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  1. -1 Triple, im sorry to say this lad. But you are straight up a minge, to the point of completely fucking up archer just due to you can get a perma ban from it. Stop minging act properly then try to apply but looking at the feedback am no wrong, also just to add event idea is basic
  2. +1 Half lad, you are an extemly hard worker no matter for what anyone else says, im glad you finally got master and i believe you r and still competent from your last ep app, good luck
  3. +1 Simple, breato has been here for utterly ages. He probably has the most experience for how events r led and how to lead them listening to the EP in charge. He is a hard worker and it pays off, i think he will do well
  4. +1 Must of changed so ill believe it, you been here a while so you know how to handle your shit. Good luck
  5. +1 Nathan keeps showing his dedication to the community and it shows, he will do well as EP just simply due to all the experience he has being staff on multiple servers
  6. +1 Just coming back to say this, My man is extremly hard worker. Even after what happended, he went back up the ranks and came to OS shows extreme dedication so ik he will do amazing
  7. -1 Getting perma banned twice, good luck shows you have no interest in RPing in the server
  8. LTAP and LTARP fall the under the same thing. Due to LTAPbis leaving to avoid a warn like bruh jst take that warn
  9. Which Rank/tag do you need:Platnium VIP What is your RP Name on the server(only use one):CG LCPL Banshee Evidence (A image of your name ingame with the said rank, or a image of yourself on the old forum. Do not post sensitive information such as emails/PayPal payments please:Remove Moderator tag, resigned
  10. +1 Bean explained it perfectly, you dont warn for that in the EC room in my opinion otherwise alot of people would get warned for ARDM
  11. +1 Atomik is known in SCPRP Well, also trusted him with a role as a job manager which shows trust and also dedication to work your way up to it. Talkrd with him in Discord and seemed lie a nice guy. Looking st the app it is well written also creative. I really like yout event plan aswell. Would be good to see you as a EP
  12. Bruh this shit is becoming retarded but nearly at 100 replies tho
  13. Neutral Sorry but the changes are there but they are small, ik your competent for being staff due to Deathrun Moderator so I know you'll do good, IC you are a nice person and especially on star wars you achieved such a high rank within CT
  14. Sorry Maln this is a - 1 from me, Sometimes with questions you can have it short but sweet so you answer it clearly but that doesn't happen it's just short, I understand your lack of knowledge towards Tier I and Tiers II due to star wars doesn't have that system but you could of read the NRP punishment guide which explains most things you need to know. I think you should wait until the server launches and get abit more play time under your belt to understand how everything goes.
  15. +1 Randy has explained it,really he shouldn't be afking on a job but it's not against the rules to. A easy way to make sure that he waseny afk for a role play situation is at the end go ULX spectate him as soon as you leave. That would check if he did it or you could try go to him again Should be actually doing some checks instead of going straight to the warns
  16. Name: Banshee / Ewan JohnstoneTS Unique ID [Tools -> Identities -> Go Advanced]: YNkfi9u7l+Q2t3lOGaTc6PqUG1E=Requested Medal:Sliver Medal 4th ClassEvidence: Extra Information:
  17. Which Rank/tag do you need: HL-RP Moderator What is your RP Name on the server(only use one): Ewan Johnstone Evidence (A image of your name ingame with the said rank, or a image of yourself on the old forum. Do not post sensitive information such as emails/PayPal payments please:
  18. +1 So in a IC situation, talking with you in ts. you have improved alot behaviour wise. you've reached the rank of Liueteant last time i checked so that shows dedcations. Your old behaviour has gone with your mingy past and luckily you are not mingy at all. You have reached a IC rank of URF, both needing to know Lore which helps alot with moderation and also shows you are willing to play the server not just to mod. You haven't lied within your application aswell which is of course good. Having a read of the app, most of the answers are correct you go into detail why you should become staff aswel, you acknowledge your past and changed it. Also with the experience you say you have, you have a great understanding of ULX commands which helps alot. I would love to see you added to the staff team!
  19. +1 As Zab has perfectly explained it. If you just got PlatVIP your natural instinct is to try the new jobs and have a look over them. He probably didn't notice he was AOS'ed then proceeded to change to try the job out. Not a fault on the side of Zab though just a little bit of miscommunication that's all. Looking at how you've written this. The language choice you use shows that you are being sincere and had no intention of abusing the PlatVIP jobs you get access to. He's a new player and isn't the most confident with the rules.
  20. I have the same issue, it usually is a Internet issue so with you Internet or ur pc card First find your default gateway and do ping [gateway] - n 32 if it says connection timmed out your pc WiFi card is fucked up If not then rip idk
  21. The reason there is no more janitors because CT's don't let us advertise to then
  22. +1 First to begin Out from this app and k owing Kato as a person. He is one of the most active members of the community, he is a nice person and also extremyl friendly and sociable. Reading through the App, he has not alot of warns accumulated last one being from 2019 so shows he abids by the rules. The event plan has a great story and good execution. The story is easy to follow and well written. And overall a good application.