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About Electro

Electro's Achievements

  1. +1/Neutral I'll start off by saying I haven't been around for a long time (roughly 3 months), but I haven't had any bad experiences with Tom with my time on the server, although people are saying he can be a bit "off the hooks" or that he "has a bad reputation", people change and the story seems to be pretty solid. It seems to me that he would really like this, taking into consideration that it's his 3rd application. I believe he deserves a shot at EP. Goodluck to you Tom!
  2. +1 Great lad, I've never had any issues with him. In my opinion he's more than fit to take up the challenge of EP. Event sounds good, already had me hooked half way through reading it! I suggest to give this guy a shot at EP, I think he can really work wonders within the EP team! Goodluck to you boss!