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About KristianGMB

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  1. It was the penetrator from Saints row I recommended it as a weapon skin
  2. It was a recent diagnosis yes. I can forward my letter from the GP but I'd much rather do this privately rather than a public forum as it contains personal information
  3. My In-Game name: 104st PFC Kristian STEAMID: ( Not applicable Discord Name: KristianUK What is the reason for your ban: For being a minge and trolling How long were you banned for: I presume perma ban as its discord? Name of the staff member who banned you: Not sure Why do I believe that I should be unbanned: The reason for my trolling was because I was going through a very tough time in my life. My down syndrome brother passed away about 2 months ago and I've been struggling with my emotions because I'm highly autistic and don't react the best way so the way I took to handle my grief was by trolling in the discord which after a long 2 week reflection I know this isn't the way and that if my brother is looking down on me he would've told me that anger is not the way of the jedi . I know you have no reason to unban me but I promise if you do I will never troll like that or post dildo pictures in chat again Evidence: I don't have any photos of the funeral sorry I can forward my autism diagnosis if you need it