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JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ last won the day on June 2 2022

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  • Birthday 12/08/1997

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  1. +1 made the server enjoyable when I was in 501st, extremely knowledgeable within star wars lore and a general nice guy
  2. Not even a proper response lol, kinda weird as you always got excuses rolling. Also don't talk about bumlicking, did nothing for SCP but bumlicking harland let you stay manager for that long
  3. Accepted contact @Lewis or @Wolf Varemfor your ulx rank and ts/ discord role
  4. +1 Archer is probably more than ready, he's been here for quite some time I believe even before me and out shown most people being in battalion when it actually meant something, I think he should get given a trial at least .
  5. Answered incorrectly, it asks the procedure "IF IT WAS BREACHED", not how the cotainment is when there is no breach occuring. Neutral/+1 Fix this question and my opinion will change
  6. Hello Banshee the moderator of NRP.

  7. -1 Hello Karl, You were recently found affilating with a community that has a sole purpose to just playerpull to one community that has been in "beta" for now two months with no sign of it actually coming out, completely shit-talking WG because the new community was "better" also due to you being blacklisted from staff, you have done multiple attempts to actually beg to Harland himself with the sole intention to be unblacklisted which led to you being banned, from then you fucked off to Valkery. Your event plan is simply mediocre and has a little bit of thought put into it which is nearly impossible to see. You need to fully improve your behavior and dedication before applying for a server or a community that you talked shit on only 2-3 weeks ago.
  8. +1 Previous EP, was good and I think he would be perfect for the launch of the server
  9. +1 bobbys been everything in SWRP so he’s dedicated , better than most people who’s applying. I trust him so