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  1. bruh bruh bruh bruh nice brother you go there -1 btw just to clarify
  2. The thread was orginally in the Half-Life forums, so they moved it to here
  3. Hey, Basically your in the wrong thread for a unban request. It's a simple mistake it always happens. Click here, this is the unban request thread. You can follow their template and get a response from there.
  4. Why will they make someone that is known for abusing power a mod, to then demote them for abusing. There is a easy way to stop it, dont put them in
  5. They are - 1ing it not due to him being a bad EP, but using and abusing his powers, also a staff member should be excelling from there minimums. So they are given justified reasons. It seems you scim them and not pay attention to what they actually say
  6. +1 He is a competent person Really well known in the community Deserves a second chance
  7. -1 When it comes to getting unpermabanned you really need to show your sorry. Looking at this first glance you don't seem like you are actually sorry for your actions, if it gets denied come again and actually sound apologetic
  8. bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruhbruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh -1 btw
  9. Neutral/+1 Good app at the start all the way down to the questions, it really doesnt go into much detail as much as other peoples staff apps, if you are allowed to edit it try and go into more detail and ill change mine to +1
  10. +1 All my experiences with JH are amazing, he is friendly and socilable. Hes has a good half life knowledge to already be accpeted into a faction(lambda), not alot of lambda staff aswell which there should be a fair few for each faction Already has alot of ULX experience from his ranks already He will be a good staff member without a doubt
  11. -1 You have a good app Demoted from staff for abusing your power
  12. -1 Nathan has basically said what is meant to be said
  13. Can you at least put some more effort into this, like in the reason you should be unbanned it is literally 9 words -1
  14. why tf is everyone saying 501st is toxic, they really arent lmao. the ts is just ass thats it
  15. +1 Knew his msitakes and just wants to play Noob
  16. -1 Using the Logging system that werwolf uses, it can show you how the person disconnected (e.g Clicking Disconnect shows as Disconnect by User, Network going down Connection Lost), If your game crashes it shows as Steam Auth Ticket Failed i believe so
  17. +1 Known him for 2-3 weeks Nice, competent and easy person to talk to Good app Also just got accpeted which means good lore knowledge My guy
  18. Manik a like you alot from 501st but if the thing solaire said was true then you did fuck up, you could have asked for a unban request on that topic and not join back on a ALT -1
  19. +1 Good App The questions are answered correctly and in detail Idk about you staff experience because you really need it for how to staff on the server. Also the same for the last app idk how many spots are left in staff Good luck though
  20. +1 Extremely good game knowledge, all unique Good answers to the questions This app is alot better than mine Good luck
  21. So really a don't think the ban should be lifted maybe the time reduced alot because it seems like a believe able story but you did just start to shoot up db
  22. Fuck it am gonna go +1 You are a nice person with good game time They kind of need jedi ep's Last time a spoke to you you seem really competent
  23. +1 After your politely explained what FearRP is, he should know also this would be Tier 2 due to him intentionally breaking it the 2nd time