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About TomXLegend.

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  1. +1 Good Playtime Hugh rank Sparks loves to larp when on as 501st Commander and should think that his event will be top notch, give him the chance and add to the collection of quality EPs
  2. Can't find the edit button sorry Jedi's outline and execution: (e.g. "- Jedi finds a camp of slaughtered civilians .") A earthquake takes place on the planet of Anaxes with the Jedi feeling a large disturbance in the force of the local village filled for the Weekend Fair, Civilians slaughtered creatures surrounded. The Jedi must go through the town clearing out any of their low tier skilled bugs from spreading to other parts of the planet, Upon killing these creatures tunnels can be seen around buildings and the floor. Upon the clearance of the village Lightsaber wielding creatures exit the caves (menacingly) declaring their rule and give the jedi two options bow the knee or die. They engange in combat with multiple of the Hive Warriors being killed before a larger reinforcements arrives on the battlefield. Their job is the block off these tunnels and it seems the beasts energy and strength comes from them. After the tunnels are blocked off the creature slowly starts to detreat and dies. Jedi Event Character outline and execution: (e.g. "- Sith has sent an emissary to lure the Jedi into an ambush") Hive warriors are to bring their ruler "Chakka" the ownership of Planet Anaxes and kill anyone that stands in their way to rule. With initial creature attacking the Jedi but doing little harm to later call in the bladewarriors and help in attacking the Jedi. Their main task of stopping anyone that threatens their rule on the planet with their numbers looking to come low any remains either die in battle or retreat back into their caves before a bigger beast, their goliath enters the battle field with the one task and killing these jedi although his weakness being easily know stands no chance for their first assault with later perishing within this village and having to prepare and improve for their next wave (Also sorry im trying to bring more RP and excitement with my event, whilst also may sound like english lit cause its what i do)
  3. Steam Name + Profile link: tomxlegend | Roleplay Name (e.g. GM TRP Johan / Jedi Padawan Ngannou): Jedi Warlock Ronin Hikaru | GM COL TomXLegend Teamspeak Name: tomxlegend Playtime on the Server: 1month 1d SteamID ( STEAM_0:0:520367692 Any experience in staffing on a roleplay server: Not on this server or for GMOD before Current Age: 18 Warns/Bans (Screenshot required): N.A Do you have a working microphone and is it understandable?: Yes and from what I'm aware yes What are the responsibilities an event planner has? (100 words minimum): An event planner is someone who dedicates their time into the server to create high quality and enjoyable events. With EPs being the backbone of the community with events being the main part of enjoyment that the player base has. Whilst additionally making creative stories and scenery that attracts the interest of the players whether they are clone or Jedi. Whilst they are also intrusted with ULX powers that allow they to maximise the quality of their events and produce and overall better outcome for the players and event characters involved. Whilst also having the responsibility to step up and take over events if another EP is unable to to prevent the loss of the player base of not being able to have or even enjoy an event. Do you understand at the beginning of passing the application stage, you will have to undergo a training phase until completely trusted to create and host events?: Yes Jedi Event Plan: (Delete this if applying for Clone) Create an event plan for Jedi, Event announcement, What type of enemies will be encountered. Keep in mind this will be used for your first training event. Make it easy to understand, be original and be creative! (Use the Template): Story for your event (250 words minimum): On the planet of Annexes a larger underground hive has been developing for years, undetected and unheard of. Their size has grown over the millennial with armies being forged in large numbers but also the hive has created some sort technology that has allowed for them to inject their creatures with a large dose of metaclorian allowing for them to enhance their fighting skills and connection to the force. The hive release and thundering earthquake across the lands breaching tunnel spiralling out of the ground and up walls and towers. Upon their passage ways opening up creatures of all sizes crawl up attacking all that stand in it path. Their first target a civilian village packed for the holiday fairs. Sudden death and corruption is spread quickly through the town. Whilst the town falls under darkness monsters continue. Until the force powered hive step out of their passage the Jedi sense a strong disturbance in the force as a sudden powerful force enters the planet surface. The Jedi hearing all these earthquakes and sudden darkness sense the disturbance and make their way over the town only to witness tunnel entrances, bodies scattered and darkness upon the once lit town. They are quickly confronted by the skirmish creatures scattered on whatever moves until the force users approach from the shadows claiming their new rule to the