
CWRP Event Planner
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About Topaz

  • Birthday 07/30/2005

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  1. Steam Name + Profile link: Popeye's Biscuit (real) Roleplay Name : CE Temp Vice Commander Topaz currently, CE PFT Colonel Topaz normally. Teamspeak Name: Topaz Playtime on the Server: 2w 6d 8h 6m SteamID ( STEAM_0:0:565546404 Any experience in staffing on a roleplay server: Nope, but I've been very interested Current Age: 19 Warns/Bans (Screenshot required): (I hope that works but I have no bans or warns) Do you have a working microphone and is it understandable?: Yes, It's a pretty decent one What are the responsibilities an event planner has? (100 words minimum): An Event Planner is someone who plans and makes events for the people of the server to enjoy their time while connected. They make sure that everyone has a good time and isn't basically just running around doing nothing the whole time they're on. Events are what makes the backbone of the server. Without them and the EP's, people probably wouldn't stick around for very long. (shoutout Elk who was a W EP) Now, two years ago, there was no such thing as AI droids to spawn in (they got added shortly after I left) and the events, to me, seemed flat, repeating, unchanging. Go here, go there, kill droids, repeat. However, given the tools and new staff, the server's events in my opinion became fun again. Whether it's a storyline event, PME, or just a regular scheduled event, they've gotten a lot more creative since I left and I'd like to thank whoever shaped the team to be the great EP's that we have. With that being said, Event Planners have the responsibility to keep players for the long run, as well. Do you understand at the beginning of passing the application stage, you will have to undergo a training phase until completely trusted to create and host events?: Yes, of course Clone Event Plan: (Delete this if applying for Jedi) Create an event plan for Clones, Event announcement, What type of enemies will be encountered. Keep in mind this will be used for your first training event. Make it easy to understand, be original and be creative! (Use the Template): Story for your event (250 words minimum): A cold wind blows swiftly in the night over a newly built large Republic Warehouse sprawling with life. Sounds of metals clanging against each other, machinery running, and hard working Republic personnel can be heard while countless invaluable vehicles, munitions, weapons, and gear intended for future use in Republic operations within the sector are moved, stocked, and stored within the thick walls of this ordnance depot. Back at the Rishimoon Base, a signal is transmitted over open communications on the moon. The signal is one sent by scavengers who frequent the base, trying to sell anything they've recovered from the many battles taken place during the war. The scavengers arrive at the Main Gate offering a wide variety goods. Of these include newly recovered Tactical Droids found on a battlefield in the Atrivis sector. The amount of invaluable data potentially found within those droids heads could reveal battle plans from the Separatists, so naturally the Clone Army stationed there purchase the droids and send them to the CE regiment to be scanned thoroughly, looking for anything they can find. Other clones in the army gaze at the wide variety of trinkets these scavengers recovered, but Admiralty stationed at the base wave the mobile store away, and command the clones to return to their duties. A small amount of time passes as the CE report that most of the droid's memories have been wiped, except for one. This droid in question had faulty coding, preventing it from effectively automatically having its memory banks wiped. In these banks shows plans for battles that have already taken place, but they found one very startling discovery. The Separatists plan to spring a surprise attack and capture the new Republic Warehouse! Losing this warehouse would not only stifle the Republic's efforts to eliminate Separatist forces, but they could use this equipment and the building to create a foothold and potentially turn the tides of this war in their favor. Hearing this, there's only one thing these clones can do. Send a signal to the warehouse, warning them of their imminent danger, and make their way to the planet ASAP. After arriving at the warehouse, thankfully before the Separatists, the Clone Army sets up defenses and prepares for the incoming invasion.. Note: If you want me to edit the story based on how the event will go I can, but I plan on it going either way depending on how the Clones do, so for example, if the clones are successful, then they could for instance follow the Separatists and push them back as far as they can, or just leave the warehouse alone and end the string there. Or, lets say the clones do a very poor job, the Separatists must either fight the Separatists back that use the supplies that would've been recycled in that warehouse and turned into things like separatist turrets, vehicles, etc.. or have them take the warehouse back because it poses a threat to the war effort, or like the winning condition, leaving it alone as a destroyed warehouse and ending the string there, too. Event Announcement for your story: After