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  1. Like
    SNARETY2 got a reaction from MrMoon in Moon's Third Clone EP Application   
    solid guy, love hanging out with him in game and going EC together
    as an EC he's always good at giving ideas about balance whenever things are far too hard or far too easy
    good event plan
  2. Like
    SNARETY2 reacted to Kicker in SNARE's 4th Clone EP application   
    After reviewing your application, we would like to invite you to an interview.
    However, there is a chance that Clone EP spots may soon be full. Management will contact you once we are certain there is an available position for you in the team.
  3. Thanks
    SNARETY2 got a reaction from Pewpa in Pewp's Clone EP Application!   
    interesting and well described plan
    solid player, did great for the rancors when he was RI and continues to be a solid member of battalion
  4. Confused
    SNARETY2 reacted to Victor in Moon's first EP application   
    -Very childish,  not sure about your in-character status but being childish and immature is, in my opinion,  the worst thing an applicant of both staff AND event planner can have.
    You tend to start trouble from what i have seen, at one point you kept on going against 212th in OOC through an entire event! A full 30+ plantery event, while everyone was trying to enjoy their time, you decided to think it was a good odea to attack the whole of 212th in OOC constantly, i kept telling you to knock it off during the event despite me not even being an EP at the time, until i had no choice but to call you out in debrief, which unfortunately i had to use some profanity while it was in a joking way, it still had a message in it telling you to pipe down.
    Overall, work on your attitude.
  5. Like
    SNARETY2 reacted to MrMoon in SNARE's 2nd clone EP application   
    An original guy who truly wants to give the best experiences for everyone, whether it's by leading CTs or hosting trainings, I'm sure he's gonna make a great EP
  6. Like
    SNARETY2 got a reaction from MrMoon in Moon's first EP application   
    Moon is a great player who puts a lot of effort into his leads and trainings, i trust he can do a bang up job on events.