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  1. Apparently my SS was wrong. Don't know why it saved the wrong SS but: This is the correct one. Apologies. Also to fix that Part. Last question: Anything else?:[W-G] Event Planner
  2. Steam Name + Profile link: Atom + Roleplay Name : 501st Commander Sparks Teamspeak Name: Sparks Playtime on the Server: 1mo 1w 5d 10h 47m. SteamID: STEAM_0:0:4585935 Any experience in staffing on a roleplay server: None at all. Current Age:17 Warns/Bans: Do you have a working microphone and is it understandable?: Yes Have you ever hosted an event before?: No I have not. What are the responsibilities an event planner has?: The responsibility of an Event Planner is to create Events and stories that are relevant to lore while creating a great experience for both sides the ECs and the Clones participating. This means setting up beforehand so it can run smoothly, as well as balancing the health and weapons of the Characters so it’s enjoyable and fair combat. It also comes with the responsibility of helping other EPs with EC numbers as well as participating when it is needed so their events can run effectively as well. Also being trusted with the power of a ULX in the ways of not abusing the power given and only using it for my EP duties and RP scenarios when needed. Do you understand at the beginning of passing the application stage, you will have to undergo a training phase until completely trusted to create and host events?: Yes Clone Event Plan: (Delete this if applying for Jedi) Create an event plan for Clones, Event announcement, What type of enemies will be encountered. Keep in mind this will be used for your first training event. Make it easy to understand, be original and be creative! (Use the Template): Story for your event: On Rishi Moon, a strongly banded-together group of pirates set out to set up their mining operation but the republic base threatens their illegal operation. So they have decided to set up their base to start their takeover of Rishi Moon. Turning up to the MG of the base in their Speeders and CSI Stolen AAT doing a show of force to warn the Republic that they need to leave. Once the republic denies the request, The Pirates Blow open the MG aiming to take down and over the base. While the small battle wages on, the pirates struggle to push deeper into the base not making it past the VDC seeing that they underestimated the republic's forces so now the republic Pushes the Pirates out of the base as they retreat to their base camp, near the Jedi Temple. The republic chasing them down struggles to neutralise the mining Equipment. The Republic tries to push into the base but the pirates are holding them back, using their Rockets and Heavy Blasters. Battling in the buildings with clones breaching inside. Barricades fortify all the entrances but their defences prove too weak to hold up in a last-ditch effort to hit a devastating blow to the republic the pirate forces run and dive deep into the mountains escaping towards the HQ vents as they sneak down into them shutting down the GR for a final stand against the republic hoping to take them down and push them out of the base holding their stand the Leader calls for a negotiation from the republic as they will trade the occupation of the GR for their Freedom. This leads to either a deal being made from the negotiations or them slaughtered but all in a last-ditch effort to free themselves, or possible it can lead to a RC/ARC interrogation. Event Announcement for your story: A pirate force threatens the sanctity of the republic base, They want rishi moon. The GAR calls on you to save the base! Choice of map: Rishi Moon Or Can be done on Anaxes Type of enemies/faction, Why them in particular?: Pirates, As they fit the story as well as they like to steal and take over stuff gives a different enemy to fight then the normal Droids. Additional Characters: No really Useful passive characters can be used, Maybe Aside from Hondo Ohnaka, who can threaten the republic at the start. Republic's outline and execution: A troop will be informed that there is a group of Pirates at the MG or if they aren't spotted the Pirate Leader will call them to the MG for a message. From then the Pirates will order them to leave the base or they will regret it. The republic will have to decide what to do, either wait to push them away or attack to remove the threat, once they have decided or things turn hostile the pirates stolen AAT will blow open the main gate leading a charge against them when then the Republic will have to push back on the Pirates to push them out the base following them to their Outpost set up near the Jedi Caves/Temple. Where they begin to breach and try and take over. Then the Clones will hopefully take over their outpost and not before long they will have realised the Pirates have breached the base causing them to Shut down the GR and have been told to come to them for a negotiation to take place where the Clones will try and either kill them or capture or even they will try and kill them all. Once that is done in any ways it will turn into either RC interrogation where they will tell RC of the last known location of their boss Hondo Onhaka or It will turn into the base going to Defcon 4 and the event ending. (e.g. "- Battalion inform all troops that an unknown ship has entered orbit.") Event Character outline and execution: The EC's will be spawned outside of MG where they will call the republic to warn them and threaten to kill them all for being where they want to have their mining operation then If they turn hostile or the republic does the EC's will push into the MG by blowing it up and taking down the troopers trying to struggle and push towards the VDC where they will be halted once the Republic starts to push them out, they will either run or die and be brought to their base where they will defend and fight more to give the Clones combat in more open areas to then be closed into the buildings where the EC's will be "killed off" but turns out the EC's are now in GR and have shut it down to try and gain control and ask for a negotiation to get out of the situation alive, but it can turn either into a negotiation or They will have a final stand where they are fighting for their lives and will be killed. (e.g. "- All Bounty Hunters are dropped off at the caves, they will stay there until further notice")
  3. +1 Overall -Great ideas which seem very fun. -Like the overall ideas and is a great and trusted person within government and As a person. - I think quite a good choice.
  4. I did my EP APP within the google DOC Hopefully you should be able to view it all :