decrypting data from a scavenged tactical droid's head, CE have found future plans from the Separatists to assault a newly built warehouse containing resources essential for our war efforts. Go there and defend it at all costs. Choice of map: Any map that is large enough for a warehouse dupe, I'm not familiar with the selection so I'm not sure exactly what map to use, but I wrote the story that could include any kind of desert, winter, whatever map and I can change the time of day. Type of enemies/faction, Why them in particular?: Separatist droids, because they are the main troop deployed by the separatists, and they are definitely heavily used for assaults, given their numbers and coordination. Additional Characters: It would be cool to have the EC's start out as the Scavengers and then turn into droids to assault the warehouse after map swap, and maybe even having a couple of workers that can be escorted out and protected during the event. Republic's outline and execution: Command CE to setup LAAT transport for the troops to reach the warehouse. We don't know if the warehouse has any droids already in it because it is empty from the evacuation warning. Send RC/41st to search in and around the warehouse for any signs of enemies, survivors, hostages, etc.. Event Character outline and execution: You are to start out as Scavengers that have no interest in fighting the Clones, only to sell. After a map swap, you are to be deployed on the ground after a surprise bombing run on the warehouse, move in and overwhelm the clone forces. Attempt to take control of the warehouse. EC pilots might be used for transport at the beginning of the attack to make it more cinematic, and also might be used for getting fighter planes up in the air, to hopefully be intercepted by CE. This would be to prevent the droids from performing more bombing runs if they gain air superiority. Last question: Anything else?: I really enjoy building things like trainings, but the main thing that gets in my way is the prop limit. This effectively shuts down my ability to make anything with detail even with the limit included in Plat VIP. If I could be an EP, I would put as much effort as possible into my events, and as a side effect it would enable me to make my regimental trainings more detailed, too. I have so many different ideas, and story paths that this one event can create and am excited to branch off the conclusion based on how it pans out. I take all of my permissions personally and promise to not abuse my powers given to me and use them to my greatest ability. As a side note, If any of these answers are a little off topic I apologize, as to me some of these questions are a little hard to follow what you want me to give you in terms of information for my event. Thanks for reading.
  2. In-game name(s): Topaz Steam Name: Popeye's Biscuit (real) Steam ID: ( STEAM_0:0:565546404 Age when applying: 18 What country do you currently reside in? What is your time-zone: United States of America (EST) Can you speak and type English fluently: Yes I can! Current total game-time on the server (type !time): 2w 1d 19h IC Rank(s) and OOC Donation Rank(s) on CWRP: CE Captain, Platinum VIP Do you own a working microphone? When you communicate do you type or speak: Yes! and I speak When did you join the server? Have you taken any breaks since: I joined back in July 17th of 2022. I've taken two breaks since then. I think I joined back in 2023 for a little while, then came back recently about a month ago. How often do you use our Teamspeak 3 server, CWRP Discord and our forums: I use the Discord very frequently, however with TS I am a little unfamiliar so I only use it during events when I'm EC, sometimes when I'm a clone, and during ARC trials of course State all your previous OOC punishments (bans, kicks etc.) and a screenshot of your list of warns. (Go in game and type !warns.) Upload it to or as a steam community screenshot and include the link). State the role of staff on the server: The staff on the server ensure that everyone has a fair and fun RP and time on the server. They also help answer questions that players have regarding anything with the community. The staff are also role models, if staff are irresponsible/lazy then that will reflect the server, and can turn people away. At least for me, the first thing I look at in a server is how the staff are. Have you read the server rules and are you familiar with them? Yes! List of all previous server staff experience: I've actually never staffed for any servers, and I've applied before. I think this time would be different, however, because I have always enjoyed the people on this server and have enjoyed how they run things. Do you understand that you can be demoted at anytime with a sufficient reason by a Hierarchy member?: Yes. That should be common sense, lol. If by hierarchy you mean clone, That makes complete and total sense. Just because I would hold the title of staff does not mean that I stand any higher than anyone else. Explain how you would handle these scenarios as a staff member: 1 ) You are told by a Player that somebody is randomly killing other clones: I would first ask who they are talking about. Then, I would first get a CG in character to arrest that clone, so that their regiment can deal with them and they can be demoted. If they continue to RDM, then I would get involved as a staff, check their logs and based on their behavior, properly carry out any punishment necessary. Because Golden Rule is a thing, and the goal of the server is to RP, I would, like I stated, first carry out RP so that CG can have their own logs, and the person can be dealt with by their hierarchy. Then, if the problem persists, again, like I stated, get involved as a staff member. 