Obi Wang

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  1. RP-Name Warns: Obi Wang, 2 warns Level, Rank, Playtime: 35, user, 1 Week and 9 Hours SteamID: 76561198173419143 What is the Church of the Broken God?: The COG is a group of religious zealots who believe in and worship Mekhane who is the god of metal, machines and knowledge and are against the Sarkics they worship the god Yaldabaoth who is the god of flesh and instinct however there beliefs in how humanity should go foreword clash and so the COG see the sarkics as enemies of humanity and are trying to eradicate the sarkic. What are the 3 main factions of the church, how are they different from each other?: Church of the Broken God split themselves into different factions but still work to the same goal. The Church of Maxwellism they think that mekhane is still alive but with no actual body and live in the internet and the newest form of technology and stopped believing he was in parts unlike the other two groups. The Cogwork Orthodoxy this group unlike the rest stayed in the old revolution tech which means most of there equipment is steam powered or use cogs and seems like they will not update there tech. Who leads the each of the factions?: The Church of The broken God is ran by Robert Bumaro. The Cogwork Orthodoxy has a group called the Patriarchs as their leaders. The Church Of maxwellism has no main leader. Who is Yaldabaoth and who is Mekhane?: Mekhane is the God of metal, machines and knowledge and who is said to have gave humanity there intelligence. Yaldabaoth is the God of flesh and instincts who was said to have given humanity there form and wants and needs. What to the CotBG is herecy?: Disassembly of any kind is the most heretical thing you can do. What is Sarkicism?: they are a cult following of Yaldabaoth and believe in plagues any kind of sickness and flesh and are Cannibals if you worship or even believe in metal you are an enemy and should be killed they also do sacrifices to their god and other practices for their god they are very secretive about what they do so not many people know of them if any new diseases arise it will fill them with joy and often if they get them they will let them grow or help the growth. Describe the War of the Flesh and how it ended: The war of flesh was between the Sarkics and the Mekhanites the sarkics used Flesh monsters and giant flesh beasts for Example Sarkics used 610 and the Mekhanites used 2406 a big robot made of cogs since this happened along time ago the war of Flesh started when Yaldabaoth saw the Mekahnites were turning to more metal based evolution then flesh which was their original human form Yaldabaoth did not like this and got angry with this however Mekhane did like this and this kicked off the flesh war Yaldabaoth wanted to start over so the human race would stop going into more metal form instead of flesh Mekhane really did not like this plan and tried to stop Yaldabaoth but Mekhane new if a war between them started it might even wipe out the humans so Mekhane sacrificed himself and his body shattered and using the shattered parts to keep Yaldabaoth imprisoned.