    Solaire got a reaction from Mort in Morts 2nd EP Application   
    I know the Event Idea is not perfect but it can ALWAYS be changed. Massive +1, Trustworthy and in my eyes would do a good job
  24. Thanks
    Solaire got a reaction from [W-G] JH in JH's Event Planner Application   
    JH has been EP Before and I have no reason to say no, Good events. Deserves to be back
  25. Thanks
    Solaire got a reaction from Meep ็ ็ ็ in Meeps EP app   
    I must say, As an EC you actually know how to RP and is pretty good. You've come far as a GC COL. The event honestly seems solid. 

    "Faking" Loggings in Jedi is... questionable and sometimes your attitude and behaviour isn't the best but. I think as an EP itself you would be good so I would say neutral however it doesn't mean you'd be a bad EP so best of luck.