planet of Anaxes and to bow the knee or face death straight. The Jedi go with fighting off these warriors though not as strong as the Jedi themselves there's a large amount of them. Until a Goliath, a strong creature developed with thick armour for the only purpose of killing and taking hits. (Boss fight). The Jedi go off with ceiling these passages though this only blocks of their surface for in the future the Jedi will need to venture down into these tunnels to make an end to the Hive Event Announcement for your story: A Hive lifeform has been developing below the surface of Anaxes, undiscovered and known of. They have grown in size and have now decided to make their rise and take the planet of Anaxes by force and terror. Many will fall to these creatures but Will the Jedi be able to hold of the complete destruction of the Anaxes temple and the population around it or will the planet fall into darkness and slavery. Its up to you the Jedi Order! Choice of map: Anaxes Additional Characters: (eg. passive char or burner EC) 2x Hive Sith (A warrior and a warlock)(though low in HP there a large amounts of these creatures developed to the destruction of Jedi) 2-3x Hive Creatures (Infected Job, used as initial attacks on the Jedi as the weaker force of the Hive) 1x Goliath Creature (Played by Ep) (large amount of health with little attack, a final stomp for the Jedi to clear out) (Completely flexible on the Hive Creatures) Jedi's outline and execution: (e.g. "- Jedi finds a camp of slaughtered civilians .") A earthquake takes place on the planet of Anaxes with the Jedi feeling a large disturbance in the force of the local village filled for the Weekend Fair, Civilians slaughtered creatures surrounded Jedi Event Character outline and execution: (e.g. "- Sith has sent an emissary to lure the Jedi into an ambush") Hive warriors are to bring their ruler "Chakka" the ownership of Planet Anaxes and kill anyone that stands in their way to rule. Last question: Anything else?: W-G Jedi Event Planner
  4. Steam Name + Profile link: TomXLegend Roleplay Name (e.g. GM TRP Johan / Jedi Padawan Ngannou): GM SGTM TomXLegend / Jedi Knight TomXLegend Teamspeak Name: TomXLegend Playtime on the Server: 2w 2d 11h 36m. SteamID ( STEAM_0:0:520367692 Any experience in staffing on a roleplay server: Not on a GMOD server but I have experience on staff for a different game Current Age: 18 Warns/Bans (Screenshot required): No bans or warns - Do you have a working microphone and is it understandable?: Yes and Yes Have you ever hosted an event before?: No What was your event and was it successfully executed?: N/A Do you understand the responsibilities an event-planner has? If so, what are they?: Yes, they are people who go with creating fun and enjoyable events for both clones or jedi to take part in. They are trusted with ULX powers to enable them to create events and scenery that create a more immerse and eventful experience. With EPs being a highly demanded part within the server allowing for clone regiments to engage and use all their equipment and without them could be standing around base getting no action. Do you understand at the beginning of passing the application stage, you will have to undergo a training phase until completely trusted to create and host events?: Yes Clone Event Plan: (Delete this if applying for Jedi) Create an event plan for Clones, Event announcement, What type of enemies will be encountered. Keep in mind this will be used for your first training event. Make it easy to understand, be original and be creative(Use the Template): Story for your event: The clones have had a recent deployment off to geonosis of which they have had hard and heavy battles within the war, after a couple rotations of successful operations and heavy injuries they are pulled back to main base in order to recover and train for a next deployment. Upon returning to the base a soldier has become very sick and unsure of what the main cause is he makes his way bunks to rest. Upon his time based on Geonosis he had geonosian aliens crawl into his body and lay eggs within him all in secret. Unbeknown to him he returned home with Geonosians laid inside of him growing and waiting for the infiltration of a republic base. Over night whilst he was resting these creatures burst out of his body with new geonosian technology they had a far quicker aging creature that would grow to full size in mere minutes of which an attack on the republic base is started from the inside. The clones take to a surprise attack of which they are targetted within the walls of their own base, the geonosis start in great numbers catching the clones off by surprise and filling the base with their blasters and soldiers. Pushing the soldiers heavily due to the unexpected attack after a hard fought battle. After large firefights they are slowly pushed back towards where the soldier lay, to which an original source of the creatures is located and in need of extraction. This new technology is wanting to be gained by the republic for how they were able to develop a rapidly developing gene for their species of which the geonosians hold strong to try hold them off but in the end they are cut off from the source and left with one stranded by himself leading to his capture of the republic. With the last standing geonosian having heavy experiments performed on him to find the source behind their