Markus Göering

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  1. Like
    Markus Göering reacted to Erich in Dobbel Staff Application   
    I don't know why you think having IC medals is in any way an indication that you are suitable for a staff position. Multiple people that are now Community Banned for breaking Community Rules had literally all the medals before they got banned. Having medals is not an achievement, especially since all you need to get recommended is one dick-sucker who recommends you for everything.
    I mean, since you are admitting it yourself, I don't see why you need to have a back-and-forth with me on your own application. It's gone too far, several times, while you were in a position with power, and that's all that needs to be said. To be offended would require me to care about you in the slightest. I didn't particularly back then and I really don't right now.
    Yes, I am the one spreading false rumours and lies, which is why I am only the sixth person to reply to the thread calling you an alcoholic. It's almost like pretty much everyone else that matters on the server has the same opinion about you, not because I called you out on this thread, but because you are actually a degenerate alcoholic.
    I got Community Banned for something more important and impactful than anything you've ever done in your server career, something very likely more impactful than anything you will ever achieve on this Community. I am very public about it, primarily because I have no issue with people knowing I was Community Banned, and I am also somewhat proud of it given the circumstances. It certainly isn't as bad as being known as an alcoholic. Also, I currently do not have a Staff position, which is why I can be as "unprofessional" as I want to be on the forums.
    Make no mistake, the effort I put in through my job over TeamSpeak and through managing half the Police Faction is infinitely bigger than whatever it is you have ever done on the server. I had more impact on how the Police was ran when I was an Enlisted Man during your 1.SS than you've ever had during your playtime.

    Also, I believe you are not allowed to reply to your own application, or have discussions with people that comment on it, but I assume you forgot that while you were thinking of how to come up with a response that makes you come across as both psychologically fragile and mentally deranged. In any case, you are not suitable for a Staff position. You have a history of being drunk on the server and on TeamSpeak, and that's in itself enough of a reason to deny your application. This isn't a support group, no one cares if you have IRL issues that cause you to drink like a sailor, and it certainly doesn't help when you lash out like a retard.
  2. Thanks
    Markus Göering reacted to Malte in Dobbel Staff Application   
    I banned him at least 3 times when he was drunk to avoid him fucking something up
  3. Like
    Markus Göering reacted to Erich in Dobbel Staff Application   
    Last time I had a conversation with you, you were screaming incoherently after drinking yourself to a stupor at 10 AM in the morning. Then you proceeded to leave the server even though your entire regiment was supposed to carry out training activities with you, and I am fairly certain I heard you black out in the TeamSpeak shortly after.

    Lay off the alcohol and read the Bible, you drink-sodden degenerate. The only thing you can apply for as a serial alcoholic at your early 20's is a rehab group like Alcoholics Anonymous. You'd be better served by signing up for an asylum than staffing a Garry's Mod server.
  4. Like
    Markus Göering reacted to Leopold Appes in Dobbel Staff Application   
  5. Haha
    Markus Göering got a reaction from Nathan Kennedy in Hermann Stellmann Admin Abuse   
    why the fuck am i still getting email notifications on this shit
  6. Like
    Markus Göering got a reaction from Norra in Fabian's Staff Application   

    might be the return of the great prophet mohammad...
    allah guide us almighty allah 
  7. Haha
    Markus Göering got a reaction from Daniel Barberi in Fabian's Staff Application   

    might be the return of the great prophet mohammad...
    allah guide us almighty allah 
  8. Like
    Markus Göering reacted to Harland Kearney in helo gais   
  9. Thanks
    Markus Göering got a reaction from GamingGoombah in GamingGoombah's staff app   
    to be fair server hasnt even opened yet so we judge by applications. by the application it is pretty good, and im sure we will need good staff on HL2rp
  10. Like
    Markus Göering reacted to Harland Kearney in Ranks   
  11. Sad
    Markus Göering got a reaction from Willrick in helo gais   
    helo gais my name markus
    how day going

    I request an immideate refund to my reputation
  12. Like
    Markus Göering reacted to Schrubener in my signature   
    helo i was just wondering why i cant add a signatur anymore! i go into acount setings and there is nothin there anymor
  13. Haha
    Markus Göering reacted to Schrubener in helo gais   
  14. Sad
    Markus Göering reacted to Tom Agen in helo gais   
    you have the funny
  15. Sad
    Markus Göering got a reaction from Schrubener in helo gais   
    helo gais my name markus
    how day going

    I request an immideate refund to my reputation