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  1. Oh yeah ur risking Mojave innocent eyes
  2. Nips do be whinning rn, I DiDnT Do AnYTHInG wrong, get fucked retard
  3. +1 Allah Allah Allah bless He's so competent for this position it's uncannae make him it now All questions r correct so
  4. -1 Simple, omegal already has a dedency for it to have nudity and explicit content. You should know this you are our age or even older. Don't play the "i didnt know pls dont ban me" card. You shouldn't of been on the public discord for it in the first place. As Coco said, "safe workplace" enviroment. If you were so eager with sharing it, you could've made a private call.
  5. In Game Name: Ewan Bartmann SteamID: STEAM_0:1:427293255 Crafting Table experience level: 125 What job does the Manufacturing Department have on site?: The manufacturing department when they are on site are to supply the foundation personal (MTF and Guards), with ammunition, weapon attachments/weapon classes also including other equipment. This is a important department due to if it didn't exist , ammo within the facility wouldn't be able to give personal the weapons they need and be starved of equipment and ammunition. Why do you think you'll be a good fit for the Head of Manufacturing?: I believe that I would be a good member and perfect fit for Head of Manufacturing because I am becoming extremely active on the server, when i was on the normal Manufacturing whitelist, i was consistently advertising and giving ammo to members of the facility without attempting to scam them or overcharge. I am not a biased member and never denied someone for stupid reasons and consistently tried to keep RP thriving. Thanks for Reading The Real Banshee
  6. Popbob and makarov r fools take other people's advice
  7. If that's the Case can And forum Mod+ Lock it
  9. Your name in-game: Dr Micheal Tackinlose Your SteamID:STEAM_0:1:443047470 Person's you report name: Kai Darkstar Person's you report SteamID: STEAM_0:1:443047470 Why do you want him banned?: RDM Evidence(It's a must. If not provided, request is denied.):
  10. I wouldn't reply to these often.i would like to thank you for your feedback. I've been apart of the community for some time but I unfortunately left due to personal reasons. After I came back I made my presence less known so that is why you wouldn't of noticed me. The reason there is typos is because I'm dyslexic so I spell shit wrong from time to time. The false information is just me being a fanny
  11. In Game Name: Micheal Tackinlose SteamID:STEAM_0:1:427293255 Age: 17 Past Experience in leadership/high ranking positions: I've been trying out Site Advisior recently and enjoyed it, other high ranks in this community has been 501st Colonel and in other communities Navy Officer ( Commordore - EXO) and also 501st Commander + Scouts Exo Why do you feel you'll be a good Site Director?: I feel like I could be a good site director because, I am quite a RP friendly person and also like to follow the server rules but also the in-charcater rules set in, i like to issue orders that i know will be the way forward and better for everyone in the end. When it comes to leadership IRL and in here, i believe that i have the ability to lead and handly the situation really well. When it comes to working under pressure or having a time issue, i can keep my cool and work my way forward methodically and efficently. What role does the Site Director have on the site? When a Site Director is on site, they are the highest ranking on the base, they should only and I mean ONLY be reporting to O-5, They have the final decision on all Internal Affair matters for all tasks. Only O-5 members may overrule this.They ensure everything is running upto high expections everyday. When it is time, they hand daily reports to O-5 about how the SCP-Facility was during there time on-site for there views and evaluations. They are then giving tasks to the head of the departments to sort out while approving and denying request that are shown to them. What is the O5 Council?: The O-5 Council or basically the overseers of the foundation. they are the highest of the high within the foundation, they have complete control on everything the foundation do which also includes operations that are held, they are not known at all except with the alias from numbers 1-13, its that unknown you could be speaking to one without knowledge of you doing so.All O-5 members are meant and basically know everything about whats going on, all o-5 council members are leaders of there specializded department but still over everyone. They command all operations going on over large scale areas instead to a small managed area.
  12. I agree unfortunately, the only way for this to be accepted is if you have evidence or he admits it to SMT. Even though the warning is stupid you don't have evidence against it.
  13. Neutral Reading through what poprob said. If this is true well that isn't the best look on you. But really looking at the app the event idea has no real actual objective to reach, ik it's abit harder for SCP events compared to something like NRP or SWRP but more thought should be used for it. I put it neutral because there isn't alot of event planners and they are in need so. If you get accepted my tip is to make sure to have it objective based
  14. +1. As said you do play SA and SD quite often but really there is nothing to fault with that, you are an active and good member of the community and I think joining the o5 Council is perfect to show it. Good luck.
  15. +1 Makarovs being a retard bout this. I think since joining back to the community I've seen you attempt to contribute to the community to the best of your ability by joining whitelist Ed jobs, I think your more than ready to get SCP 096,even if a few questions are wrong he can get better in the future.
  16. yo bro, i think he should get unbanned he did nothing wrong #3UPSpycat27
  17. + gOod luck, just stop replying to all the replie given, you reply only if nessavary.
  18. +1 If you were banned a year ago and you still have a feeling of trying to RP in the server again, why not. I wouldn't see why someone wanting to minge would make a brand new forum account and make a unban request.
  19. @Makarovdont be a retard, you dont look at the wide image so no one care. If you promise not to abuse any map or addon exploit in the future, i think you should have a second chance easily. Everyone deserves one. There is more minges in the server then you were so, i believe that your easily deserving of the second chance. +1
  20. Fam, you just admitted to advertising your unban request, not very epic indeed. If this is true and you've changed +1 But never advertise this shti
  21. -1 Ik you, your blacklisted from joining mutilple TS's because how you acted and how immature you were. You kept joining and said that he only let you in because of being both in Arc. You have a bad reputation with the old people not saying I am one but still.