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About Vidar

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  1. SteamID: 76561199215586224 My In-Game name: Vidar Steam Name: Vidar What is the reason for your ban: Racism / Inciting Mass Resignation How long were you banned for: Community Ban Name of the staff member who banned you: Breatoking or Barry, can not unfortunately remember which one of those 2 it was who banned me. Why do I believe that I should be unbanned: Before I begin my reasoning, it's important to set up the context behind my actions, mainly because it will give an idea of my mindset when I made the actions that got me comm-banned. I am long term friends with those who were in CT, still am to this day. When all the events went down during 2023's winter months, I witnessed how both the CT regiment at the time acted in response to the Community managers provocation, being apart of the CT group at the time, we made hot headed decisions so when the resignations and banns were pouring in, I was also in the same mindset as my friends was. In reflection of my actions I see now that I took it a notch further, my racist remarks and also my part in the mass resignations was a big mistake, i regret those actions looking back especially the racist remarks I made in my resignation post, as it was childish in behaviour and was only done out of pure spite and anger, I now seek to rectify those mistakes by going through the effort and writing this appeal post in order to get a second chance, which I hope is shown clearly here. Evidence:
  2. I can type out a new appeal using the correct template if that is needed.
  3. Yeah, i just noticed that there was an template that was meant to be used lmao.
  4. Hello. I am writing to appeal my "recent" ban that was due to racism, that happened 7 months ago, when the CT - Purge happened. Firstly, I would like to apologize for any kind of offense or harm my words might have caused that day. I've recognized that my comment was inappropriate and unacceptable, and I do regret my actions, as in my own opinion too, i made myself look like a clown in the heat of the moment for using such words etc. I've had time to reflect on my actions, as this incident happened about 7 months ago and have now understood the importance (understood it a long time ago, but as we were in the heat of the moment, i wasn't thinking straight and that led to me using disrespectful words, such as the N-word towards Barry and the SMT in general.) of fostering a respectful environment for everyone and so on. Thank you for considering my appeal. Most Sincerely - Vidar STEAM ID 76561199215586224 DISCORD ID 561289537356038154