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MrMoon last won the day on September 9

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  1. +1 Solid event plan, not too complicated and most importantly creative Good reputation among EPs, been EC plenty of times and never causes any trouble Didn't put W-G Event Planner at the end BAN
  2. Steam Name + Profile link: MR.MOON | Roleplay Name (e.g. GM TRP Johan / Jedi Padawan Ngannou): 501st Colonel Moon Teamspeak Name: MR.MOON109 Playtime on the Server: 3w 5d 23h 48m SteamID ( STEAM_0:1:442929350 Any experience in staffing on a roleplay server: None. Current Age: 17 Warns/Bans (Screenshot required): Do you have a working microphone and is it understandable?: It is working and it is understandable. What are the responsibilities an event planner has? (100 words minimum): The responsibilities of an event planner are; To host original, fun, creative, and interesting events. They do not abuse the ULX or any other powers given to them and do not use them outside of events unless told to by staff. Make sure the events are balanced and not too one-sided. Of course, one side always wins but the fun comes in the struggle, no matter the outcome! They don't half-ass their events to get a log but rather put proper time and effort into making events. Give all the regiments something to do and not have some doing an unenjoyable, dull task. They need to make sure they don't go overboard with props, NPCs, entities, effects, and anything else that can cause major lag to the server and make the experience worse for everyone involved. Do you understand at the beginning of passing the application stage, you will have to undergo a training phase until completely trusted to create and host events?: I understand. Clone Event Plan: Story for your event (250 words minimum): The Deathwatch has set up a base of operations on Rhen Var. They needed the planet so they could track and intercept trade ships that went through the Perlemian Trade Route and steal their resources. Rhen Var also provided them with easy access to Felucia, which was rich with resources and most importantly, republic outposts which the Deathwatch could attack and/or gather info from and sell it to the Separatists. They have been expanding the base they set up over the course of weeks while continuing to go undetected. Recently, one of the trade ships that was attacked sent a distress signal to the republic, notifying them of the Deathwatch and requesting assistance with driving them away. The Deathwatch would, of course, kill him right after he managed to get the message through. The Deathwatch would set up defenses after hearing his message, preparing for the republic's assault on their planet, arming their troopers with jetpacks and separatist tanks they've gotten on their interception missions. The Trade Route was also (Unsurprisingly) used by the Trade Federation, and nobody suspected that they were transporting Separatist equipment and weapons, and even an entire MTT once. The Deathwatch knew the republic would catch on to their actions and had already prepared the vehicles, hacking them and modifying them to their needs. The Republic forces must destroy the Deathwatch's base and retrieve the stolen goods. Their leader will be hiding in the very back (naturally), so the further they go, the tougher the resistance will get. Event Announcement for your story: A distress signal from the Perlemian Trade Route on Rhen Var! The captain of a cargo ship asks for the help of the republic as the Deathwatch attacks his ship and steals his cargo. He sent the coordinates of their base, but then the transmission ended abruptly, and we can only assume the worst. The Republic must disrupt the Deathwatch's operations, which have been running for weeks, as they stole data from the nearby planet, Felucia, cargo, and even Separatist and Republic equipment. Choice of map: Rhen Var Type of enemies/faction, Why them in particular?: Deathwatch because they just fit the scene of setting up an entire base for raiding. I've chosen them over pirates as the pirates don't really feel like they'd set up on another planet when they can just do fly-bys and they wouldn't really care about stealing republic data from Felucia. 1 Deathwatch Super Commando 2 Deathwatch Warriors 2 Deathwatch Airborne Troopers Changes may be made depending on the player count Additional Characters: N/A (eg. passive character) Republic's outline and execution: A super commando (Not the leader) will be standing at the front, and the Battalion/RC will initiate holy LARP, also known as negotiations. The Battalion/RC will be asking questions about if they know of any ships that have been through there and I'm planning for the republic to suddenly learn that the ship captain was still in fact alive by him accidently pressing a button and beginning to speak in open communications (Voice amp). After that, the Battalion will just wait for the next thing to happen... Which would be getting shot at. Once they fight through everyone and reach the rayshield at the end, the leader would appear on a holotable telling the republic he's long gone as a bomb would be behind him, strapped to the ship captain which they will have to rescue. (e.g. "- Battalion inform all troops that an unknown ship has entered orbit.") Event Character outline and execution: The troopers would be stationed at the starting corridor and talk with the republic, once the captain speaks over voice amp they will go quiet for an awkward second and then start blasting them without any warning, simple stuff. (e.g. "- All Bounty Hunters are dropped off at the caves, they will stay there until further notice") Last question: Anything else?: W-G Event Planner
  3. +1 I don't need to say anything that hasn't been said already Give the gremlin child EP
  4. It is the latter, Snare. 2 weeks from the denial date. I had that same question so I asked kicker and that's what he said. You need to wait a few more days
  5. +1/Neutral Creative, literate guy with plenty of great ideas. The event plan itself is a little needlessly complicated. It's good but the focus should really be on what's happening in the event, rather than before it.