rapid growth. The Republic wins to stand and fight another day, but this isn't the only attack they will face from the geonosians for this is only the beginning. Event Announcement for your story: Well done Soldier you have won a great battle and it is now you time to return home and rest for many more to come. You time on Geonosis was hard but you fought well and won't have to see any of those creatures or sands for a long time...... Or will you. Report to Medbay if you are feeling extend sickness from your last deployment. Choice of map: Rishimoon or Anaxes Type of enemies/faction, Why them in particular?: Geonosians as they are the ones originated from the clones wars of which similarly were able to control clones and can be seen as a creature able to do such. (eg. Pirates, Reason, ) Additional Characters: (eg. passive character) A passive clones returning from the war, who finds himself sick and ill. i.e. The patient Zero Republic's outline and execution: Battalion inform all troops that geonosians have surprised attacked the republic base and every soldier is called to defend it at all costs." Event Character outline and execution: The soldier [EP] will walk around base for a short duration before feeling stomach pain with ( [RP] Starts feeling large stomach pains and sickness before running off behind a building to throw up _and will run off to be sick before laying down on the ground and passing out, to which from this the eggs begin to hatch and break out of the clones body beginning the growth of the geonosian soldier and starting the attack
  5. +1 Only ever had good interactions with Southski here, also happy to help with any problems I had even with changing regiment he helped all the way and I think he would be a good fit for the role
  6. (Couldn't seen where to edit the post) Forgot to add in my Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:520367692
  7. In-game name(s): TomXLegend Steam Name: TomXLegend / tomxlegend_k9 Steam ID: ( Age when applying: 18 What country do you currently reside in? What is your time-zone: United Kingdom GMT/BST Can you speak and type English fluently: Yes Current total game-time on the server (type !time): 2w 1d 12h 13m. IC Rank(s) and OOC Donation Rank(s) on CWRP: GM SGT (ex CG Captain), Plat VIP, CF99, RRM Do you own a working microphone? When you communicate do you type or speak: Yes When did you join the server? Have you taken any breaks since: April 13th / 12th How often do you use our Teamspeak 3 server, CWRP Discord and our forums: I use it frequently and most of the time unless I am working or am out i am in the teamspeak speaking and talking to those people within my regiement State all your previous OOC punishments (bans, kicks etc.) and a screenshot of your list of warns. (Go in game and type !warns.) Upload it to or as a steam community screenshot and include the link). Your game time must be visible as well in the screenshot. (Type !time then open warns menu, and drag the menu so chat is visible with the time): State the role of staff on the server: To enforce the rules within the server and look out for anyone that could be possibly doing this, Whilst also assisting anyone who is in need whether it be questions on how to play on the server or if its just a general question regarding how the server works. Additionally this could range from handling reports made on someone or assisting someone when requiring equipment, weapon, model change etc for a training or event as such. Overall keeping the server in good hands and operating efficiently with reduced amounts of poor quality roleplay or minging. Have you read the server rules and are you familiar with them? Yes List of all previous server staff experience: I was a staff member within a FiveM server moderating channel but nothing in game as well as staff for a small community that used to produce textures just making sure no one would steal products or templates as such. Do you understand that you can be demoted at anytime with a sufficient reason by a Hierarchy member?: Yes Explain how you would handle these scenarios as a staff member: 1 ) You are told by a Player that somebody is randomly killing other clones: I would go firstly with trying to get a name of the person so i am able to look and see who it is that is doing this whilst additonally trying to locate them within the server to stop them from RDM'ing anyone else, but also in the process checking logs to just make sure there reports are correct and that there is no false reporting happening. The first course would be to locate them and just check that they still aren't going around killing people ruining the experience for others on the server and either stepping in and stopping them or watching over them whilst i check logs to confirm what has happened. Whilst additionally any clips or evidence supporting the claim would help if the reporter can provide that as well 2 ) You are asked by a Cadet to be trained using the @ function: I would go with either checking to see what NCOs are on and bring them to the cadet to ask they to train him or if I am at the correspondent rank then i could also step in and train him if needed. However looking out for the lowest ranking NCO upwards to bring them and ask them to train the cadet as it is their main role with being an NCO to train cadets 3 ) During a debrief, a CT accidently shoots someone, whilst