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  1. Like
    MrMoon reacted to SNARETY2 in Moon's Third Clone EP Application   
    solid guy, love hanging out with him in game and going EC together
    as an EC he's always good at giving ideas about balance whenever things are far too hard or far too easy
    good event plan
  2. Like
    MrMoon reacted to Preence in Moon's Third Clone EP Application   
    Its his like 3rd app and has been really trying to get EP, Maturity has been Improved definitely from what I've Seen.
    Story seems quite Interesting.
    Also a trusted rank (501st EXO) meaning with a right mentor he will do far like Connor said!

    Good Luck Moon!
  3. Like
    MrMoon got a reaction from Doot in Doot's 2nd EP application.   
    Solid event plan, not too complicated and most importantly creative
    Good reputation among EPs, been EC plenty of times and never causes any trouble
    Didn't put W-G Event Planner at the end 😡 BAN
  4. Like
    MrMoon reacted to Doot in Moon's Third Clone EP Application   
    I've got nothing bad to say about this man. Only seen good stuff from him and never had a bad encounter with him.
  5. Like
    MrMoon reacted to ConnoRR_ in Moon's Third Clone EP Application   
    I've seen improvement from Moon in terms of maturity, not including a recent incident. I believe with proper guidance and mentorship he could do well 
  6. Like
    MrMoon reacted to Kicker in Moon's Second Clone EP Application   
    After careful consideration, unfortunately the Event Management & Senior EP Team have decided to deny your application.
    If applications are open, you may re-apply once again in two weeks.
  7. Like
    MrMoon reacted to Ravolta in Topaz's Clone Event Planner application   
    Good Lad
    Fairly High Rank
    Good application
    As Moon said, very complicated story for a first event. Doubt that any of that fine description lands in the actual event.
    Barely meets playtime
  8. Like
    MrMoon got a reaction from Doot in Doot's EP application.   
    Has a good amount of playtime
    Has experience with ULX powers
    Creative introduction to the event but at the end of the day, an infected event is an infected event and probably not the best one to really prove how creative you are. Infected are very one-dimensional EC's. They don't think, they just charge in and kill the clones (Both IC and OOC because they only have melee weapons). You would have a lot more breathing room with pykes, droids, pirates or really ANY EC that can shoot, also because they can larp. 
    Overall a good application but the event idea is just not very original because infected events rarely are
  9. Like
    MrMoon reacted to carnage in Moon's first EP application   

    - Makes great use of the map, and reason for the clones to hop from planet to planet
    - Very active and willing to learn

    - Almost all of the interactions I've had with Moon since he joined the server have been positive!

    - Meets every requirement, just

    Good luck Moon!
  10. Like
    MrMoon got a reaction from SNARETY2 in SNARE's 2nd clone EP application   
    An original guy who truly wants to give the best experiences for everyone, whether it's by leading CTs or hosting trainings, I'm sure he's gonna make a great EP
  11. Like
    MrMoon reacted to SNARETY2 in Moon's first EP application   
    Moon is a great player who puts a lot of effort into his leads and trainings, i trust he can do a bang up job on events.