  6. +1/Neutral Has a good amount of playtime Has experience with ULX powers Creative introduction to the event but at the end of the day, an infected event is an infected event and probably not the best one to really prove how creative you are. Infected are very one-dimensional EC's. They don't think, they just charge in and kill the clones (Both IC and OOC because they only have melee weapons). You would have a lot more breathing room with pykes, droids, pirates or really ANY EC that can shoot, also because they can larp. Overall a good application but the event idea is just not very original because infected events rarely are
  7. It would certainly seem I have work to do. Whether this application gets accepted or not I will make sure to prove my worth and my maturity. I know not everyone has seen my change, but I like to think I've matured since I've started playing on the server, getting in good terms with most. HarryKot and MAGMA being the most noticable changes. Thank you
  8. +1/neutral Certainly improved his behavior over the last few weeks. Personally think that is a good event idea Still taking it with a grain of salt because of past experiences with him, but I know people can change
  9. Steam Name + Profile link: MR.MOON + Roleplay Name (e.g. GM TRP Johan / Jedi Padawan Ngannou): 501st Jr Medic Colonel Moon Teamspeak Name: MR.MOON109 Playtime on the Server: 2w 4d 4h 47m SteamID ( STEAM_0:1:442929350 Any experience in staffing on a roleplay server: None. Current Age: 17 Warns/Bans (Screenshot required): Do you have a working microphone and is it understandable?: It is working and it is understandable. What are the responsibilities an event planner has? (100 words minimum): The responsibilities of an event planner are; To host original, fun, creative, and interesting events. They do not abuse the ULX or any other powers given to them and do not use them outside of events unless told to by staff. Make sure the events are balanced and not too one-sided. Of course, one side always wins but the fun comes in the struggle, no matter the outcome! They don't half-ass their events to get a log but rather put proper time and effort into making events. Give all the regiments something to do and not have some doing an unenjoyable, dull task. They need to make sure they don't go overboard with props, NPCs, entities, effects, and anything else that can cause major lag to the server and make the experience worse for everyone involved. Do you understand at the beginning of passing the application stage, you will have to undergo a training phase until completely trusted to create and host events?: I understand. Clone Event Plan: Story for your event (250 words minimum): A senator has made his way to the Anaxes Republic base to inspect it. The CIS got hold of the information and proceeded to intercept his ship right as he was leaving, capturing him and taking him to a fortified outpost they had established nearby. They are planning to get as much information out of him as possible and the clones must stop the CIS from getting any sensitive data. They will have to fend off a distraction that will involve droids attacking the main base itself while they kidnap the senator. After that, they will make their way to the outpost and fight the droids that are standing guard. Their mission is to rescue the senator at all costs. They will fight the droids wave by wave as they guard the tactical droid until they reach a ray shield which the droid would be standing behind and laying his terms. Of course, it won't be that simple, once they get to the senator he will be held at gunpoint by a tactical droid and negotiations will have to be made for his life. The droid would promise his safety if they let both him and the senator go together on the dreadnaught. RC would receive a message from the chancellor that it's not worth sacrificing the info for a puny senator, as he describes him. They lie to the droid that they agree to his terms as he brings down the ray shield (No convenient console to hack this time). He reminds them of his perfect reaction time and that any attempt to apprehend him would result in the senator's death. But the clones already had their orders from the man truly in charge, ultimately resulting in them destroying the tactical droid as he kills the senator. Event Announcement for your story: A senator is coming to visit Anaxes base. Make sure his stay is warm and EXTRA safe... Droids seem to have an eye on that senator so the clones must keep their eyes peeled at all times! Choice of map: Anaxes Type of enemies/faction, Why them in particular?: CIS droids. 