2 ) You are asked by a Cadet to be trained using the @ function: I would inform them that A. They should ask for a trainer using the /advert command in chat, B. That using Staff chat is only for OOC reasons, and C. That they would be trained soon. I would then go back into character and ask that an NCO+ get to the cadet area. If nobody gets to them, then I would personally train them in character because I personally like training cadets. However, if I cannot train them myself, I would teleport an NCO who needs cadets to the Cadet Area, and tell them to train the cadet. 3 ) During a debrief, a CT accidently shoots someone, whilst trying to safety their weapon: I would first pull them out of the debrief to an area where I can talk to them privately, OOC. Then, inform them that putting their weapon in safety does not require the common firing button, M1. I would then tell them how to properly safety their weapon using Shift+E+R, and give them a verbal warning. I might remember their name and if they make that mistake again, give them a proper in-server warning. 4 ) A CT #### doesn't salute you, despite you being a rank higher than 2nd LT: I wouldn't handle this as a staff. Instead, I would use rp in character, maybe correcting their mistake and giving them the good ole "now go join a regiment" or something lol 5 ) Someone commits FailRP, but claims that the specific instance of FailRP is not explicitally stated within the server rules: I would first double check my own understanding of the rules by looking through that specific case's rules. Then, if it infact was stated in the rules, give them a link to the server rules and tell them to do another reading of it. I would follow this up by a verbal or in server warning based on how severe their offense was in failRP. If it was not in the rulebook, but should be, I would inform whoever can edit the rules and bring it to their attention so that changes can be made, and let them deem it necessary or unnecessary to be added. 6 ) You bring a player into a sit and punish them accordingly, however they do not agree with your punishment and keep on arguing: I personally don't like to argue with people, especially on video games like Gmod. So, I'd tell them why their punishment was just and get them back into RP. If they start using offensive language at me or just start being straight up rude, then I would punish them accordingly abiding by the rules. I personally don't think that staff should give out punishments based on if they thought they were disrespected unless it was obvious disrespect like racism or something like that. Because like I stated earlier, just because I hold the role of staff, doesn't mean that I have to be respected over anyone else on the game, I'm just doing part in making sure the server stays to the rules and everyone has fun. Explain in length and detail as to why you deserve staff more than other applicants. Explain what you will bring to the staff team and your strongest assets as a person/potential staff member (250+ words): I deserve staff more than the other applicants because I take this server personally. I am happy for the server if it's bustling and I'm upset if it's low on pop. The experience of players in the server would be my highest priority. I always support the success of the server and am excited to see how it grows in the future, with all of the new additions given by our wonderful creative team. #shoutout. I will be a dedicated staff on the server, I play on it very often and plan on staying in it for the future. So, I'd bring a staff member that you can trust and rely on during times of need. I will be friendly to anyone who joins this community, and give them a warm welcome if they are brand new so that they feel welcome! I feel my strongest asset as a person for being staff is how serious I am when given these roles. Staff is not something that you can get just for asking for it, it's something that is earned. As a staff, I would focus on the player's experience because in the end that is why they decided to click on the join button for the server. I've always wanted to be a staff member for a gmod server that I care about, but for Werewolfgaming, it feels different. Having the ability to not only helping people have fun by making interesting trainings as a clone in character, but also as a staff member, has a really good ring to it in my ear. As I stated earlier, I take every role that is given to me seriously. I also work at a restaurant IRL as a, without giving away where I work, NE, which basically is the person you go to for help, before you go to a manager. I am responsible for knowing general knowledge in the restaurant like menu items and allergen information, and how to do certain things. Lastly, Thank you for this opportunity to apply for this wonderful role. I look forward to reading any feedback from all you lovely people.