trying to safety their weapon: With this I wouldn't step in at this point and this would be more of a CG issue with look like no issue with the person intentionally trying to kill or RDM any. Whilst keeping it all in RP and not the ruin it for anyone else. But also being vigilant if it wasn't a mistake and he goes with continually doing it. 4 ) A CT #### doesn't salute you, despite you being a rank higher than 2nd LT: This isn't a staff situation so would not be interfering staff wise but would go with asking him and reminding him that you need to be saluting Officers within the GAR as it is a rule that we have within the server but nothing too far to which they are being warned, kicked or removed. However, forcing this upon the person to salute every 2nd LT+ isn't the way to go with it. 5 ) Someone commits FailRP, but claims that the specific instance of FailRP is not explicitly stated within the server rules: As stated in the rules "All situations cannot be listed and it is down to using common sense for non listed situations, it is down to the staff member to decided" With all the possible situations not being able to be written down you will need to use your knowledge on whether it does come under a FailRP situation of what they are doing and enforcing it appropriately, So making a decision or even getting an opinion from another staff member can help in the circumstance that they aren't wrongfully punished. Whilst also reminding the person to double check the rules and that every situation cannot be listed and to use common sense when it comes to playing on the server and thinking to whether what they are doing or what they are about to do would be FailRP 6 ) You bring a player into a sit and punish them accordingly, however they do not agree with your punishment and keep on arguing: At this point i would go with asking another staff member upon the situation and whether they agree upon the punishment that has been given whilst also letting the individual know that if they wish to appeal the punishemnt that has been given they can speak to another staff member or file for an appeal on the website so make sure and double check from other staff members higher up that no foulplay has taken place and the punishment was appropriate for the actions that the person had committed. Explain in length and detail as to why you deserve staff more than other applicants. Explain what you will bring to the staff team and your strongest assets as a person/potential staff member (250+ words): I think I should be considered for this position as for my time that I have joined the server and taken part in all the activity's that have happened I believe that I have made a positive impact whether it comes from enforcing the rules appropriately when I was in CG so that the server functions along the desired rules or when I haven't been CG and part of GM being an overall positive impact with the people that I have been interacting with. I feel a person with my time in the server would be a good fit with staff as I still come to learn with all parts of the server and how seeing a new face for people can sometimes been seen as better rather than a reoccurring staff member or a well known person in the community dealing with more staff requests. I think this will be beneficially for the player base in a whole as something or someone knew can help encourage people within the community that are aspiring for advancement within their regiment or the server in a whole due to seeing members that haven't been here for years on end. Additionally within my time in Werewolf I have little to no bad interactions with other people of the community and the staff team in a whole with no warning or strikes upon myself as an individual comparing to those that have come in the past. With large amounts within their record. Additionally all problems that I have had with people I have gone with resolving and trying to mend them which i think have worked well and led to little or no problems with people within the community. On this part I think this is a good trait to have within the staff team and everyone can make some mistakes everyone now and then but the idea to be aware of them and correct them is something that can take a lot of encouragement and self-will to sort out any quarrels with people in the community that you are apart of. This is why I feel ill be a good asset to the staff team and the server in a whole Also, Within my life I have taken part in lots of leadership and self disciplining roles when it comes to groups of people. With situations where I have had to take in opinions or sort out any problems that we are facing and I feel this can help towards myself as a staff member with being able to solve any problems that we may face in a short or long period of time coming out with a positive conclusion that can affect the server and it's community and not frown upon or ruin it's expectation. Whilst I have also become very active within the server and have come with spending large amounts on the server taking part in events, trainings, sim or even just talking to people. I feel having someone who is able to dedicate and set large amounts of time to only improving the server is a suitable and good person to have within your community. And for these reasons I think i should be picked to join the staff team over some of the other applicants