2 Enforcer droids. 2 Assault droids. 1 B2 droid and 1 BX Commando droid. It makes the most sense for the CIS to want to kidnap a senator and get information from him, more than any other faction. (eg. Pirates, Reason, ) Additional Characters: The senator, the tactical droid. The tactical droid would be played by me. (eg. passive character) Republic's outline and execution: (After the senator has done his duties in the base) An explosion in the AUX hanger bay would occur and the Battalion will inform that droids have infiltrated the base. He will tell all units to move to the hanger bay to take care of the droids. After the suspiciously small attack force has been dealt with he will receive information that the senator's ship has been hijacked and he has been taken to an outpost set up by a larger CIS force. He would instruct the pilots to set up LAATs and transport the clones to a marked LZ where they will encounter groups of droids that they will have to push. Once they reach the ray shield that the tactical droid is behind, he will order his troops to stand back except for RC. After the tactical droid tells them his demands, the RC will receive a message from the chancellor saying that the risk of losing the data the senator carries is not worth letting him live. The battalion will "agree" to his terms and when the tactical droid gets far enough, he will be shot which will result in him killing the senator due to his near-perfect reaction speed. Since I don't actually have near-perfect reaction speed, the RC will simply shoot me as soon as I shoot the senator, so make sure to keep a tight watch to make it seem as close as possible! It will be up to the Battalion whether they wish to hold a funeral or send his body to coruscant. (e.g. "- Battalion inform all troops that an unknown ship has entered orbit.") Event Character outline and execution: The event characters are gonna come through the AUX hangar door after I blow it open, they won't have much reinforcements or too many respawns but that's on purpose. Once they get sent to their new spawn far from the main base they will stay at the barricades and man any vehicles I may place. They will keep fighting until the end, obviously not surrendering as they are droids. For the senator: He will be played by another EP and I will leave the kind of attitude he gets down to whoever plays him (Annoying, cowardly, etc). Once the moment to kill him comes his health would be very low, enough for me to one-shot him right before I get destroyed myself. (e.g. "- All Bounty Hunters are dropped off at the caves, they will stay there until further notice") Last question: Anything else?: Put a lot of effort into this one! Even if you don't deem it fit, I will keep trying until I get it! I'm determined. | W-G Event Planner
  10. +1 I don't have much to add, just think he'd be a good fit for the job
  11. 1+ An original guy who truly wants to give the best experiences for everyone, whether it's by leading CTs or hosting trainings, I'm sure he's gonna make a great EP
  12. General Information: Steam Name + Profile link: MR.MOON + Roleplay Name (e.g. GM TRP Johan / Jedi Padawan Ngannou): 501st Colonel Moon Teamspeak Name: MR.MOON109 Playtime on the Server: 2w 2d 22h 46m SteamID ( STEAM_0:1:442929350 Any experience in staffing on a roleplay server: None Current Age: 17 Warns/Bans (Screenshot required): I am gonna add that the first one was back when I had very little understanding of the rules (This is still my first and only star wars RP server so I thought shooting my friend cause he asked me to would be okay) And the prop kill was an accident My point, I have no ill intent and I love this server dearly. Do you have a working microphone and is it understandable?: Yes Have you ever hosted an event before?: No What was your event and was it successfully executed?: N/A Do you understand the responsibilities an event-planner has? If so, what are they?: Give the players a fun, balanced and interesting combat experience. Make sure it's not too laggy, not too one-sided, original and enjoyable for both the clones/jedi and ECs. Do you understand at the beginning of passing the application stage, you will have to undergo a training phase until completely trusted to create and host events?: Yes Clone Event Plan: (Delete this if applying for Jedi) Create an event plan for Clones, Event announcement, What type of enemies will be encountered. Keep in mind this will be used for your first training event. Make it easy to understand, be original and be creative(Use the Template): Story for your event: The CIS have established multiple outposts throughout the planets in the solar system. A tactical droid is on one of those planets, but it is protected by orbital defense systems. The republic must go to other planets (Probably 2 others) to disable the system before they can assault the tactical droid's base of operations. Event Announcement for your story: The CIS has taken over a republic-controlled planet and has set up orbital defenses around it. The clones must destroy the generators that are keeping the system up on the nearby planets. Once they get through it is up to them to capture the tactical droid in charge and discover what he needed from that planet. Choice of map: Republic VS CIS Type of enemies/faction, Why them in particular?: CIS, because my story revolves around the CIS setting up a base on the planet, and most other factions would not have the tech to deploy orbital defenses. (eg. Pirates, Reason, ) Additional Characters: Tactical Droid (eg. passive character) Republic's outline and execution: Battalion inform that a planet in republic space has been taken over by separatist forces and that they have set up an orbital defense around the planet. Scans show that the power source for that defense is coming from three different places, two other planets and the CIS main base, if they disable two of the three defenses CE will be able to hack into the system and disable it themselves. Which planet should be attacked first will be decided later since I would still need to prepare defenses and/or dupes. Only once they take care of one station they can go to the other, encountering the same amount of opposition on the first two planets. Once the defenses are disabled they will head to the main planet and assault it as well, but this time opposition will be stronger (Tanks and maybe some other shenanigans). Once they make their way through the forces they will reach the Tactical Droid's office and RC will take care of it after making sure he's not rigged to explode like they tend to be. (e.g. "- Battalion inform all troops that an unknown ship has entered orbit.") Event Character outline and execution: Event characters are to hold their ground where told, not to push up too much and not back up too much either. They should stay either next to or in front of the NPCs, never behind unless spawned there. (e.g. "- All Bounty Hunters are dropped off at the caves, they will stay there until further notice") Last question: Anything else?: W-G E-Planner
  13. Which Rank/tag do you need: Platinum VIP What is your RP Name on the server: Moon Evidence:
  14. The problem I have with "For staff to see if you have done similar stuff in the past" is that it's highly misleading because what I did could hardly be considered random deathmatch. And while actual RDM is not something you can just say "I didn't know" because it's very obvious and common sense, what I did is not common sense at all and nowhere does it specify that I cannot do that, especially for a first time player like me.
  15. My In-Game name: Moon STEAMID: STEAM_0:1:442929350 Steam Name: MR.MOON What is the reason for your warn: RDM How long were you warned for: Forever Name of the staff member who warned you: hegol Why do I believe that I should be unwarned: Context is obviously important, it was back when I was still learning about roleplay since this is the first roleplay server I've ever been on, it was late at night when there were like 6 people on and my friend was low on HP and he asked me to kill him. Like I said, I had no idea that it would be bad for me to kill him when he asked me to and there was barely anyone on the server so it's basically downtime hours. I killed him, he respawned and ran back to me and then the Admin appeared and said I'm not allowed to kill him even if he asks, I said that I understood and I personally think it should've been a verbal warning and not a written warning since there was no way of me knowing that it's not allowed. I would've understood if I just randomly killed someone, as that's actually RDM but because he asked me to I thought it was okay. I promise not to do it again, and while it's not the most devastating thing in the world it would be nice if I had no warnings instead of the one that is a bit misleading to anyone who has no context. Thank you.